In the Alchemist Guild.

In a secret room, several silhouettes talked in the dark.

"Create trouble and kill him. Divine Sect must not give birth to a Divine Grade alchemist. It's better to find a legitimate reason to start the war!"

"Yes, Your servant understands."

"Um~~In addition, within three days, I want all the information of that Lin Chen!"

"Dare to have an affair with the woman I am fond of, I killed him!"

The nightly laughter echoed in the void, and a strange rays of light emerged in the secret chamber of the guild.

Dancheng, city gate.

Lin Chen and Shangguanyun stroll through the streets.

Shangguan Yun frowned. This feeling of being spied on was uncomfortable.

"Good fellow, if it wasn't for my thick-skinned skin, I might have been seen by them."

Lin Chen clicking one's tongue in wonder, facing many faintly discernable glances at his own His eyes suddenly shook!


The power of the Primordial Spirit roaring like a fierce dragon burst out from Lin Chen's eyebrows!

ka! ka! ka!

All the Primordial Spirit powers close to Lin Chen were shattered, and the Primordial Spirit that tried to explore his perception turned into nothingness!

The alchemists around were taken aback by this sudden power, and were horrified.

They never thought that a Saint would have such a powerful Primordial Spirit Realm.

To be honest, Lin Chen’s Primordial Spirit Realm is already in a peak state, second only to Divine Soul realm!

"Huh? Strange, so strange! Primordial Spirit foundation, how strong can it be so powerful?"

" Such a strong Primordial Spirit foundation, I am afraid that it already has an impact on Divine. Soul's foundation, right? It's strange, why he stopped at Primordial Spirit Realm."

"Even most of True God's single layer and 2nd layer. They don't have such a powerful Primordial Spirit foundation. Something, something."

"A Saint kid can also have such a powerful Primordial Spirit? Could it be, add billions of cakes?"

Located in the VIP room of the Alchemist’s Guild When a crowd of old monsters opened their eyes, they discussed spiritedly.

Suddenly, Lin Chen looked up and even looked towards the direction of the guild tower!

Under the seemingly cynical young face, those calm and deep eyes stared at the Alchemist's Guild Tower for two breaths, and then his eyes slowly moved away.

"It's so overbearing...this child even found our prying eyes."

"This little fellow has a bit of background, the old man has seen such a powerful Primordial Spirit Realm for the first time, second Only to I wait for Divine Soul!"

Under the amazement of a crowd of old monsters, they couldn't help but leave an extra eye on this magical holy realm.

Lin Chen's warning gaze and Primordial Spirit released, converging the gaze of wanton prying around.

This is not what it used to be, his Primordial Spirit Realm is far superior to the same level!

One is that after he destroyed the Divine Kingdom in the early days, he obtained a huge amount of spirit strength attribute values, and his realm soared to the Primordial Spirit Great Perfection!

The second one is "Tai Yi Fu Heavenly Art"!

Taiyifu Heavenly Art is divided into five volumes. Lin Chen cultivated the first four volumes. The core method effect is cultivation'Taiyi Time and Space', which doubles the original cultivation base of the host, which is the effect of the first three volumes. !

The effect of the Fourth Volume core method is'Primordial Spirit integration'. After the Fourth Volume cultivation of Heavenly Art, Taiyi Time will also bless the cultivator's Primordial Spirit!

In other words, in the'Taiyi Time and Space' created by Lin Chen cultivation, there are not only double the number of holy caves, but also double the number of Primordial Spirit! !

In addition, the effect of [Extreme God Possession] is equivalent to the Lin Chen Primordial Spirit Great Perfection, and it has to be increased by four times! !

For this Primordial Spirit Realm, no powerhouse of Primordial Spirit Great Perfection can suppress Lin Chen.

Even if it is the powerhouse condensing Divine Soul, it is impossible to suppress or spy on his secrets from a distance.

Shangguan Yun looked at Lin Chen with a monster-like look—"Are you a monster? When I first met you, your Primordial Spirit Realm was only in the late Primordial Spirit, not Perfection. That's it. How long has it been?"

Lin Chen shrugged, "Well, I have a showdown, I will not pretend, in fact, I am God World number one genius."

Shangguan Yun:" ...Say you are fat, are you still breathing?"

Suddenly, the little old man ghost-like appeared next to Lin Chen and said, "Oh, hey, this Young Master, Celestial Court Full, powerful, Primordial Spirit, young, god girl beside, not simple, not simple!"

Lin Chen jokingly smiled: "I have eyesight, dare to ask Senior?"

This short gray-clothed old man looks unremarkable, but he actually has True God's cultivation base.

Pancheng is really a crouching tiger hidden dragon, True God is like a cloud!

"Hey!" The gray-clothed old man raised his eyebrows and concealed the robe in his robe. Liang gave Lin Chen a glance and whispered sound transmission.

"Little Brother, are you here to participate in the pre-selection? Frankly, I am a deacon organized by the Heavenly Pill in Sin Chew. It is better to be organized before you sign up for the pre-selection. Organized representatives can participate in the pre-selection. Get the pre-selection message."

"Oh!" Lin Chen suddenly, join the organization before participating in the pre-selection?

This is not the same as getting pre-selected information first? It sounds good.

"This friend, don't be fooled by him!"

This is, the handsome Young Master in white clothes lightly hangs a sword on his waist, and is between the two sides.

Sword intent of the comer is a kind of talent, and there is a sense of righteousness in the eyebrows, the smell of invading all evils, and the comprehended profound sword intent.

The handsome Young Master said to Lin Chen earnestly, "My friend, this kind of second trafficker specializes in harassing unorganized alchemists. Once you join their organization, if you pass the pre-selection, all the rewards and benefits will be Give priority to the organization that the pharmacist belongs to. Their move is equivalent to pay a small price for big rewards in return, don’t believe it!"

As soon as this statement came out, even Shangguan Yun was shocked. She has been in the world all the time, but she doesn't know much about the rules of the Alchemist Guild.

The face of the old man in grey clothes instantly became gloomy.

Lin Chen raised his eyebrows, "Really, there are deep routines in the city."

"hmph!" The exposed gray-clothed old man flicked his sleeves and did not dare to attack.

In Pill City, private fights are forbidden. Anyone who dares to hurt others will be regarded as challenging the authority of the Alchemist Guild. No matter how strong the sect is, things can happen. Don’t even talk about Ancient Sect. The people of the eternal giants must also behave here!

Before leaving, the grey-clothed old man said with a sneer; "youngster, like to be a good person? In this world, good people often have no good end!"

The handsome Young Master said in awe: "As long as I do what I do, I will bear the weight!"

The old man in gray sneered without making a sound, and walked away.

Lin Chen: "It's really good. This youngster is really good."

Shangguan Yun: "Is it a hundred years older than you, right?"

Young Master in white turned around, cup one fist in the other hand and said: "There is still something to do next, let's take a step ahead. The two are more careful. The interests in this city are complex, fish and dragons mixed in together."

After speaking, he walked away quickly as if riding in the wind. Lin Chen and Shangguan Yun didn't even have room to thank them.

Lin Chen clicking one's tongue in wonder, "There are still many good people in this world, and I will be a good person next time."

Shangguan Yun: "It would be great if you can be a person. "

Lin Chen: "..."

This woman can really speak.

Lin Chen went straight to the tower in the center of Dancheng and arrived at the registration office for the pre-selection of the guild.

If you can pass the pre-selection, you will become a member of the Alchemist Association and have the qualifications to participate in the formal election meeting. If you pass the formal election, you will be the Guest Elder of the Alchemist Guild, with multiple identities and benefits, and enjoy the many benefits brought by the Alchemist Guild.

For example, when a sect needs a pharmacist or is entrusted with the important task of refining the medicine recipe, it will be handed over to the guild, and the guild will communicate to the pharmacists at all levels to achieve a tripartite consensus. The state of winning.

Moreover, many Peak’s pill concocting fingerprints, concocting resources, medicine ingredient messages, and some hidden secrets can only be accessed by Guest Elder of the concocters’ guild. This identity is countless concocters. yearn for something even in dreams!

The lowest level of the tower, the registration office.

The reception woman who signed up asked indifferently: "Name, cultivation base, gender, age, sect's affiliation, level of refining medicine, organization, and quick answer."

Lin Chen was stunned, "Why do you put this account check? You also asked my gender? I am a pure man standing in front of you, do you want me to take a gun?"

The reception woman patted the table impatiently and got up angrily "Go go go, even if you don’t sign up. What kind of stinky fish and shrimp, you want to pass the preselection?"

Shangguan Yun frowned, the guild people have such an arrogant attitude, even she can’t stand it... …

Just as Lin Chen was preparing to face the end--

The crisp and sharp woman's voice turned into a scream, attracting all the eyes around!

"Indecent! Someone belittle me!"

Everyone took a closer look, and the screamer was a woman who was a quasi-god cultivation base.

She has a beautiful appearance, dressed in a red dress, sexy bearing and charming temperament, and her beautiful curves are full of troubles to the country. At this time, she is clutching the snow-white thighs under the skirt, and the pretty face is annoyed. , The beautiful face is full of anger.

She pointed to the silhouette of a white robe, "This person was indecent and frivolous when he lined up and touched my thigh!"

Young Master in white froze for a moment, and then coldly said: "I don't have !"

"He touched it! I saw it with my own eyes!"

Among the bustling Captain dragons, a righteous and awe-inspiring black armored robust man was squeezed out.

The black armored robust man points to the Young Master in white, "Brother, is it possible to bully a weak woman with the True God cultivation base? dares to do, but not acknowledge?"

Shangguan Yun sound transmission Lin Chen: "It's the person who helped you before."

Lin Chen nodded, "It seems that he is in trouble."

Phantom Clone stopped cultivation. If there is any change, Lin Chen is always ready to do something to report this person.

More and more people watched, and the discussion gradually shrilled and fell to one side.

White Young Master coldly said: "One is one, two is two. I never act secretly in my life, and if I don’t touch it, I don’t touch it!" The red dress woman accused:" You dare not admit it after touching it! I really can't beat you up to tarnish my woman's chastity, but I want everyone to know that you are taking advantage of one's position to bully people, it's not a thing!"

White Young Master hair stands up in anger, divine light bursts out, holding a pair of sapphire tokens, coldly said: "This is the True Disciple Token card of Divine Sect. If I want to find good women, why not Are you frivolous?"

The black armored robust man immediately said: "I'm so arrogant, and threaten him with a sect behind him? How many women have he insulted? You said that you won't get it. People want to be fair, Aren’t you bullying the honest person!"

The Young Master in white, trembling with anger, clenched his fists and asked the woman: "Are you an honest person?"

"Of course I am."

zheng! The Young Master in white drew his sword in anger, and the red dress woman backed away in shock.

He shouted in anger; "Then tell the truth! I didn't touch it!"

The black armored robust man stood between the two, "Take a sword to scare a poor woman There is a sword, right? Who doesn't have a sword!"

The black armored robust man pulled up the giant sword behind him, and said calmly: "Miss, you don’t have to be afraid of this villain, today’s guild’s Everyone will do it for you, even if you tell the truth out loud!"

The red dress woman clenched the teeth, "Touch it!"

Everyone was in an uproar.

"Hey, I didn't think this person actually put on airs."

"The true story of the dignified green Divine Sect, go to indecent assault on a quasi Goddess, I'm afraid it might be the brain of a worm. Stop it."

"He even drew his sword to scare others, and it was worthless!"

Young Master in white was trembling with anger, his face pale and angry.

At this time.

The six-pointed star flashes slightly, Lin Chen takes a step forward.

Shangguan Yun's face was startled.

"Hey, don't you want to help him and fight here, right?"

Pill City is the site of the Medicine Refining Association. Once you do it first, the consequences will be disastrous!

But Lin Chen, a lunatic, has no taboos!

In case of a real fight, this battle with Divine Kingdom at the beginning is not a concept at all!


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