Slashing the Heavenly Demon Blade is the root of Luo Yaoer's hatred and part of his power.

Lin Chen took the risk and personally destroyed the Heavenly Demon Blade, and also destroyed the strength and heritage that the Fiend clan inheritance gave Luo Yaoer, as well as their endless hatred and incomplete will!

However, there are risks. The Heavenly Demon Blade will destroy the Heavenly Demon Blade instantly and completely annihilate the will in the Demon Blade, and will not give the will of the many ancestors of the Fiend clan any chance to backlash Luo Yaoer.

If it weren't for the absolute power of the War God suit, Lin Chen really doesn't have this ability.

Luo Yaoer weakened in his arms and whispered, "What do you plan to do, the conflict between Human Race and Fiend clan..."

Lin Chen and Luo Yaoer ten fingers Closely, said with a smile: "I naturally have a way."


Move the last trace of pure power, divine splendor entangled, golden light overflowed, spread throughout the Shenhe galaxy!

"All Fiend races, Human Race, listen up!"

Lin Chen said what all creatures expect!

"The war is over!!"

The voice of the gods spread throughout the holy realm, echoing the endless earth, and everyone was amazed.

Some Fiends face looks sinister, some are relieved, some are not content with this, very complicated.

The defeat of the Fiend clan is a fact!

The Wuji old man of Qiyu is frowned. He thought Lin Chen had any good solution. If this answer is the case, unless Lin Chen strongly destroys the Fiend clan.

Otherwise, their revenge will not end.

However, when part of the Fiend clan wanted to fight back to death, pulling part of the Human Race to bury with them--

The sound of the gods came again!

"However, the future of Human Race and the Fiend clan has just begun. The war can be over. Don’t stop your revenge."

"Starting today, the Fiend clan has revenge. Human Race has grievances. First, the Holy Realm will create a region suitable for mortals. As long as the grievances of your families do not affect mortals, and you do not maliciously carry out indiscriminate massacres, you will solve the rest by yourself, and I will ignore it!"

"Secondly, Human Race will send enough manpower to join forces with the Fiend clan to open up a new realm for the Fiend clan in the Shenhe galaxy, a suitable area for survival."

" 3. The junction of the Fiend New Territories and the Human Race Holy Territory will become a free and peaceful zone for the two races, free trade, and mutual cultural inheritance. The peace zone cannot engage in war, and offenders will be dealt with in the name of traitors from the two races!"

"Fourth, you Fiend clan choose a new system and a new leader. The Fiend female emperor has been defeated, and your Fiend clan has no female emperor!"

"So far, you The Fiend clan will be banned for a hundred years. After a hundred years, what do you want to do, as long as you don’t violate my rules, you can find revenge from whomever you want!"

Lin Chen’s speech in this session puts the Fiend clan Everyone was stunned!

Is this... revenge? If they lose, they will have a chance to get revenge in the future.

Hearing this series of conditions, Jiang Taixu called for professionalism!

The old man Wuji carefully tasted it, and even laughed heartily: "Wonderful, really wonderful! Little friend Lin Chen, this move is going vertically and horizontally, and the chess is high."

Fang Ling, Lang Fanyun and other old rivers and lakes after carefully savoring them, they suddenly realized and smiled knowingly.

Although their lord often plays yin, he never acted with conspiracy in major events. The most profound thing is the conspiracy to convince the enemy!

Part of the powerhouses of the Fiend family, it seems that they also came back to his senses and understood the purpose of Lin Chen!

Even if the Fiend executives understand the purpose of Lin Chen, they can't refute it, and they are even a little grateful to Lin Chen!

If you are defeated, you still have this right. It's not like a defeated treatment!

Lin Chen knows that the grievances and hatreds between races will never disappear as long as there are people.

Do some Human Races have no hatred against the Fiend clan? Does the Fiend clan have no hatred for Human Race? The two are vice versa, and some people were born with these blood feuds behind their backs.

If this is the case, why cover it up?

Their own life and path, let them solve it by themselves!

Lin Chen grinned said with a smile: "Yao'er, this is still satisfactory."

Luo Yao'er held his palm tightly and whispered: "Thank you... "

She knows that Lin Chen is doing this for her.

If you blindly press the Fiend clan and cannot take revenge, you can't justify the former compatriots of the Fiend clan who have been mutilated. The most important thing is that Lin Chen doesn't want to chill Luo Yaoer.

Even though she was not forced by the will of her ancestors, she had been the empress of the Fiend clan for so many years.

Furthermore, from Lin Chen's standpoint, if the clansman of the Fiend clan can find a revenge target, revenge is justified. The former Human Race Saint bullied the Fiend tribe.

However, this is Lin Chen's bottom line. Secondly, even if it is Saint, there is a high probability that it is not the target of the Fiend clan.

You must know that the entanglement between Human Race and Fiend clan back then, judging from recent history, it also happened dozens of years ago.

At that time, Saint was basically regarded as half an old monster. If you traced it back earlier, it would have been a few times earlier! To find the door, at least it must be the cultivation base of Life and Death Realm.

Yes, in short: the target and object of revenge for the Fiend clan is actually a small part of the middle and high-level Saints. It has no direct relationship with mortals and most Saints!

In the Odd Domain, Lin Chen’s servants are connected, and they are amazed at the master's hand!

Longjiu Mountain said with a big smile: "It seems that the lord has already considered it!"

Yuntian Pipeline: "Indeed, part of the Fiend family is nothing more than an ecological environment. Bad, I have been baptism that's all from extreme thoughts since childhood. Let them live well, why are there so many shit things?"

Wu Wangsheng smiled and said: "A hundred years of truce is enough for us to build a new one for them. If the Fiend clan and Human Race can have a lot of exchanges, the younger generations of the new era will naturally reduce their hostility."

Jiang Wan'er smiled and said: "And the female emperor is defeated, the Fiend clan dragon will have no leader, and will fall into no leader. Naturally, there will be a wave of internal divisions. All parties dominate and dominate, and even more can’t set off a large-scale war!” As for the final issue of revenge, Lin Chen’s deterrence is there, as long as it is not for generations. Blood feud, I believe that no Fiend clan will be so stupid as to pick Human Race to kill, not to spread to mortals, and solve it by themselves.

The master's method may not be the most perfect, but it is the most effective one!

"The war is over! Fiend clan, leave the holy world, Shenhe galaxy, after many years, there will be a place for you."

The voice of the gods passed, countless Fiend kneeling down Clan, barely stood up, but it really started to fade away.

Foreign Domain battlefield, the Dragon of Heavenly God gave Lin Chen a thumbs up.

"Little friend Lin Chen, strong..."

Yu Heavenly God Before the dragon finished speaking, Lin Chen's eyes dizzy.

Swipe~! The War God spear turned into a starlight and disappeared. Together with the Golden War God set, it turned into countless divine splendors. They were released from Lin Chen, and all his virtual holy caves disappeared.

【All hostility disappears, Godslayer duration ends. 】

Lin Chen didn't even have the power to float in the air, his eyes fainted, and his head fell into the void.

Almost at the same time, the consciousness of the empress passed out.

In this battle, the two have reached their limits respectively.

Bai Ruoyan turned into a wisp of smoke and caught the two of them.

The eyebrows drooped, Miao Miao watched Luo Yaoer who was pulling the young man and leaning against him, Bai Ruoyan smiled.

"Hold him before you faint, how do you like him......"


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