【Kill the target creature, the innate talent of desperate life and death will be released. ]

[Congratulations to the host for killing the Demon Race Demon Emperor and completing the prerequisites for opening the Ultimate Aeolus Set: Killing creatures equal to the Human Race Spiritual God level will be eligible to activate the Ultimate Aeolus Set function. 】

【Extreme Fengshen Set·The King of Speed, beyond time. Extreme speed, vertical and horizontal planes. Beyond dimensions, gaze at the heavens. ]

[Collecting conditions...]

When the system light screen was continuously bombed, Lin Chen couldn't care about other situations, and he himself was affected by Star Sea.

This time, the formidable power of the annihilation starburst is unprecedented, and even he has not been able to escape completely.

The energy of the immortal Divine Spark flowed through the body, Lin Chen withdrew from the Star Sea, urging the pure power to retreat, and said in a thrilling manner.

"I almost played myself to death, this move annihilation·Starburst is really a stake all on one throw!"

The holy cave was emptied, and Lin Chen fell into an unprecedented weakness sense!

【System hint host, the innate talent status duration has ended, and the innate talent status has been lifted. 】

The surging divine splendor gradually disappears from Lin Chen's body, the innate talent is lifted, and the time limit is just over!

Now, Lin Chen contends with the powerhouse of the gods, the only thing left is the [Godslayer] innate talent!

However, Lin Chen killed the most dangerous and terrifying enemy! Bury heavenly demon emperor!

The threat of burying Heavenly Demon Emperor is even more dangerous than Six Great Demon Emperors!

This battle, fortunately, ended with Lin Chen's narrow victory!


He has used [divine elephant · Divine Spark] and "Oblivia Starburst", the two killer trump cards, and paid a lot of money!

The cultivation technique of "Anihilation Starburst" requires all the Holy Force to be used.

And [Godslayer] innate talent can only augment the ontology, and Avatar is not applicable. Lin Chen can only reach the height of Peak if the ontology personally uses it!

The activation of divine elephant · Divine Spark requires a huge amount of Heavenly Dao value and a large amount of vitality and power of the host!

Now Lin Chen's state is Holy Force cultivation base and Qi and blood strength. The two states are completely emptied, and they are extremely weak, leaving only the minimum battle strength of the gods.

Shih~! Tear~!

The emptiness of the sky opened a sabre light and rushed to Lin Chen at a rapid speed!

It's the emperor Fiend Demon!

It had previously risked serious injury, withstood the aftermath of Annihilation·Starburst, and approached Lin Chen.

All powerhouse turn pale with fright, no one expected this scene!

"Demon Race guys are really crazy dog ​​attributes!"

Lin Chen’s Primordial Spirit turned into an eight-headed Primordial Spirit Burning Dragon, and the Burning Dragon roars, instantaneously The impact of the light and shadow of the dragon sound is like a tornado, and it shook the Star River!

The speed of the emperor Fiend Demon is unabated, the silver white magic wings flash and flash continuously, and the blade light flashes randomly, like a white disc slashing, cutting off Lin Chen's Primordial Spirit impact!

In spite of the impact of Lin Chen's Primordial Spirit, the emperor Fiend Demon is advancing all the way!

Its magic pupil gleams with a brutal killing intent.

"This child is too dangerous! The opportunity created by the burial guy desperately is unique. This battle can be lost, and this child must die!"

The battle can be lost, Lin Chen must die!

If the battle is lost, as the Demon Emperor, you can still retreat.

But if Lin Chen does not die, give him time to breathe and come back to his senses. The next time it will be Human Race attacking Demon Race!

By then, just against a Lin Chen, Demon Race will be against Six Great Demon Emperors!

Not to mention, this Human Race is also combined with Dragon Clan!

The opportunity now is unique!

The head of Fiend Demon is like a ferocious crocodile, and his body is full of violent killing intents. The baleful aura is monstrous, like a gambler approaching the end of the road. He sees the last hope and rushes madly. Lin Chen!

The female emperor witnessed this moment, her purple and black wings suddenly flickered, rushing to the obstruction of desire, Emperor Fiend Demon!

However, the position of the Empress is in the south, and the position of Emperor Fiend Demon is in the north, completely opposite.

In order to avoid the aftermath of Annihilation·Starburst, the Empress also stretched a distance, which caused the two sides to be far apart!

In addition, the emperor Fiend Demon advances at full speed. Although the speed of the empress is not inferior, she can't catch up for a while, and watched it attack Lin Chen in the weakest state!

"Is this guy determined to take my life? My Primordial Spirit can't stop him, there is no way..."

Tian Fiend Demon, the veteran Demon Emperor Although Lin Chen’s Primordial Spirit has been promoted to the “new realm”, it is enough to compete with the general True God, but it lacks the powerful Primordial Spirit cultivation technique. Compared with the crazy emperor Fiend Demon, it is difficult to stop him completely. !

At Lin Chen's thought, the rays of light in the War God suit flickered slightly.

He glanced at the direction of the empress.

Up to now, you can only use War God to cover it!

But once it is used, the charge may have to be reduced, and the six pieces of War God are not enough to complete the set.

Divine splendor blooms, Lin Chen’s whole body blooms War God’s divine splendor golden light, when Lin Chen’s pure power is rising--


The vacuum of nothingness was suddenly smashed into a huge hole!

It seems to have been smashed through the boundary of dimensionality, tearing the distance of countless time and space, and it is here!

Lin Chen in ones heart trembled, there seems to be a will to pull him in his body, Lin Chen can't help exclaiming: "This, is it the senior of the ancient god..."

Lin Chen Right above, the tower body shining with silver white turned out!

"No one can touch him!"

Fairy's cold call spread throughout the Foreign Domain battlefield, declaring his sovereignty!

Hearing this voice, Lin Chen shook his body and opened his mouth slightly.

A divine might, the vast and vast Divine Pagoda, fell from the sky like an invisible end, suddenly town in front of Lin Chen!

Boom! boom! boom! boom!

All the offensives of Emperor Fiend Demon were blocked by the silver white Divine Pagoda, and the tower shook violently. Emperor Fiend Demon's strongest blow did not leave a trace of it.

Existing Demon Emperors and Divine Dragons, seeing the Heavenspan-like Divine Pagoda, they were horrified!

"If this thing has divine nature, it does not see the sky, but sees the tower. Breaking through the 9th Heavenly Layer, divine might live forever!"

"Can’t be wrong, it’s a piece Divine Item! It’s a real Divine Item!"

"Equivalent to Spiritual God equipment, possessing the power of God, possessing the Heavenly Might of God!"

Divine Dragons are surprised When they call, the Demon Emperors are even more eyes shrank.

They felt the extraordinary oppression!

The rays of light glowing from the tower, the Demon Emperors just stared at it, and there was a tingling sensation all over the body.

Naturally restrain the Divine Item of Demon Race!

This thing is definitely the nemesis of Demon Race!

In the history of Demon Race, there is only a period of history where such divine objects were born, which once suppressed the strong divine objects in the forbidden areas of the Great Demon Caves of Demon Race.

That's a divine object that Demon Race doesn't want to review, but has extremely fearful!

Lin Chen was equally surprised, he recognized this thing.

Sky Tower!

Sitting in the sky tower of Nine Provinces, the divinity is not obvious, and there is no clue at all. If it weren't for system, Lin Chen couldn't find out its details.

But now it is divine and dazzling, just like the real Spiritual God entrenched here!

"so that's how it is, the previous sky tower was not activated. If not, the suppressed cave in the tower impossible has Demon Race to survive or overflow."

The ancient gods once treated Lin Chen said that if he encounters the danger of a powerful enemy of Demon Race, the imprint left by the ancient gods will glow with the divinity of the sky tower and help Lin Chen.

But the current situation seems to be a little different from what the ancient gods said!

The blow just now was controlled by someone who perfectly protected him.

At the top of the tower, the white smoke is like flames, lithe and graceful dancing, like the flowers of Xianyao in full bloom in the emptiness world, clear and beautiful, and exquisite.

Lin Chen corner of mouth twitching, "Sister Ruoyan? What are you doing here!"

Heavenly Immortal in white, standing on the top of the tower, glanced at him and smiled like a flower.

"Of course I'm here to check the post."

"Let me see what the woman looks like to let the Lin Chen younger brother participate in this kind of clan war at all costs. Avoid you I won’t come back if I was hooked by another woman."

Lin Chen: "..."

Empress: "..."


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