[The host uses the components of the Wind God Wing, Wind God Wing, Wind God Wing Armor, and Wind God Left Arm Armor. Trigger the effect of the King of Speed ​​suit and obtain: the gift of divine wind. Begin to increase the host's full attribute speed: 10 times, 30 times, 50 times, 100 times...Continue to surge! 】

The system light screen plays frantically, and the green divine wind turns into a whirlwind to support Lin Chen.

Wind God Wing erupts and shines. The divine wind of the divine splendor turns into an unprecedented storm around Lin Chen like stars entrusting the moon!

A touch of azure divine splendor appeared in Lin Chen’s pupils!

He took a deep breath, mobilized the Holy Force of the whole body, folded his hands together, said with a smile in awe.

"The king of speed, the heavens are undefeated. Only the god of wind, vertical and horizontal four-dimensional."

Ji Lan stared at the green silhouette wearing a divine wind in the distance. A wave of courage is emerging, and the look in beautiful eyes is radiant!

Qin Shuangjue's lips trembled, "He...what does he want to do?"

In the Elder group, several Elders discussed each other enthusiastically.

"Old man remember, he seems to be using a weapon against Asura King?"

"This is not a battle. What does he want to do with his hole cards from the battle? Ah!"

"Fighting and refining medicine are completely different things. Doesn't this kid treat this as a place to fight, right?"

"No matter how he struggles, one day It's impossible to make Divine Pill within it!"

When the Elder group was discussing it, Yun Tianlan was the only one staring at Lin Chen, and an incredible shock appeared in his old eyes!

"His Primordial Spirit is condensing, and..."

Yun Tianlan's heart set off a stormy sea. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, I'm afraid he would not believe this absurdity in his life. Thing!


The air waves are rolling, and there is a gust of wind in the venue!

A large number of medicine ingredients are here again, to refine the main medicine ingredient of "Yeyu Qingshuang Dan"; Xuanye Divine Crystal, Three Purities, Divine Dew, and other major ninth rank Divine Grade heaven and earth treasures , It's all there!

Qin Shuangjue's face suddenly changed, "He wants to refine so many Nine Steps to Heaven materials at the same time? How can he handle so many cumbersome steps..."

next moment, the expressions of the gods and the alchemists of the Alchemist Guild have changed drastically!

Boom~! With a roar, Lin Chen's Wind God Wing is on display, and the divine wind flashes vertically!

His silhouette slanted, and the whole person actually'disappeared'!

Crack~! The fist sized ninth rank medicine ingredient, Xuanye Divine Crystal split instantly.

When the essence energy of the crystal interior of God flows out, it refines all impurities at the speed visible to naked eye, turning into a pool of dark green brilliance energy, condensed into a light cluster suspended.

Tear and pull~! A ray of divine wind passed by, the wings of the gods spread out, and the sonic boom soared into the sky!

Earth-yellow's Three Purities is instantly enveloped by an ancient seal, which melts into a group of energy divine liquid like lightning!

Many alchemists were stunned!


Too fucking fast! Fast beyond recognition!

This is the Nine Steps to Heaven material treasure, Divine Grade medicine ingredient. This refining speed is more than a hundred times faster than the Divine Grade alchemists present here!

These operations are things that people can do?

"This...there is such an outrageous thing in the world?"

"Impossible! Divine Soul realm does not have the speed of refining medicine ingredient, what's the matter now !"

"Where is Lin Chen? The old man can't even see his silhouette!"

Many powerhouses were horrified and even mad!

Jiehai’s powerhouse is even more shining!

Divine Grade alchemists such as Taizong Ji, Old Man Canghuo, Xiao Ruoyu, etc. stood up one after another, looking horrified, as if they had discovered a new continent!

The Elders of the Elder group felt their scalp numb when their eyes were covered with the power of Divine Soul!

They seem to be witnessing the birth of a miracle that transcends all the history of the refining world!

Qin Shuangjue’s lips trembled, she didn't have the same look of the past, and some were just shocked staying in place!

At this moment, only stepping into the powerhouse in the Divine Soul realm can you vaguely peek at Lin Chen's silhouette!

Lin Chen turned into the divine wind of the howling venue!

divine wind transcends dimensions, transcends time and space!

Even God’s naked eye can hardly see his afterimage!

The powerhouse in the Divine Soul realm can vaguely feel that Lin Chen, who is guarded by the divine wind, is fast enough to print on his hands!

Even Divine Soul is almost too difficult to capture!

"Master...Master, what's the principle?"

"You fucking ask me? You go ask him! I still want to know as a teacher!"

" p>

The scalp numb of the drug concocters of all parties, and they are breathing air-conditioning!

Eight Desolations Six Directions printing shines brightly, and is frequently listed from in the sky!

Boom! boom! boom!

The energy of a crowd of Avatars to assist the eighth rank medicine ingredient suddenly shoots into the energy of the gods, and the timing is just perfect!

Avatar assists, the ontology is in charge, Lin Chen seems to be in control of the whole situation!

The refinement and several changes of Divine Grade Tiancai Dibao is like a super high-speed art show!

There is no sense of stagnation at all!

Everyone has their mouths open.

Everyone stopped in place, their faces filled with shock of being subverted.

The Elder group, those Elders who are known as the geniuses of the refining world.

Those who are called ghost-like figures in the world of refining medicine.

Having been awarded various awards by the Alchemist Guild, he dominates the guild among the magnates.

Those Divine Grade alchemists who commanded the party, the skill shocking and stunning of alchemy!

At this moment, these are all Legendary-like figures in the outside world, living in the same place as if they were shocked by a ghost!

More than shock, the big guys here turned pale!

Lin Chen's speed of refining medicine has surpassed everyone's cognition!

And...this damn thing is the pill concocting speed created under the pressure of such a powerful Divine Soul like Yun Tianlan!

Isn't he Lin Chen, if he untie the shackles, can he be one step faster?

Everyone's brains seem to have been emptied for the first time!

Can't tell any principle, there is no principle!

Judging from the history of the refining world, if you want to make Divine Pill in one day, it is indeed impossible!

God World does not have such a probability!

No matter how shocking and stunning the medicine refining talent, no matter how out of common sense, it is impossible to subvert the medicine refining world!

But...in the past, there is no Lin Chen!

If the ultimate Fengshen suit known as the'King of Speed' only moves super fast, it would be too insulting to the title of the'King of Speed'!

Yes, what the Ultimate Fengshen suit promotes is'full attribute speed'!

Full attribute speed, what is this concept?

All attributes, including Lin Chen's power, cultivation base, realm, down to the flesh and blood, up to the Primordial Spirit Holy Force, soaring a hundred times faster in all directions!

The Fengshen suit is dominated by arm armor, Lin Chen must personally seal the Divine Pill to ensure the fastest speed!

In other words, when Lin Chen is refining medicine, the speed of Primordial Spirit and the speed of use of Holy Force can be pill concocting at a speed that is more than a hundred times faster than normal conditions!

The speed that overrides everything, the speed that transcends concepts and consciousness!

Its power depends only on how the host uses it!

This is the King of Speed·Extreme Fengshen Set!


In the venue, the energy ripples of a Dao Pill ring surged open, and dozens of energy light clusters began to converge!

All powerhouse has a scalp tingling in a moment!

You started to gather young pill so soon?

One day Spirit Refinement Pill, Lin Chen is real!


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