The human form cannot withstand Lin Chen’s fierce offensive. Seeing that this kid’s moves are fierce, Azure Dragon has no intention to talk about it. Azure Dragon sprang out!

bang! bang! bang!

a dragon roar blasts the sky, rolling dragons roar down the ocean, Divine Dragon rays of light flourish, when the body of the ancient Azure Dragon is displayed, only scales Yu concealed the height of the entire dragon world!

The huanggu Azure Dragon appears ontology to fight Lin Chen!

Lin Chen said with a smile: "That’s the way to show your original posture, otherwise it will be boring!"

The ancient Azure Dragon sneered: "This seat After you don’t believe in the battle of the gods, you can use your Divine Rank Battle Armor again!"

Lin Chen said: "You don’t have to put gold on your face. It’s useful to deal with you. War God set?"

One man one dragon, the battle intensified!

The ancient Azure Dragon frantically resisted Lin Chen's offensive. When Lin Chen used the innate talent, all his moves were divided into five, and the ancient Azure Dragon instantly fell into a disadvantage!

Lin Chen would be fine if he didn’t use instantaneous light to split the shadow. The ancient Azure Dragon could still use the Dragon Clan divine ability to fight him desperately with Divine Dragon’s powerful Divine Dragon body for a period of time.

Once the'snap light split shadow' takes out, the battle strength will soar, and the oppression will suddenly come!

This is one of Lin Chen's daring to fight against many Demon Emperors. Azure Dragon can't stand it in an instant!

"Yu Tian, ​​you and I belong to the Wild Ancient Dragon clan, why are you indifferent! Are you really willing to bow down to this Human Race?"

The ancient Azure Dragon is angry shouted .

Yu Heavenly God dragon looks calm, and deep in his pupils, there is a hint of struggle.

When the ancient Azure Dragon saw that it was not good, he cursed: "Damn it, that's all! that's all! This seat is not against you, this seat can't beat you, you can still stop this seat Can’t it?"

I saw, Azure Dragon roar towards the sky, when a dragon roar reverberated, a number of ancient dragon tombs rose up outside the dragon world, and countless ancient dragon phantoms echoed in the void, Lin Chen suddenly Feel an unprecedented oppression!

Even, he still perceives familiar auras, including Taixi Ancient Dragon and Taizhou Ancient Dragon Dragon Qi!

Divine Dragon frowned and said: "This guy started the Heavenly Dragon Realm without authorization!"

The Divine Dragon of Ten Thousand Fires immediately turned to the Heavenly God Dragon, and said in astonishment: "You Why not stop him."

The Dragon of Heavenly God was silent for a moment, and said: "The bottom line of this seat can not help Azure Dragon, but it can't stop our Divine Dragon's willingness to survive."

Human Race has'myriad forms' that guard the holy world.

It is the natural guardian Formation of the dragon world,'Tenlong Formation'!

Tianlong Formation is the guardian Formation of Divine Dragon and Ancient Dragon who deposited a trace of power in the past. When it comes to comprehensive formidable power, its background is not inferior to the myriad forms of the gods of Human Race!

Every Divine Dragon has substantial control over the Tianlong Formation!

Boom! boom! boom!

One after another Ancient Dragon's breath smashed down like a giant dragon, crashing into Lin Chen's offensive!

Lin Chen not only was unable to break through and pursue the ancient Azure Dragon, but was repelled by a while!

Especially the Dragon Qi of Taizhou Ancient Dragon, which is simply unpredictable, moving over time and space and hitting Lin Chen! There is no trace to be found!

Taixi Ancient Dragon’s Dragon Qi is invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable, and Lin Chen even gives his full strength to miss its attack track!

"Is this how Yao'er dealt with the myriad forms of Human Race gods in his heyday? It's really powerful. It seems that my cultivation base battle strength is not as strong as Yao'er's strongest state..."

Lin Chen looked towards all around, the vast and stalwart Azure Dragon has completely flew out of the dragon world, and is about to swarm to other galaxies!

Failure, seems to be a foregone conclusion!

"Use the Nine Tribulations Stars? Even if you penetrate the Heavenly Dragon Formation, the formidable power will be greatly reduced, and you may not be able to kill it. Using Annihilation·Starburst, the range is too large, and it will affect the Dragon Clan in the dragon world. ......"

Lin Chen's eyes are squinted; he is impossible to let go of the ancient Azure Dragon!

When treating the enemy, Lin Chen is never merciless! If this guy dares to move his mind a little bit, he has to destroy it!

One breath of Divine Dragon can wipe out all the creatures in the holy realm! A Divine Dragon with an unknown position, the potential threat is too great!

Since Lin Chen has taken the shot, he must cut weeds and eliminate the roots!

"Try the new Divine Spark, and after restraining it, I will strike him with a stroke of the Nine Tribulations Stars!"

Lin Chen's palms flowed in the dark brilliance, and the faint Divine Spark fragments rays of light flashed by!

When Lin Chen stepped on the movement method to avoid the strikes of the Tianlong Formation, he shook his palm against the ancient Azure Dragon!

Om~! The distant time and space exploded in an instant!

The four Divine Dragons suddenly felt a tingling scalp!

The terrible oppression was uploaded from Nine Heavens. In the galaxy outside the dragon world, a super-large pitch black Formation suddenly appeared, which was a quadrangular cube, and instantly enveloped the ancient Azure Dragon!

【Consume 19,000 Saint Level Heavenly Dao points to activate Divine Spark·Gravitation! 】

"What's this..." Huanggu Azure Dragon is surprised and uncertain——

Boom~! chi!

In the pitch-black cube, time and space collapsed instantly, and the terrifying gravity was like the world collapsed. Infinite power distorted dimensions and compressed time and space!

The dragon body of the ancient Azure Dragon collapsed instantly, the dragon scales shattered, the flesh and blood were crushed, and the divine blood surged!


The lacquered black light Hua cube Formation shrank suddenly!

The dragon body of the ancient Azure Dragon was squeezed into a ball in a flash. The dragon body shrank hundreds of thousands of times, squeezed to pieces, and turned into a pile of flesh and blood in a blink of an eye!

After the dark Formation shrank and crushed the ancient Azure Dragon, it slowly disappeared, leaving a ball of attribute light.

The four Divine Dragons breathed air-conditioning, panicked, and a cold glow rushed to the top of the head!

The ancient Azure Dragon died without a scream!

Even Lin Chen was almost confused!

Dead? A generation of Divine Dragon, just... just die?

"My day...this new Divine too fierce!"

Lin Chen originally planned to use this trick to delay or consume the ancient Azure Dragon, Another move Nine Tribulations Star Breakthrough Tianlong Formation will try to end his life.

Didn't expect to crush the ancient Azure Dragon in one move!

Not crushed to death, but crushed!

These are completely two concepts! The latter is to completely destroy the defense of Divine Dragon's body, far more difficult than killing itself!

The body of Divine Dragon traverses the sky and the earth. A dragon scale alone is as large as a small continent plate. The body of Divine Dragon can be said to be the most powerful creature with life force and tenacious. There is no one!

Divine Spark · The power of the divine shards can crush the body of a Divine Dragon!

"He...he has other killer moves..."

Divine Dragon's eyes trembled with fear, and the awe and fear of Lin Chen went to a new level. !

This youngster is like a bottomless pit, with endless methods!

At this time, Yu Heavenly God dragon waved his hand and removed the sky full of Tianlong Formation.

He said seriously to Lin Chen a cup one fist in the other hand.

"Little friend Lin Chen, I can’t help Human Race to deal with my Divine Dragon. This is my bottom line. Now the ancient Azure Dragon has been killed by you. Of course, the suggestions he made before, this seat There is indeed a slight wave of vacillation."

He took a deep breath and looked directly at Lin Chen, as if he had made a major decision.

"So, if you want to cut weeds and eliminate the roots to us, I have to wait and fight!"


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