The device is divided into ninth rank, eighth rank is holy, and ninth rank is god!

Holding a ninth rank Divine Item is equivalent to having a divine help. The True God Divine Item is like a tiger that has grown wings!

Recall that at the beginning, Bai Ruoyan only used the cultivation base of the saint of reincarnation to control the sky tower with the eternal holy fire, and even confronted the Demon Emperor at the level of the gods. This shows the horror of the promotion of Divine Item!

Although Bai Ruoyan can control the Divine Item, he is not the owner of the Divine Item. In addition, the cultivation base is not a god, and it is far inferior to the horror increase brought by Yu Tianwei's cultivation base using Divine Sword!

It is not that the dark Divine Sword is inferior to Yu Tianwei, but that Bai Ruoyan's own cultivation base is insufficient, and he has not fully become the master of the sky tower, unable to play the formidable power of the Divine Item.

ninth rank Divine Item, even if it is placed in God World, it is extremely rare!

The ordinary True God may not be eligible to have a complete Divine Item!

With the divine force urging the Divine Item, the formidable power exerted can be described as the difference between Heaven and Earth, which cannot be said in the same context!

Yu Tianwei cut off Lin Chen's battle spear with a single sword, a pair of beautiful eyes burst into killing intent, showing off one's ability, sword light flashed randomly!


When she made her cold announcement, her domineering sword intent continued to grow and release, cutting the void and shattering everything around!

She holds the Divine Sword in her hand, and she has been unable to win a Saint for a long time.

If this is passed back to the family, this is more than an extraordinary shame and humiliation, her reputation may have dropped a thousand zhang in one fall, and it has been nailed to the pillar of shame!

On the sword body of Black Sword, a faintly flickering horrible sword intent is faintly pervading!

The sword edge is mingled with the cutting edge of the sky, just like the absolute Heavenly Might law, condensed on the point of the sword!

At this moment, all the True Gods present are shocked!

Shangguan Qi Huarong paled, shocked: "Could it be that...Yes!"

This coercion cannot be wrong, and it is enough to make most True Gods tremble. the power of!

Shangguan Yun suddenly coldly shouted——"Lin Chen, run away! Don't be affected by her sword!"

Lin Chen expression congeals!

That sword seems to have life! An unprecedented sword is brewing!

This sword will be a Peerless Sword that Lin Chen has never experienced or seen in the three-dimensional universe!


Space trembles, the curved four-dimensional world collapses in an instant, the sword intent merges into a line, and the sword light points directly to Lin Chen!

This sword, extraordinary and refined, will last forever! What Sword God · sword is unique, less than one percent of the profound mystery of this sword, concealed the truth of sword dao, the Heavenly Might of sword dao, and the Divine Punishment of sword dao!

A white glow like a rainbow cut off this world, and descended in front of Lin Chen, in an imposing manner that destroys everything, and shook the scope of his Holy Force!

It is almost a flash of light, and my instinct tells Lin Chen that he must retire!

This sword, even if it is in the state of [Godslayer], hard-wired is a dead word!


"Want me to retire?"

Lin Chen was so angry, fighting intent sweeping Nine Heavens and Ten Earths!

Almost lightning-like, Lin Chen's right arm covers infinitely splendid divine splendor, golden light flashed, and punches up!

Om! Hum! Hum!

The space is cracked, and the curved four-dimensional space collapses and shatters like a twist into a ball, and a bunch of divine light soars into the sky!

Boom~! boom!

The sky above the Blood Fox Mountain vibrates instantly, as if it exploded!

The terrible air wave destroyed countless towering trees, the ground veins were cracked, python-like cracks spread all the way, and the air layer on the ground exploded like being lifted off!

Everyone only saw the Black Sword flash a white light! The entire Heaven and Earth is like an explosion, everything is shattered and withered!

"Is that really the ultimate move that Saint can use?"

"What the hell did he do, the old man felt an extraordinary divine force coming!"

"What an enchanting evildoer, that's a sword that is enough to obliterate the 2nd layer of the gods!"

The gods were horrified.

Lian Qingyu trembled: "You can't go wrong, the sword just now is definitely Grand Dao Law, or the famous law of the sword!"

He has been in the Blood Fox Mountain. Underestimate the despised Saint Qizhong, but he has repeatedly subverted his cognition!

In the previous sword, Yu Tianwei, a female lunatic, used the Divine Sword to provoke a strand of the'law of the sword', one of the Three Thousand Great Daos.

Only the highest cultivation base was present, Shangguan Yun, who witnessed the scene for a moment, stayed in place!

"Is it...Is it my illusion..."

Shangguan Yun muttered to herself, an incredible horror appeared on her cold and moving pretty face.

The moment Lin Chen punched, she vaguely witnessed the silhouette of a Golden War God passing by!

At that moment, the first feeling of Shangguanyun was only two characters!


True Xeon invincible!

When the fire beacon rolled away, all True Gods separated a wisp of Primordial Spirit to watch the battle!

I saw, in the twisted air current vortex, a silver robe danced with the wind, Lin Chen stood tall, and the red clouds rose!

He has a faint Chixia Dragon Qi flowing all over his body, forming an absolute defense, undamaged!

On the other side, Yu Tianwei, even the silhouette has disappeared!

Her dark Divine Sword, falling into the void, and a broken jade arm holding the hilt, Divine Sword is full of cracks, the rays of light are dim, and the spiritual accumulation is lost, as if it is about to be broken The precious jade, horrible to see, is heart palpitating.

"Call...this fist, I have lost the essence of the suit that I finally collected from the foot of the mountain... However, this harvest is worth the huge consumption!"

I saw Lin Chen soaring into the air, stomping on him in front of all True God!

Crack~! boom!

Lin Chen smashed the ninth rank Divine Sword, which had strong divinity and was on the verge of breaking, into a pile of fragments and attribute light balls!

[Intermediate suit essence 20 million points, suit essence 92 million points, suit essence 49.99 million points...]

Lin Chen's attribute value is soaring all the way!


At this moment, all Divine Sect team members trembled and their eyelids jumped wildly!

Is this a fucking human?

One move interrupted the arm of Yu Tianwei, who is known as the fighting woman lunatic! From the front, take the peerless sword trick that contains the law of a ray of sword!

Even, even smashed the legendary ninth rank Divine Sword?

"The situation is not good, get out soon!"

"Damn it, how can such a monster be born in the three-dimensional universe!"

"The eternal giant, absolutely It's the evildoer from the eternal giants, it's not right, maybe you have to upgrade to Level 1!"

"Your mother, old man, don't break the quota, fleeing is the best policy!"


Just as the two Shangguan sisters were shocked, the gods saw that they were unhappy and began to use Absolute Art to retreat!

However, here is the Blood Fox Mountain, with many blood mists, their range of perception is limited, and the height of the spatial flight dare not cross the mountain, once they fall into the center of the blood mist, they will never be able to escape!

And Lin Chen’s Avatar is like a maggot with bones, chasing all True Gods!

With a glance, Lin Chen said with a sneer.

"I want to leave after I'm done? It's late!"

It's almost Lin Chen tone barely fell, and the Dragon Qi in his body suddenly rushed out and came to life!

"Dragon is coming!!"

bang! bang!

Dragon Qi shook the sky, the dragon claw of Cang azure tore through heavy blood mist, one end shining The Divine Dragon of Chijin rays of light has come to the world!

At this moment, all the True Gods locked in by those yin and yang dragon pupils are like falling ice pits, cold glow piercing, and scalp tingling!


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