Almost instantly, Fifth Prince’s Divine Kingdom cultivation technique was used to stabilize the shock and chaos caused by Lin Chen in an instant!

"Shangguanyun, the woman who has been to the tomb of the First Layer Realm Sea, must know the secret of my Divine Kingdom back then. No matter what changes this woman has today, this Imperial Prince will have to take her down!"

Fifth Prince's eyes flashed cold glow.

On the surface, he seems to ambush the Shangguan Mansion because of the beauty of official rhyme.

Actually, he does greedy her body.

By the way, dig deep into her secrets that may involve the ancestors of Divine Kingdom!

Fifth Prince coldly shouted: "Hold these two women, this child gave me the one."

The four True Gods flashed by, surrounding the two sisters of Shangguan In human time, Fifth Prince held the Divine Kingdom Imperial Jade Seal with his palm up to the sky!

Om~! bang! bang!

The Five Colored Divine Light bursting out of the palm of his palm is wrapped around layers of Dragon Qi throughput, and Dragon Transformation soars into the sky, unexpectedly a rare breakthrough with heavy blood mist!

Fifth Prince smiled sternly, "Everyone, this Imperial Prince has completed the transmission. According to the agreement, there will be five Divine Sect teams here to help you, take your shots and take down the Shangguan Mansion! It’s only a matter of time to suppress them!"

The expressions of the people at Shangguan Mansion changed suddenly!

Shangguan Yun has always been calm and steady and browses tightly frowns.

She didn't expect that Fifth Prince of Divine Kingdom did this in the beginning! Jointly inside and outside, to arrange her Shangguan Mansion to this point, what is his intention?

Once more Divine Sect teams are besieged, even if Lin Chen has battle strength

However, after the five-color Dragon Qi burst into the sky, all around was silent, absolute silence!

The teams of the major Divine Sects are surprised. Where are the people?

Why is there no movement at all, and even a case for replying to the letter does not appear!

Fifth Prince's gaze gradually became serious, and his heart felt a bad sense of crisis.

His insider, Guan Ying, stood behind Lin Chen and did not dare to act rashly!

"What's the matter, this Imperial Prince left enough marks for them. Even if the blood mist of the Blood Fox Mountain blocks perception, it is right to find this place with no difficulty!"


Fifth Prince looks more and more frightening!

He found that his original "reinforcement" and "partners" were all silent. His transmission was like throw a stone and see it sink without trace in the sea!

Sister Shangguan looked towards the silver robe silhouette behind her, he was peaceful, with a cynical smile on the corner of his mouth.

Shangguan Yun surprised strangely said: "Is it you?"

She inexplicably recalled the white radiance shot by Lin Chen when he entered the Blood Fox Mountain!

The four True Gods unconsciously stalemate in midair and did not start a battle.

Which one of the True Gods here is not Old Fox, who is shrewdly plot against. If there is no support in this battle, if this battle is fought hard, some of them will have to pay a heavy price.

The cooperation belongs to cooperation, they did not intend to give their lives to Divine Kingdom in the beginning.

Lin did not return to the official rhyme, both hands crossed near chest, jokingly said with a smile at Fifth Prince: "Call, you continue to call people, don't stop!"

Previously, the Fifth Prince who was in control of the whole situation, the emperor of Divine Kingdom descended, at this moment, face looks sinister, eyes wide staring angrily, and angrily scolded: "You kid, is it your ghost? What did you do?"

He prepared the space coordinates for multiple Divine Sect teams in advance, and followed the traces of his Divine Kingdom team to find them. There was no problem in a short time, but now there is no response to the letter. Obviously something went wrong. Up!

Lin Chen shrugged, lightheartedly said; "Don’t call, the prince of Divine Kingdom. All of your people have been taken care of in the middle of the way, and they’re pretty good. You can join the battle today. , All of you here."

Fifth Prince moved!

What the hell is this guy? Does he have other forces to protect him?

But the question is, except for that "girl lunatic", who can eat so many Divine Sect teams? Basically impossible!

Fifth Prince was shocked; "How did you do it!"

Lin Chen joked: "You asked me how I did it? Because someone imitated my handsomeness, Someone imitates my face, but can't imitate my show. This reversal is authentic!"

After hearing this, younger sister Shangguan Qi stared at Lin with a ghostly look. Chen!

She witnessed Lin Chen with the team all the time. How did he stop Fifth Prince’s reinforcements? did he predict so many Divine Sect teams, which team is the reinforcement of Fifth Prince?

This astonishing act that even a god can’t clearly understand or complete was created in the hands of a Saint. It’s a monster...

Shangguan Yun’s eyes healed The invention is bright, radiant and moving, and a clear comprehension appears in his cold face; "He hasn't done it for a long time, he is delaying time, this child, in the next big game! I am afraid there is a second player!"

Shangguan Yun is really more and more curious, how much he still hides!

Almost Lin Chen tone barely fell——

Boom~! boom! boom! boom!

The wind is like a dragon, sweeping the sky, and the faces of all True Gods suddenly change!

This breath is the female lunatic of Yu Family!

Does this lunatic woman want to do something to them?

"en?" Lin Chen raised his brows, his eyes lighted, and he said in a rare excitement: "Here is another murderer!"

I saw the sky, blood mist When spreading apart, the little girl in white embraced the scabbard and stood beside a beautiful shadow.

The hem of her blue skirt is like a sea of ​​clouds and fluttering. The woman has a sword hanging from her waist. She looks beautiful and beautiful, but the coldness between her eyebrows contains a killing intent!

When she stepped into the air and hovered, she nodded and looked down, her eyes blooming with a terrifying edge, she pierced through the void, looked directly at Lin Chen in the Shangguan Mansion team, and said word by word.

"Before January, you killed the King of the Blast Dragon Mountain Range, right."

At this moment, the audience is silent, and the needle drop can be heard!

Fifth Prince, Lian Qingyu, and other True Gods, there is a touch of confusion that has been subverted by common sense!

When even the two daughters of Shangguan sisters turned their heads and looked towards Lin Chen, the pretty face was filled with incredible horror at the same time!

He killed the famous Dragon King?

A three-dimensional Human Race that is new to God World, or is it based on Saint Seven's cultivation base?

Shangguan Yun has thought about this child deeply hidden, which is different...

But it didn't expect it to be this way! How ridiculous is this damn thing!

Several talented and peerless Asura Kings who are as strong as God World back then did not achieve this level!

The ability of the Holy Land to challenge True God is beyond common sense of everyone!

Sacred Divine Dragon in the Holy Land? Or three-dimensional Human Race Tu Siwei Divine Dragon?

You can never dream of such an outrageous thing!

Challenging True God and beheading True God are completely different things!

Lin Chen clicking one's tongue in wonder, "This eye power is too strong. Sure enough, God World is not just a general."


A dragon roar yells out the sheath, the woman in the blue dress holds the Black Sword in her hand, releasing the meaning of Divine Sword, Heaven and Earth changes suddenly, cutting off countless rays of light, pointed finger towards Lin Chen!

"Dare to move the prey of this Young Lady, your dog's life, I want it!"

Her oppression is even three points higher than Shangguan Yun!

Sister Shangguan looked towards Lin Chen at the same time, elder sister Shangguan Yun said in a trembled voice; "You killed the Dragon King, this is, is your heyday..."

If the divine light flickered, Lin Chen suddenly smiled when staring at Shangguan Yun's eyes.

"Do you want to see, my heyday?"


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