Write down 13 volumes of Grade 9 Pill Recipe at the same time?

"At the same time... at the same time?"

"Nonsense! It's nonsense!"

"He's a crooked way! Damn, in front of the old man The crooked neck tree is not so crooked by him!"

"Youngster, such an outrageous way of borrowing Pill Recipe, who the hell taught you?"

"This kid …I’m afraid it’s not that you haven’t practiced alchemy at all, right?"

Some of the Ancient One Grand Alchemist who had retired suddenly exploded and scolded Lin Chen from outside the Pill Pagoda square!

Everyone unanimously concluded that Lin Chen is not a pharmacist at all!

What he did was completely tarnishing the actions of the alchemist and this noble and sacred profession!

It's not just nonsense, it's just a few fools!

At the same time, write down thirteen volumes of Grade 9 Pill Recipe, there is no such probability! The complexity of Grade 9 Saint Pill Recipe is comparable to the complexity of the orange-level intermediate or even the high level cultivation technique!

Therefore, Lin Chen's behavior is only a probability, grandstanding, nonsense!

"Hey hey hey, you guys in the guild, don't you take this fool who blatantly insults the alchemist?"

"Yes, yes!"

"How can the sacred alchemist election be insulted by outsiders!"

"Yes, yes!"

Outside the Pill Pagoda square, there was a lot of scolding!

Many apothecaries based on a group of Ancient Ones, and then a black armored robust man and a red dress woman made an unusually loud and loud voice from the crowd, bringing the rhythm of condemning Lin Chen. stand up.

The corner of Gu Lingtian’s mouth slightly raised, showing a sneer like'success', and he was about to take advantage of the question to challenge Lin Chen--


Lian On the top of the Pill Pagoda of the Pharmacist Guild, the vast in the sky made an old sound that vibrated time and space, and it struck every pharmacist’s Primordial Spirit like a huge bell, waking up like a dream!

"Who is noisy again, carry it away from Dan City."

The old monster in the guild made a sound, and there were not many words that were ruthless, making everyone instantly keep quiet out of fear!

It was actually a high-level guild!

He must be an existence several orders higher than Gu Lingtian, a truly powerful figure!

There was a voice from the guild's senior management, everyone dared to be angry and did not dare to speak, staring at Lin Chen who was acting'insulting the alchemist'.

[Consuming the essence of the cultivation technique, extracting the content burned by the specified Pill Recipe into the host’s memory...]

At this moment, Lin Chen has no choice but to look through concentrated attention completely. With all Pill Recipe.

On the other side, Xue Jianming and Ji Lan did not dare to follow. The two showed amazing perseverance and will. Sometimes they recorded Pill Recipe and sometimes looked up at the deacons who were refining medicine, determining the steps, and every second counted.

The Time Flow Speed ​​of the four-dimensional universe seems to be unaware of it, and three days pass by in a flash.

On the fourth day, Lin Chen took the lead!

pa! All Pill Recipes are closed by Lin Chen!

The pre-selected pharmacists startled.

This...Is it finished? The contents recorded in the thirteen volumes of Pill Recipe, is this done?

The content of the thirteen volumes of Grade 9 Pill Recipe, even if it is replaced by a small yellow book, has to be read for ten days half a month! Are you done?

Lin Chen exhaled heavily!

"Well...It's really good. They are all excellent Pill Recipe. The refined pill has a lot of effect on True God. It's time, start!"

Lin Chen said with a smile to the thirteen medicine deacon.

"Dear deacon, you can stop refining the medicine, and leave the rest to the commander to take over. It has nothing to do with you, so go back."

A deacon almost lost his mind, and the process of refining the medicine came to a halt!

The alchemists outside the Pill Pagoda square are even more staring.

Not one, not two, but thirteen deacons!

He remembered the new Pill Recipe in three days, but he still had to operate the refining of thirteen Grade 9 sacred pills at the same time?

Mr. Storyteller didn't dare to talk like that. Who gave Lin Chen the courage to make trouble here.

Before everyone could react, thirteen deacons forcibly withdrew, the colorful medicine pill violently rioted, and all around was still an unfinished medicine ingredient.

Depending on the unrefined medicine ingredient, the energy attributes on it are different, and the pill concocting fingerprints and attributes used by each deacon are also different. Faced with this situation, many pharmacists don’t say they personally experience it. , Even when naked eye watched, I felt my scalp numb!

"The energy accumulated by refining medicine is undergoing drastic changes!"

"Not good, medicine ingredient is about to explode! All the energy will disappeared!"

"The Fire Element pill concocting handprint used by the deacon at No. 6 is even more violent. As soon as the handprint and Primordial Spirit power are withdrawn, the energy in the pill furnace will explode!"

"Done! Lin Chen stopped!"

"Who dares to play like this? Isn't this courting death!"


"What What a gadget! Underestimate my alchemist, mother, come out without beating this little bastard for a few laps, old man......"

"Can you fight?"

"old man...Strong condemnation!"

The many alchemists in the Pill Pagoda square saw the clues at a glance, and they all insulted.

Only the Divine Grade alchemists such as Xiao Ruoyu and Old Man Canghuo and some hidden Ancient One suddenly shut their mouths.

Divine Grade alchemists stared at Lin Chen, their eyes brightened, as if they had discovered something terrible!


But see, all Lin Chen’s Phantom Clone entered the arena, and the moment the deacons left, Phantom Clone’s eyes were sharp as swords, and his eyes were flying brightly.

Strength of Primordial Spirit revolves around all pill furnaces like a vast river, and the snow-white Primordial Spirit is born in a whirlwind, continuously bursting out of the Avatars' eyebrows!

In the great hall, the snow-white Primordial Spirit storm swept away, and the strength of Primordial Spirit rising like a tide enveloped all medicine ingredients being refined.

Lin Chen each Phantom Clone is responsible for the refining of two sacred pills, and the body is responsible for the last one.

The condition of all medicine ingredients stabilized in an instant, and all the steps of refining medicine pill continue as usual, without exception!


Many pharmacists suck in a breath of cold air!

Stabilized! Lin Chen actually did it!

Thirteen deacons who were refining medicine were taken over, and the steps of refining medicine were really perfect!

In the Pill Pagoda square, Xiao Ruoyu twisted her waist and stood up.

Her mature peach-like exquisite jade body is shiver coldly for the first time, and the look between her brows and eyes is unprecedentedly excited and crazy!

"He...he doesn't need to seal!"

Kang Dang! boom!

The excited Canghuo old man crushed the iron ball rotating in his palm and his face was shocked.

Divine Grade Alchemists, all stand up!

Even the glamorous and arrogant Ms. Qin couldn't help but get up from the seat, her gaze seemed to be enchanted, she was absorbed by the medicine concoction scene in the light screen, and she could no longer look away!

Ye Qingwu whistled frivolously and coquettishly.

Gu Lingtian said in disbelief.

"There is this kind of operation?"

The excited Ji Taizong shouted in disregard of the image.

"Hey! Damn, this kid, actually pill concocting with his eyes!"


When I heard the words of a Divine Grade pharmacist, the brains of all pharmacists were blank!

Pill concocting with your eyes?

Is this what Human Race can do?


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