The blood fox mountain cracked through the sky-shattering cracks, and when the horrible molten slurry was thrown, the fire sea was a piece of fire, shocking the gods outside the blood fox mountain to retreat quickly!

"This is the remnants of the Law Power of the dead God fox!"

"Something happened to this kid!"

"hahahaha! Let's play it! , Drained the energy of the blood fox mountain, without the energy suppression of the blood pool, immediately mobilized the remnant Law Power of the blood fox mountain."

"Let’s see how he gets out later, this is called death. It's a big death!"

The gods looked at the play.

Although Lin Chen's silhouette was again blocked by blood mist and could not directly witness his embarrassed silhouette, the gods seemed to enjoy it.

This child wants to get away, it's definitely not that simple!

He must race against time to escape, otherwise he will be washed into ashes by the lava burned by'Law of Fire'!

However, the blood mist in the Blood Fox Mountain is so heavy that even the powerhouse of the True God 2nd layer can't see through it. If it is a spatial flight, it will fall into the blood mist, and eventually get lost in it and only keep spinning around.

The only way is to descend slowly like Shangguan Mansion, and exit according to the shallow area of ​​blood mist, but now there is this terrifying hot melt everywhere, I want to descend easier said than done!

If it is a normal molten slurry, you can use the True God cultivation base to soak for a day. But this is a molten slurry made from the'Law of Fire' of the 3000 Grand Dao Law, which has been accumulated for thousands of years, which is no trivial matter!

Under the Blood Fox Mountain; Shangguan Mansion and the others just evacuated and witnessed the horrible scene!

Shangguan Qi frowned and said: "elder sister, he..."

Shangguan Yun raised her hand, "Look again, with his means, we are only adding to the chaos when we go to help. "

If Lin Chen had something to do with this, Shangguan Mansion would have lost the opportunity to miss him!

Besides, the current situation is extremely danger!

Shangguan Yun thought to himself: "In terms of taking a step back, even if he got rid of the riots in the Blood Fox Mountain, there are still a group of True Gods from the major Divine Sect and Divine Kingdom waiting for him. So many forces are focusing on his secrets, and my relationship with Shangguan Mansion cannot keep him!"

Other Divine Sects may be afraid of the power of Shangguan Mansion, but Divine Kingdom would not give this face at first. !

Divine Kingdom is standing and immortal!

Every Divine Kingdom is an existence under the influence of the second only to God World eternal giant!

However, it seems that the desperation is getting worse and worse!

When the earth cracks and the lava erupts.

bang! bang! bang!

Lightning and thunder, violent wind and dancing!

One after another several ten zhang's spiral blades shone with gray light, turning up the storm and suppressing the sky!

Like the thunder of Thunder Dragon, the thunder flashes across the sky, tore the void, across the sky!

Lin Chen was at the center of countless world-destroying disasters for a moment!

Lin Chen felt the violent energy in the sky and the flashing thunder, and couldn't help shaking his head, clicking one's tongue in wonder.

"Is it really handsome, I was struck by lightning. Three kinds of incomplete Law Power, how much do you want me to die."

Just breakthrough realm, Just encountering such a big gift, it is simply a card.

Even if the God Realm 2nd layer faces this status quo, there is a great risk of death, and there is a high probability that it will die with hatred, and it will end tragically!

However, Lin Chen is not messy at all, and even has a calm face and a playful smile.

Lin Chen raised his head and looked up at the violent thunder storm, opened his arms and laughed awe-inspiringly!

"It's a pity, Brother Chen, my advantage is that the more dangerous the better!"

After that, Lin Chen jumped up and jumped into the billowing molten slurry. !

Outside the mountain, Shangguan Qi's face faded, her pretty face pale, and she lost her voice: "It is a storm and thunderstorm condensed by Law of Wind and the Law of Thunder!"

Shangguan Yun's face , Sank suddenly!

It is a desperate situation in despair!

Surrounded by multiple surviving Law Powers, combined with heavy blood mist, you can't perceive a place that is too far away. If you want to use the movement method, you may not know when you will be hit!

"Not good!"

"For the time being, this remnant of Law Power is too terrifying!"

Twenty True God expressions Change, turn into divine light, escape from the sky, retreat a hundred miles away.

This power is too terrifying, if they are involved, they will have trouble!

"It's worthy of being a sacred fox, in charge of many kinds of Grand Dao Law, even after death, the remaining prestige is still terrible!"

"If it still exists in the world, all our presence is True God, I'm afraid that one can't leave!"

"Hehe, in the face of multiple laws, how does he get out? Even if he does out, he has to face me and wait. A Saint, is it possible That can be the sky?"

The gods marveled at the power of the fox in the past.

At the same time, they began to warn each other!

Yes, the next step is to snatch the'prey'!

Faced with such a difficult and desperate situation, they concluded that Lin Chen has almost no probability of a comeback!

Even if he breaks out of the Blood Fox Mountain, he will have to face more than 20 True Gods. Except for a few, almost all of them are the 2nd layer of the gods. Lin Chen is basically impossible to win!

So the next competitor of the gods is most likely True God present!

Jiang Baili and golden armor Blade God looked at each other, tacitly.

The other Divine Sect team's silent eyes met and reached a temporary wish to join forces!

Boom~! boom! boom! boom!

The storm screams, the thunder explodes! The incomplete law of thunder swept all around the eight wilderness, shattered the sky, and crushed the space in the blood fox mountain one after another!

Such a formidable power, even the gods who can only see the surrounding situation can't help but complexion slightly changed!

bang! bang! bang!

The wind is raging, the wind blade is slashed, and hundreds of fire waves are rolled up, and the terrifying molten slurry is hiding the sky and covering the earth. It's like one after another, a giant wave is coming!

The high temperature of burning mountains and boiling sea instantly flooded Heaven and Earth, igniting this space, and the gods were forced to retreat again!

"The wind is rising and the fire is rising, and the fire is even more fierce!"

"The three remaining laws can cooperate with each other to create such a powerful force, too powerful! It’s hard to escape the old man surrounded by this!"

Several Ancient One True Gods seem to have seen the unparalleled talent for controlling the Thunder Fire hurricane when the god fox was alive, making the Spiritual God also daunting!

In the beginning, the Old Ancestor of Divine Kingdom said with a smile: "This child is bound to die! After this remaining rule, he has to play all the cards even if he has multiple hole cards."

Fifth Prince's handsome appearance flashed with a hint of gloom and jealousy, and he said grimly: "This time it depends on how he struggles! Even if he rushes out, he will have to be beaten by the gods of my Divine Kingdom!"

Lin Chen is about to be beaten up?

Retreat to Shangguan Mansion and the others far away, sweating in his palms.

In any case, Lin Chen is also the benefactor who helped them escape the danger and obtain the baptism of the blood fox mountain blood pool. If this is annihilated, it is the moment to witness the end of the Legendary. No one wants to witness this cruelty One scene!


A huge wave of molten lava was swept up by the squally wind of Law of Wind, and it was blasted head-on!

Several hundred zhang of molten lava is so high, wherever it passes, it burns everywhere!

Suddenly, Shangguan Qi and the others exclaimed!

"No, what is that!"

All the True Gods stared attentively, and in the blood mist that the melting waves rushed out, it seemed that a rays of light was born!

I saw that there was a silhouette sliding in the raging magma waves!

It's Lin Chen!

He stepped on a pointed board condensed by azure blue Dragon Qi, wearing sunglasses, dancing with the wind in a silver robe, and surrounded by the red gold divine light of Absolute Defense. Not only is it not affected by the three remaining laws of thunder, wind, and fire, but it can also glide on top of the lava waves with ease, dive straight down, and float, the movement is elegant, the movement of clouds and water, and even a chic arc in the sky. !

At this moment, everyone in Shangguan Mansion opened their mouths wide, and their pupils were filled with incredible!

Shangguanqi lightly covered her red lips, "elder sister, I’m not dreaming..."

Shangguanyun’s seemingly calm and glamorous profile showed an unprecedented shock!

The Fifth Prince outside the Blood Fox Mountain was dumbfounded and stunned.

"Are you...there is this kind of operation?"

The twenty True Gods were struck by lightning, all staring at Lin Chen as if they had seen a ghost!

The generation of Sword God Jiang Baili was shocked and muttered to himself: "Why is he so beautiful!"

Golden armor Blade God scratched his scalp, sucking in a cold breath: "I It's cracked!"

In the beginning, the Old Ancestor of Divine Kingdom suddenly felt a tingling scalp and the corners of his mouth twitched wildly.

"He was surfing on the molten lava?"

Surfing on the burning lava of Law of Fire?

Is this something human can do?

It's so fucking...showing it doesn't follow the rules! !


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