The day after the opening of the Blood Fox Mountain.

Xingzhou Northern Domain, the original Divine Kingdom territory.

A piece of news shocked Divine Kingdom at the beginning, from the princes and prime ministers to the civilians rushing to the street!

"Divine Kingdom Tabloid: Shocked! According to reliable sources, a Saint appeared on the Blood Fox Mountain, who can kill the powerhouse of the gods, and shock the sky in one fell swoop."

It’s almost the same. You have to be reliable too, this special Saint Slaughter, living in a dream?"

"Divine Kingdom re-report: Shocked! Fifth Prince led a team of imperial guards, Returned in low spirits after failing from Shenhu Mountain, was beaten into the street, and the rumor of Saint Tushen was confirmed!"

"Shocked! Then Saint actually has a Divine Dragon?"

"Shocked! Blood Fox Mountain Saint went over Yu Family fighting mad Yu Tianwei!"

"Shocked! All the Divine Sect teams in Blood Fox Mountain this trip, no one has reached the top!"

"Shock ......"

"Don't be damn shocked, and report to the princes and Your Majesty!"

In the beginning, Divine Kingdom, the whole country shocked!

In Divine Kingdom, there are signs that powerhouse has exited!

In God World, the powers that can call God a kingdom are all powerhouses, and even some Divine Kingdoms, once they are a god!

A Divine Kingdom, there are signs of the gods forever!

To provoke an entire Divine Kingdom. It would be nice if there is a background force above 1000 Ancient Sect, but if there is no background, it will be chased by Divine Kingdom... That's so sour, I don't dare to think about it!

Not only the Divine Kingdom in the early days, but also the Yu Family in the Southern Domain of Sinzhou, the Song Family in the Northern Domain, the Divine Sect, etc., etc., when a piece of news spread to the top of the Divine Sect, the gods shock!

Yu Family ——

In a secret room lobby; Yu Family Old Ancestor looked down at the granddaughter's truncated arm in a coma, with a gloomy and cold expression.

The gray-haired Yu Family Old Ancestor glanced at the little girl in white next to him, coldly said: “I’m sure it’s the three-dimensional Human Race that hurt your Senior Sister, right?”

The little girl in white is slightly nodded, "I'm sure, this child has too many secrets, it is suspected to be the orphan of some powerhouse left by the most powerful forces in God World."

Yu Family Old Ancestor spreads out the jade slip and looks at it again , His dry eyes squinted, and murderous aura burst out!

"The Avatar Absolute Art, which is difficult to distinguish between true and false, crushes the pure power of Divine Sword, and challenges True God with a Saint posture..."

The little girl in white seems to have a calm look , There was a fear of avoided a catastrophe, and he said seriously: "I have told sect that they will send someone to investigate."

"No, this time it is not just about Divine Sect." Yu Family Old Ancestor tweeted Open the door of the secret room, sound transmission awe-inspiring.

In the crooked world, the sound of Yu Family Old Ancestor echoes in the secret rooms.

"Yu Family Gods Hearing Order, except for Elder Hall and Patriarch, everyone will follow me to the Blood Fox Mountain!"

"Goal, three-dimensional Human Race; Lin Chen All are dispatched!"

There is a terrible storm faintly brewing in the multi-domain Xingzhou!

The ancient Sects who participated in Operation Blood Fox Mountain more or less received the news of Blood Fox Mountain. As long as they heard that it was a three-dimensional Human Race with no power, they had a shocking secret, and there was a "suspected Saint contending". The news of True God's is all boiling!

Some Divine Sect chose to block the news, some chose to join forces publicly, and some quietly sent a powerhouse!

For whatever reason, in just four days, a large number of supreme powerhouses gathered outside the Blood Fox Mountain!


The long-lasting sword light cuts down the clouds, a sword qi river, sword intent, Tsing Yi Sword God appeared, he appeared with two gods, overlooking the blood fox mountain below, His eyes narrowed.

"Blood fox mountain...the fall of the god fox back then, there are so many taboos to block foreign objects. It is stronger than me, and I can't easily break its Formation. Once the energy riots and counterattack, it is no small thing! "

Ming Divine Sect, Sword God · Jiang Baili!

The blue robe True God who led the Divine Sect team stood beside Sword God respectfully and said: "Big brother Jiang, that kid is really weird. There are both Avatar, or Saint’s cultivation base. You can compete with me and others, and you will definitely have the secret to the world. If you win it, it will do me no harm to Divine Sect!"

Jiang Baili shook his head and laughed: "Look at it and talk about it."

bang! bang! bang!

The sonic boom is like a dragon, roaring endlessly, dozens of dark green tornadoes swept across.

A white-haired old man lazily appeared in the sky, lying in the center of the storm, with white hair and youthful face, seemingly lazy eyes when looking towards the Blood Fox Mountain, occasionally flashes of light!

Jiang Baili frowned: "Unexpectedly, even this Old Guy is here."

Bang! The explosion sounded abruptly, and a blazing yellow blade light was like the sun blazing, slashing away the void!

Wearing a crown of feathers on his head, a knife at his waist, a pair of sword eyebrows flying, the cold and eagle-like golden armor Blade God turned out to be born, both hands crossed near chest, with a sharp gaze overlooking the Blood Fox Mountain.

Suddenly, he raised his hand and pressed it down, and the blade light poured out, turning into a disc-like knife gang, rushing down the bloody fox mountain!

The golden-yellow blade light is mingled with the God Blade Intent, killing the blood mist lingering in the Blood Fox Mountain, but Blade Qi is like throwing a stone and see it sink without trace in the sea, without a trace of movement.

Jiang Baili said indifferently: "Don't waste your energy. Shenhu is known for controlling multiple Grand Dao Laws. If you and I work together, you may not be able to break this blood mist formation. If you want to enter, you can only enter directly."

Golden armor Blade God glanced at him, "Unexpectedly, you are here too. After the last war, I won another roll of Blade Technique. Maybe you are no longer my opponent now."


Jiang Baili said: "each other."

Golden armor Blade God looked around, "joint hands."

Jiang Baili smiled indifferently: "Yes."

It's a streak of divine light again!

One, five, ten! There are as many as twelve True Gods who just arrived at the Blood Fox Mountain! !

All True Gods are all waiting for the blood mist of Blood Fox Mountain to subside next time. When the energy of the blood pool fades, the wave of blood mist will open again.


At this time, the most mighty team in the imposing manner appeared from the east!

The Divine Heart moved for the first time.

The people of Divine Kingdom from the beginning are here!

The headed Old Ancestor in white, with long beard, divine poise and sagelike features, has a detached attitude, just like the immortal of the game world.

Behind him, there are eight True Gods standing! All of them are powerful and domineering, divine might pass the sky and the earth, quite a taste of suppressing the audience and an imposing manner!

The Divine Kingdom Fifth Prince who was beaten by Lin Chen with bloody nose and swollen face is also here!

Before the early gods of Divine Kingdom express their opinions, the Blood Fox Mountain suddenly shakes!

bang! bang! bang!

The earth shook and the mountain quivered, the space trembles.

Golden armor Blade God frowned: "The blood mist is gone so soon?"

Jiang Baili suddenly said: "No! This is a natural phenomenon of the breakthrough realm!"


tone barely fell, a group of nine-color aurora shrouding the heavens and hiding the earth revolves in the sky, the curved world is full of nine-color starlight, and the earth is shattered, Heaven and Earth trembled, countless energies began to converge Included in it, the natural phenomenon actually surpassed the blood mist of the Blood Fox Mountain! tide!

A lot of True God moves!

They actually sensed the signs of Holy Force from within that group of nine-color aurora!

What a terrible Saint is, breakthrough is such a natural phenomenon!

At the same time.

God World, the extreme north region.

A certain piece of independent plane.

In a palace, two beautiful girls, devastatingly beautiful, one of a thousand temperaments.

They were curiously asked like many enchanting females, surrounded by tall and beautiful women.

One of the palace girls said curiously: "Lingshuang, besides being handsome, the Master you mentioned is special. He is very long-lasting in everything. Acting immediately, he will become the most beautiful in the crowd. Apart from Zai, are there any other characteristics?"

The tall and beautiful woman thought seriously, "Oh, there seems to be more."

"For example?"


"My Master, he likes to show."

"Show? How to show?"

"You can't imagine the show, how outrageous come."


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