Xiaoqing sneaked into the passage, poked his head out, and stared at the silver robe silhouette in the venue.

The girl secretly cheered for Lin Chen.

"Lin Chen Young Master, don't care about the eyes of others, go to the duck!"

Seat the table.

Ms. Qin looked at the back of Shangguan Yun's departure, and for the first time a trace of doubt appeared.

"Stay away? What do you mean?"

After thinking about it to no avail, Miss Qin shook her head and laughed, "It seems that I have been worrying too much."

Just as Miss Qin left the table——

bang! bang! bang!

The earth quaked!

The sky is roaring!

Time and space are warped!

At this moment, the four-dimensional space-time was completely pulled and tilted by the sudden emergence of a terrorist force!

Even for an instant, many True Gods are still scared.

Except for the pharmacists who participated in the formal election, the True Gods on the seat almost made a fool of themselves and almost sat on the ground!

What is the experience of a momentary tilt in nearby time and space? It's as if the whole person was standing on the carpet, and suddenly the carpet was lifted, head and feet up to the sky!

That taste, only the woman in the skirt today understands the sourness!

Yun Tianlan narrowed his old eyes and stared at the nine-color aurora vortex that suddenly expanded in the sky!

"This is...a sign of Holy Force's opening!"

In the broken and open nine-color aurora vortex, an illusory silhouette suddenly exploded, standing high and standing. between Heaven and Earth!

Everyone got up one after another, horrified.

"What's going on?"


"The whole city of Dan, tilted!"

Nearly stopped The steady Miss Qin was forced to mobilize Soul Power to stabilize her figure!

"What happened?"

Ms. Qin's glamorous and beautiful Xueli appeared a touch of surprise!

She looked back suddenly, and saw Lin Chen in the corner holy light!

The 161st six-pointed starburst, like a polar star in the sky, is slowly condensing into the world!

At this moment, Lin Chen suddenly opened his eyes, his pupils divine light bloomed, and his unquenchable fighting spirit was like the birth of a mad dragon!

"Finally, all the essential attributes have been turned into Holy Force, and it is time to release them in one breath!"

Lin Chen's fighting spirit is burning like a fiery Divine flame, and will never fall. , More and more burning!

His cultivation fingerprints changed, and the core method suddenly started!

One hundred and sixty holy caves flashed at the same time!

The shackles of the Rune of Slowness were suddenly released, and the six Phantom Clone simultaneously pulled the majestic and endless Holy Force together with the body, and suddenly slammed into the 81st holy cave!

Boom! !

This collision is as if the mountains and rivers are turned upside down!

This collision is like Holy Force rushing through the sky!

This shock, teaches the gods to change their colors!

The gorgeous nine-color holy light contains Five Elements Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth, wind, lightning, and dark attributes, constantly rotating and lingering around Lin Chen's body like a holy haze!

Lin Chen’s Holy Force has a seamless and flawless taste!

The 81st holy cave was opened perfectly!

The stronger the potential, the stronger the accumulation, the more Holy Force will be added to the holy cave of the Open Heaven realm!

This time, Lin Chen’s 81st holy cave, the main holy cave alone directly soared the Holy Force equivalent to 50 million power!

Be aware that when Lin Chen used the [Godslayer] innate talent from the lower realm, he was temporarily promoted into the territory of Kaitian with Lin Chen’s potential at that time. The increased Holy Force was only about 6 million powers. Now It's soaring to 50 million!

Furthermore, these 50 million powers are formed in parallel with "Taiyi Time and Space", and they can get core method increase and innate talent effect increase!

"Holy Force that increased 50 million powers with just one holy cave?"

"No, he just broke the cave with more power than 50 million. Powerful imposing manner!"

"Also! This is just the beginning, his impossing manner will be fierce one after another!"

When the gods exclaimed , Yun Tianlan immediately swiped his fingertips!

The azure blue Divine Soul Power is painted like a prison, once again adding a point to the all around Divine Soul Formation, and also protecting the VIP table!

Boom~! boom! boom! boom!

Lin Chen's 82nd holy cave, followed by it! Shock the sky!

The entire venue, no, the entire Dancheng was shaken! For the first time, the Apothecary Guild ushered in such a strong impact!

This kind of old monster who is as strong as Yuntianlan can't help being emotional, "This child is too terrifying. The power of this child is too terrifying. Compared to him, the Saint genius who used to be seen by the old man is simply When a baby fights, he is an Earth Immortal!"

Holy Force is unstoppable!

Lin Chen's body is covered in the newly born bright six-pointed star, and the majestic Holy Force bursts forth, a thought can split heaven, a single blow can sink into the mountains and rivers!

The 82nd holy cave will increase the Holy Force equivalent to 80 million powers!

"The show just begins now!"

Lin Chen a dragon roar sings like Hah!

"The 83rd holy cave is opened for Lao Tzu! "

Shih~! boom!

In the nine-color aurora vortex, a cloud of energy mushrooms soars into the sky!

The 83rd holy cave, the Holy Splendor ten thousand zhang, is the Holy Force, which adds 120 million powers!

It’s not over yet! As if it was just a prelude to the rainstorm, Lin Chen's power is like no one, invincible, and the rays of light in his eyes are getting stronger and stronger!

Two roars like dragons, the 84th holy cave and the 85th holy cave opened continuously!

The 84th, 180 million! The 85th holy cave, the Holy Force of 250 million powers!

Veteran True God suck in a breath of cold air!

It is just a Holy Force in the Open Heaven Realm, and it can even be comparable to a True God!

What the hell is the innate talent exhausted, the background is empty, this is so strong that it is not like a human!

Good guy, his feelings have been getting ready before!

With such a solid accumulation, it is no wonder that he can dare to challenge Asura King, he is a humanoid monster! This kind of fighting spirit is also a leader in True God!

The six Phantom Clones seem to have a sharp heart, standing beside Lin Chen at the same time, they are already ready to go, and the Holy Force mobilized by Avatar rushes!

bang! bang! bang!

Like the fireworks bursting down the Star River, Lin Chen turned into the most dazzling polar star alone!

Lin Chen's 86th, 87th, and 88th holy caves are completely opened! Saint Mang Zhaodan City, Holy Splendor covers the sky!

The increase in the Holy Force of the three holy caves is even more terrifying. They are the Holy Force of 380 million, 500 million, and 650 million respectively!

"This wave of explosions, no, this wave of explosions is too strong!"

"The old man is willing to recruit this child into my sect at all costs!"

"Even if you are in the eternal giant, this child can also occupy a place, take advantage of this, pull him into my clan!"

"The ugly person is still hesitating, the handsome person has already gone back and shouted dísciple is here to be seduced, let’s talk about the sexual entrapment arrangement first!" The True God of all influence was amazed.

Ms. Qin stared at Lin Chen's profile blankly, and her glamorous and charming profile showed an unconcealable shock.

How far can he go?

However, just when everyone thought it was over, Lin Chen seemed to be immortal, his handprints changed again, and all Avatars were running the core method together with their bodies!

"Kaitian Perfection, how could it be my Lin Chen's Peak? For Brother Chen, open!"

At this time, the ground in Dancheng shook again.

Boom! boom!

Two roaring explosions resounded through the sky!

Lin Chen's last two sacred caves in the Open Heaven Realm rushed open!

The Holy Force released from the last two holy caves is enough to make God feel terrified!

The **** holy cave, the Holy Force of 850 million power!

The 90th holy cave, the Holy Force of billions of power!

Lin Chen, stepping into the open world Perfection!

Pill Pagoda senior, Ye Qingwu smiled when he watched this scene.

"Auntie, he will come to see you soon..."


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