In January, Lin Chen has a more comprehensive understanding of God World!

God World Human Race territory, divided into Five Continents, each continent is extremely vast, sect stand in great numbers, the gods gather!

The establishment of sect requires at least two True Gods in the sect and it lasts for thousands of years before it can be called a thousand ancient sect.

However, ordinary True God is just a low-level god, and it can be called the powerhouse in True God Realm. It is the god realm that controls Grand Dao Law!

Grand Dao Law, True God truth, speak the law freely, World's All Living Things, all to God!

In God World, high-level cultivation techniques and core methods are not everything that determines battle strength, but the strength and number of laws!

The next day, the front yard of Shangguan Mansion.

Shangguan Xiao, a tiger-eyed man in a jet black armor, looked around the crowd and shouted.

"This Blood Fox Mountain Operation is a hundred-year-old preparation for my Shangguan Mansion layout. It is related to the success and failure of Shangguan Mansion. Even if I die, I have to kill the opposing one. Two steady earns!"


The four quasi-gods of Shangguan Mansion and the twelve of the saints of reincarnation lead their orders!

"Wait a minute." The servant girl Xiao An appeared with Lin Chen, "According to the order of the lady, this trip will bring this Lin Chen Young Master."

"en Saint Realm 7th Layer? Maid Xiao'an, where did you find this handyman?" Shangguan Xiao was taken aback, and even suspected that he was wrong.

A closer look, um, it’s really wrong!

This is not a handyman, this damn thing is still a three-dimensional Human Race?

More outrageous than handyman!

A beautiful girl who is a quasi-god cultivation base said with a smile: "What a handsome Little Young Master."

There was a glimmer of doubt.

Lin Chen’s eyes showed faint rays of light. After staring at that beautiful girl, he casually said with a smile: "Elder sister is not bad either, the waves are turbulent, and the body is carrying a murder weapon."

Well, it is indeed a murder weapon, a serious one.

"Saint Realm 7th Layer of the 3D Human Race, Maid Xiao'an, are you kidding me?" Shangguan Xiao didn't even glance at Lin Chen. The imposing manner shook sharply, and the coercion in the later stage of Quasi-God was faintly released Said with a smile: "What did you just say, the lady asked me to take him? You have to take a Saint King to be a coolie."

The maid Xiaoan dare not disobey his words, the outside world The powerhouse, which has gone through battles, has a worlds apart from the Human Race of Qitian continent.

Shangguan Xiao coldly shouted: "This trip is very dangerous, Maid Xiao'an, don't think you are the maid favored by the lady..."

A sweet and clear voice came: "It's me What's the problem with letting someone take me?" Shangguanqi is dressed in a blue and white palace costume, with divine light curled up, with curving eyebrows and lip corners, like Goddess walking out of Divine Palace.

She glanced at everyone present, Shangguan Xiao and the others immediately cup one fist in the other hand and said: "I have seen Miss Seven!"

Shangguan Qi said calmly: " What I want to do, do you want to question it?"

Shangguanxiao was in a cold sweat, one-knee kneels, "Subordinates dare not!"

Although he is a quasi god late stage , The achievement of True God has a greater probability, but Shangguan Qi is a big daughter of Shangguan Mansion, with countless resources at his hand, both in strength and status are far beyond his ability to compare.

Even if he becomes a True God, he cannot be mentioned on equal terms with Ms. Shangguanqi. If he offends her, there is no need to confuse him in Shangguan Mansion.

Shangguan Qi glanced at Lin Chen, "Today you are walking with us, as long as you can survive."

Lin Chen gave a haha: "It’s so difficult to survive. Yeah, please invite Miss Shangguan to take me to pretend to take me to fly. I'm just a Saint seven-fold hanky, except for being handsome and stiff. There is nothing good about it!"

Shoo! a streak of divine light from the shot, Shangguan Yun appeared, today she has red tasseled hair, a blue armor, heroic and awe-inspiring.

When I met Lin Chen goodbye, Shangguan Yun showed an extremely rare expression, with the corners of her lips slightly raised, as if she had discovered something new.

Sure enough, after more than a month of tempering here, this man's fangs have not lost all of their sharpness, they have become sharper!

Shangguan Yun didn't say anything, and waved.


Blood Fox Mountain, once fell a Desolate God Fox. The God Fox is the strongest Divine Beast with multiple attribute divine forces, and even controlled many kinds of' Grand Dao Law', one law is enough to destroy heaven extinguishing earth, multiple laws, it is a super strong existence in the realm of gods!

After the death of the god fox, it turns into a blood fox Tianshan, all day long covered by the energy tide, but there will be a short period of time, the energy tide will fade away.

Entering the Tianchi in the blood fox mountain to accept baptism, you can obtain the miraculous effect of condensing divine force, which has a great effect on the gods and the gods.

Even if it is just absorbing energy in the outer Tianchi, the powerhouse of the sacred world of reincarnation and the quasi-god cultivation base can grow rapidly!

Therefore, the tides of the Blood Fox Mountain in the past generations fade, and a large number of powerhouses and even Sacred Beasts will be influx!

Besides Qitian continent, the mountain range of Xingzhou Lingyun is surrounded by clouds and mist, and it is bloody.

A blood-colored giant mountain with no end in sight, rushing straight into the sky, endless, when the blood mist entangles, it exudes a majestic and endless divine might, as if to suppress True God!


A azure blue sword condensed by divine force appeared suddenly, when Shangguan Qi and the people of Shangguan Mansion just arrived.


A flame giant tiger emerged in the sky, carrying a group of silhouettes.

Shangguan Xiao said solemnly: "Miss, I am a man from Humen."

Shangguan Qi is indifferent and nodded, Shangguan Yun is expressionless and cold, as if nothing can be lifted off. The waves in her heart.

The red haired man above the flame giant tiger overlooks the person at Shangguan Mansion, coldly snorted, "This lady again..."

People on both sides levitate in the air, divine might The release of the faintly discernable aura gives the opponent a certain amount of deterrence.

Two silver-like divine lights appeared again. Two teams came, led by True God again!

Lin Chen stood on the azure blue sword and scanned the audience playfully.

"Good guys, they are all fierce persons, most of them are True God's late stage, which is not inferior to the old imperial capitals of the Shenhe Galaxy. There are some even True Gods. Perfection is a good match for the buried heavenly demon. I have a lot of attribute light balls on my body..."

It's a pity that Lin Chen's [God Steal Omen] can't be activated.

After coming to God World in 4D, part of his innate talent is no longer available!

Innate talents such as [Form Displacement Shadow, Time Plane, Destruction Explosion, Extinction Rupture, Super Chaos, Ultra-Dimensional Teleportation], are all unavailable in the 4D God World, and they are officially eliminated. .

xiu! xiu! xiu!

A spinning millstone tornado is purely condensed by divine force and rages.

A gang of youngsters sat above the tornado, and a drunken youth leader, the True God cultivation base.

At this time, the drunk young man stared in the direction of Shangguan Mansion and blew his whistle.

"Shangguanqi's younger sister, I haven't seen it for a long time, and she has become beautiful again."

Shangguanqi couldn't help but condensed and never answered him.

Suddenly, the drunk young man discovered his blind spot, and he looked at the team of Shangguan Mansion in surprise.

"Hey, did I drink too much or did you Shangguan Mansion bring a Saint Realm 7th Layer here?"

As soon as this statement came out, the gods’ The team looking towards Shangguan Mansion with all their gazes!

"en? Saint Realm 7th Layer?"

"Is the road so wild, Shangguan Mansion is planning to look down on us."

"Blood Fox Mountain Take a Saint Realm 7th Layer in action. It’s really leisurely. The people of Shangguan Mansion have been very hard recently."

"Will you be sad about seeing Saint Realm here. People of Shangguan Mansion, It's so fierce!"

True God all laughed, even laughed, and chanted poems.

Give an angry smile! equivalent to You want to break into a dangerous place with a certain degree of difficulty for self-protection, and you actually bring a bottle without dragging it for nothing?

What are you doing with this? Is it a mascot? This Shangguan Mansion's move is obviously to look down upon all of you present here!

Feeling those hot gazes, Lin Chen pretended to be frightened, and the Mei Jiao Niang next to him pityed.

"Don't be afraid or not, come here and let the elder sister hug."

"Wu wu wu, they are terrible, I won't hang up."

Lin Chen was about to be buried in the turbulent waves——

Suddenly, Shangguan Yun, who had been cold and indifferent, pointed to Lin Chen, coldly said.

"This man is the future fiance of my younger sister Shangguan Qi, the genius appointed by Shangguan Mansion."

At this moment, the audience was silent.

Younger sister Shangguan Qi was taken aback for a moment, then slowly dumbfounded, dumbfounded!

Meow meow?

What is the elder sister talking about? Why did she not understand a word?

Even Lin looked at Shang Guanyun with a ghostly expression, muttering to himself in shock.

"There is this kind of operation?"


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