On the left, a beautiful woman with a slender waist and a Divine Item long whip is smiling, and the coercion of True God is pressing on the Shangguan Mansion team.

On the right, a black-armored man with a giant axe opens a pair of tiger eyes. The mysterious rays of light flashing like snake pupils, look directly at Shangguan Yun, as if to see through the younger generation of Shangguan Mansion. The True God of the handle can have several points of background.

Behind you, there is the former Lianjialian Qingyu!

Five teams, represented by the five True Gods, formed a siege and cut off the retreat of Shangguan Mansion.

In the forefront, a huge orc appeared in the floating five-colored clouds. One of the teams had huge five-colored longhorn beetles side by side, carrying a golden robe Young Master, between the eyebrows. It is the look of the emperor who is in charge of the world, with awe-inspiring domineering.

"It's the Fifth Prince of Supreme Unity Divine Kingdom in Sinzhou!"

"Even he is here!"

Shangguan Mansion and the others with a solemn expression , Shangguan Yun stood out from the team and floated in the air.

"The prince of Supreme Unity Divine Kingdom, do you want to challenge me Shangguan Mansion?"

Fifth Prince said with a big smile.

"Challenge? This Imperial Prince is not interested in doing this kind of thing! What I want is what you have!"

Lian Qingyu on one side changed his previous drunken image, Awe-inspiring.

"Qi'er, leave that kid and be my Lian Qingyu's woman, I can guarantee you to enter the blood pool of the blood fox mountain safely! My patriarch is old, and I have determined that I will live in the next family, and Lian's family is still there. Under my control, if you look back, I will still wait for you."

Lin Chen exclaimed: "Your Excellency is so good to lick! I don’t think God World lacks a lack of licking dogs, it’s so refreshing and refined. It’s the first time I’ve seen you."

Shangguan Qi hasn’t answered yet, elder sister Shangguan Yunchi said with a smile: "What if my younger sister promised you? In such a situation, would you help me Shangguan? Mansion is not a success."

Lian Qingyu said indifferently: "Shangguan Mansion other any cat or dog, I am not interested."

"It's you..." Lian Qingyu glanced at it. When scanning, looking towards Lin Chen, said with a malicious smile: "I will make you regret coming to God World!"

bang! bang! bang!

Lianjia’s Thirteen young talents immediately surrounded Lin Chen's position.

next moment, Fifth Prince waved his hand, evil said with a smile.

"Exclude them, their blood pool quotas, you are divided!"

The fighting intents of other Divine Sect teams are soaring!


The divine force soars into the sky, the lightning surges, and the divine wind bursts out, raging like a tornado when it dances with the whip!

fire sea vine burning all around Bafang, one after another Shenyan descends, hundreds zhang sword qi The storm cuts the void and arrives!

The four True Gods, including Lian Qingyu, are powerful and powerful, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, carrying their own men and horses to launch an offensive against the people of Shangguan Mansion!

"Let's shoot together!"

Shangguanyun, without saying anything, rush to the front, Shangguanqi follow closely from behind!

The divine light on the eyebrows of the two sisters is booming, and the palms are shaken to the sky. The Heavenly God seal burning with the flames moved towards all directions suddenly suppressed!

Fifth Prince is very interested, "It is true that she is a woman who has crossed the First Layer Realm sea. She is a little bit capable. This Imperial Prince will meet you!"

Fifth Prince lifted off his head , A divine splendor Imperial Jade Seal enveloping thousands of rivers and mountains and shining moons turned out!

Lin Chen's eyes are bright, this thing is the existence of second only to Divine Item, and it is also a quasi Divine Item!

Fifth Prince pointed at his fingertips, and the Divine Seal burst out by the Imperial Jade Seal suddenly pressed against the two sisters!

The battle of the gods is about to start!

Together with powerhouse, the battle strength far exceeds the effect of one plus one!

During the battle, Fifth Prince’s pupils divine light flashed, saying: "This woman is really amazing, and the cultivation base has actually reached the 2nd layer of the God Realm!"

Shangguan Yun is on her own The cultivation base of the 2nd layer of the gods, cooperates with the younger sister to block the five true gods!

But it's the Shangguan Mansion people who are miserable!

They almost have to face the powerful enemies of five teams, and everyone has to challenge two or three same level powerhouses. The situation is particularly difficult!

If the blood pool of Blood Fox Mountain is opened, they can still enter the range of the blood pool.

After the blood pool of Blood Fox Mountain is opened, True God is strictly forbidden to fight, because the occurrence of divine force riots and chaos will cause the energy of the blood pool to riot. At this time, it can only be absorbed and absorbed. Go to war.

But now Shangguan Mansion is too early! The blood pool did not open, instead leaving them at the end of a brutal siege!

Shih~! a sword light slash down towards Lin Chen!

Lin Chen's figure strayed, urging pure power to avoid, pretending to be frightened: "I rely on, very fast sword! Almost cut my hair!"

A young talent with a cultivation base for a quasi-god can't help but say with a smile: "Miss Shangguan Yun claims that you can threaten True God, can't you show off your skills?"

The two saints of reincarnation jumped up in the air, holding the Grade 9 sacred hammer and swung it down, and the powerful and domineering wind tore the airflow, fiercely slam Lin Chen on top of the head!

Lin is dangerous to avoid!

He yelled: "youngster, don’t talk about martial arts! So many people beat me and bullied me a weak Saint Seventh chicken, won’t my conscience hurt?"

Several handsome young men said with a sneer: "Shangguan Mansion's fiancé, at this level?"

"I have to say that Saint Realm 7th Layer can avoid our attacks. A freak!"

"No matter whether it is a freak or a genius, even if he is a show today, he must be torn to pieces!"

More and more The Divine Sect genius joins the fight to encircle Lin Chen!

Lin Chen sighed, "Really people are sitting in the mine, the pot comes from the sky!"

Outside the melee circle——

"Miss, they fight Hey."

Hugging the little girl in white clothes with a scabbard in her arms, she asked curiously about the woman in the blue palace dress next to her; "Aren't we going to join the battle? Isn't the lady likes to temper herself through battle?"

The woman in the azure palace dress strokes the ends of her hair lightly, and her brows are full of contempt. "This Young Lady likes to fight well, but these third-rate people are not worthy of me, as long as they don't violate my rules. Whatever they want, this Young Lady is... eh?"

Before speaking, the beautiful eyes of the woman in the azure palace dress narrowed, "en? Saint Realm 7th Layer? This person has Dragon Clan on him." The smell of, and that... can it be said?"

She stared at a certain silhouette in the melee, as if to see him through!

Shangguan Yun, who is in a melee, is full of doubts between her eyebrows.

"What's wrong..."

Shangguan Yun rushed through the sea and has seen all kinds of big winds and waves.

Divine Kingdom’s Fifth Prince should know very well that if this team wants to take their Shangguan Mansion, it will have to pay a heavy price!

Why do they insist on going to war? If you want to divide up their Shangguan Mansion's quota, you must be sure to do this before you act!

Where does their confidence come from?

Almost between the electric light and the flint, the moment Shangguan Yun fell into thinking, a lightning appeared out of thin air!

The beautiful lady of Shangguan Mansion who had been protecting Lin Chen before, when her slender figure was swaying, she flashed the Divine Lightning that swiftly passed through the void, and suddenly appeared behind Shangguan Yun!

The cultivation base that the beautiful woman Shangguanying broke out at this moment is not a quasi-god, but a realm of True God!

The violent and domineering Thunder Element divine force surged between her two knives, as if to attract the Force of Heavenly Punishment from Nine Heavens, and slammed the two sisters Shangguan Yun and Shangguanqi at close range. !

The cold poison of dim-blue is extracted from the tip of the knife, which is enough to make True God's Blood freeze instantly!

At this moment, the whole game changed dramatically!

The sudden sneak attack of a True God is enough to affect the situation of the battle!

Shangguan Xiao who witnessed this moment understood the situation instantly, look pale!

It's over!

Shangguan Mansion, mixed with foreign enemies! This is an insider!

The people selected by Shangguan Mansion this time are all people who have worshipped Shangguan Mansion a hundred years ago, or people who have blood ties and are completely trustworthy!

In other words, Shangguan Ying has been mixed into Shangguan Mansion and has been lurking for hundreds of years!

The very ruthless stabbed the two sisters of Shangguan, and the two girls who had been in the siege for a long time were completely unprepared by this sneak attack. In addition, she was rebelled by her own person. When Shangguanying approached , They didn't notice it at all!

Boom~! boom!

The sword is like a Thunder Dragon hurricane, fiercely through the void! When lightning shuttled, the people of Shangguan Mansion were all shocked!

Divine Kingdom’s Fifth Prince said with a big smile: "It has been laid out for a hundred years, for now, the woman of the Shangguan Mansion, this Imperial Prince will undoubtedly do it!"

Lian Qingyu frowned: "Must use this method."

Fifth Prince glanced at him, "Otherwise? Without the layout of this Imperial Prince, these two women, would you still want to take them away without injury? "

When the electric light diffuses and dissipates, Fifth Prince is endowed with extraordinary intelligence, like controlling everything. When you stare at it, the moment comes to an abrupt end!

It was expected that the second woman was injured and did not appear!

The silver robe rolls over, a tall and handsome silhouette standing behind the second woman, with his hands wrapped around the invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable Gold Element Holy Force, firmly holding the tip of Shangguanying's knife!

Shang Guanying looked at the boy in front of her, her red lips slightly opened; "What, how could you..."

Lin Chen, who clenched the tip of the knife, raised her brows, jokingly said with a smile: "How can I be impossible?"

Shangguan Mansion everyone eyes shrank......

Receive the magic knife empty-handed!

The two sisters of Shangguan and Xing are wide open, and the pretty face is full of shock!

Lin Chen smiled freely.

"You will save me once, and I will save you once. After this time, we are even."

"It's useless to give you Shangguan Mansion a chance! I have already You don’t believe me that this woman has a murder weapon. No one really thinks that I’m an old-fashioned critic, just look at my chest and only my legs? If you want to be crooked, please consciously apologize to my brother Chen afterwards!"


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