divine force Formation shrinks, and True God falls again!

Shangguan Qi, who continued to leave the battle circle and watched the battle, exclaimed: "It's exploded!"

Shangguan Yun said: "No, it's his Formation who exploded!"

The dark divine force Formation When a contraction occurs, the cracks shattered in an instant, squeezing the four seriously injured True Gods into a pool of bones and blood!

At the beginning, the five True Gods of Divine Kingdom broke away from the "Divine Enlightenment Space". With Old Ancestor's Divine Item, they saved their lives!

However, Old Ancestor was holding a mass of fuzzy flesh and blood in his hand, snarling like prepare for there funeral.

"My son!!"

At the beginning, the five True Gods of Divine Kingdom looked at this scene, and their hearts were not so complicated...

Good Guy, Fifth Prince turned out to be the son of Old Ancestor!

"Suppress nine divine realms 2nd layer at the same time...a formidable power of divine fragments is not enough, more is needed!"

Lin Chen Shen Yu Tianguang, and Divine Dragon Colleagues, expand the movement method!


Divine Kingdom Old Ancestor With a wave of the dust, many moonlight avenues stretch out in the curved space!

"Not good, this guy wants to escape!"

Lin Chen has sharp eyes!

Just kidding, Brother Chen, I took out all the elephants, do you still want to go? Didn't I make a big loss?

Just for six Avatars to cast annihilation starburst, Lin Chen would have to condense the Avatars again, consuming a huge amount of attributes, can't this kill him and earn the attribute value back?

"Taizhou is a flash!"

Four-dimensional Space-Time Stop, the world in front of you spins rapidly, Lin Chen rushes to the gods of the early Divine Kingdom with his foot on the Divine Dragon!

Divine Dragon lifted the dragon claw and slammed it. Lin Chen pulled out his spear. The spear shot out like a dragon, chasing him like a lightning!

"Linglong change·Ming Moon Seal!"

Divine Kingdom Old Ancestor with white hair flying, eyes wide staring angrily, one hand making a seal, a wave of the whisk, predicting and shaking in advance Open this paw!

A beam of light like a bright moon shoots at Lin Chen, instantly blending into his body!

"Lin Chen! Wait for you to die! The seal of my Divine Kingdom has been planted in your body. In the near future, you will face endless pursuits until you die! Provoke me too early Divine Kingdom, kill my son, the old man will let you know how to write death words!"

At the beginning, Old Ancestor very ruthless sound transmission, with a lot of wounded True Gods, instantly merged into Mingyue Avenue. A psychedelic flicker disappeared under the moonlight.

"God World is unpredictable, this method of escape is really unique..."

Lin Chen’s eyes flashed with azure rays of light, which seemed to be able to chase him. He didn't rush to pursue the distance up.

Ordinary powerhouse may win the pursuit, but Lin Chen has the bloodline of Taizhou Ancient Dragon, can see through the essence of dimension and time and space, and can see the mystery of this way!

This Mingyue Avenue was developed by the Zhenguo Divine Item Tianxin Exquisite Whisk, which leads to many paths.

Even if Lin Chen catches up and enters one of the bright moon avenues, they can also teleport to another passage, and even close the entrance of the avenue where Lin Chen is located. Lin Chen will have to be trapped in the space storm of the four-dimensional God World Inside.

The four-dimensional space storm is no small thing. It is different as heaven and earth from the three-dimensional universe, and Lin Chen can’t get out of it easily.

"How about running fast, when the time comes, the only way to support you!"

Lin Chen and Divine Dragon act separately.

"First collect the attribute light orbs."

Divine Dragon is responsible for harvesting the attribute light orbs, and Lin Chen takes the lead in taking the attribute treasure chests dropped by Jiang Baili and golden armor Blade God.

When the treasure chest in the black light circle was opened, a black jade appeared!

[The host opens the Divine Spark treasure chest, congratulations to the host for obtaining: Energy Divine Spark Fragment·Divine Attraction Fragment (2/6). 】

Add one to the divine lead fragments! The formidable power is stronger, and the gravity of Formation is more terrifying!

A divine attraction fragment can easily suppress the later stage of the divine realm 2nd layer, even a group of divine realm 2nd layers, add up to the two? Even if he encounters the 3rd-layer of God Realm, Lin Chen can break his wrist with him!

However, Lin Chen's gaze rested on the attribute treasure box that Jiang Baili had dropped.

The treasure chest is a scarlet, like a powerful blood moon hanging in front of Lin Chen!

Lin Chen surprised strangely said: "What a terrifying coercion, is this the new Divine Spark..."

Lin Chen extend the hand touch, the treasure chest opens, one piece of six The blood-colored Divine Spark of horn-shaped fragments emerges!

[The host opens the Divine Spark treasure chest, congratulations to the host for obtaining: Energy Divine Spark Fragment·Asura Natural Enemy (1/6). The Divine Spark is passively activated and does not require active use. Note: Only effective for Asura clan. When facing hostile Asura clan, the host's abilities will be greatly improved. The stronger the powerhouse, the stronger the effect. There is no end, no capping. 】

Lin Chen startled.

Asura's natural enemy?

What is this wonderful Divine Spark!

Moreover, it can only be used for Asura family?

"It's amazing, you can always drop all kinds of strange things."

Lin Chen exclaimed, seeing the attribute value hurricane, thoughts move.

shua! shua! shua!

Lin Chen's Phantom Clone appears again.

[The host launched six phantom runes, cast six Avatars, and consumed 12.4 million points of high-level Saint Heavenly Dao. 】

Lin Chen slapped his tongue. His Avatar was previously destroyed by the impact. If he casts Avatar again, the attribute value consumption is outrageous!

[Open the treasure chest of the gods and get: 50 million points of the essence of the intermediate suit. ]

[Open the treasure chest of the gods and get: 10 million high level Saint Heavenly Dao points. ]

[Open the treasure chest of the gods and get: 1 million Wood Element energy. 】

All the gods dropped are good things, but unfortunately, this time I didn’t get the last fragment of Lin Chen yearn for something even in dreams.

The system criterion is always the strength difference between the host and the opponent to determine the probability of dropping attribute treasure.

However, Lin Chen killed 15 True Gods this time and gained a lot of top grade attribute values!

Of course, Lin Chen also caused a disaster!

After this time, once the news goes out, the value of Lin Chen and the allure of powerhouses will bring it up a level!

A Saint singlehanded has turned over fifteen gods, and most of them are gods 2nd layer!

This news spreads, let alone Northern Domain, it will also be shaken in the vast land of Xingzhou!

Especially Divine Kingdom in the early days, and gave him the "mark of the moon", unless the unique secret technique of Divine Kingdom in the early days is lifted, or the powerhouse that is two higher than the founder can force it. eliminate!

However, the first ancestor of Divine Kingdom was the super Spiritual God of the 4th layer of Divine Kingdom!

To be two levels higher, at least the 6th-layer of God Realm can be released!

This kind of existence, only some old monsters in the eternal giants have the strength!

In other words, Lin Chen has almost no probability to lift the "Seal of the Moon"! The next thing to face is the real rainstorm!

In a way, Divine Kingdom might still be the biggest winner in the beginning!

Even if you can't eat Lin Chen, you control Lin Chen's coordinates and sell it to other Great Influences. Doesn't this make money?

Lin Chen is very free and easy, "when the boat gets to the pier-head, it will go straight with the current, the gun will go straight with the current deep down. Regardless of the actual situation, some people dare to give me an idea. , And you’re done!"

Since using the Golden War God set, Lin Chen’s spirit and mood have changed with unnoticeable influence, he has become more brave and diligent, and life and death are indifferent!

If it had been before, Lin Chen might have come out and beat him up again.

Now, forbearance? Afraid of exposure?

Have a fart!

Dare to call Divine Realm Godless!


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