Beyond the Alchemist Guild, the far east.

When Lin Chen disrupted the situation and upended the history of the Alchemist Guild with strength of oneself--

A month and a half ago.

A quaint great hall.

Peerless genius, who has accomplished the'Divine Art feats', is dressed in Qingyi and is not stained by the earthly atmosphere. Qian Ling Young Master stands with his hands.

He closed his eyes slightly and listened to the report of the people behind him.

"You said, Gu Lingtian asked to see you. And that Lin Chen also appeared in the selection of the alchemist?"

The black clothed person on one-knee kneels said hoarsely. "Yes!"

Qian Ling Young Master said indifferently; "Let you block some details about this child in the early Divine Kingdom, have you solved it."

black The clothed person respectfully said: "It's solved."

Qian Ling Young Master asked: "How to solve it."

The black clothed person said: "We solve the problem for the person who found the problem. Now."

"Very good."

Qian Ling Young Master opened his eyes, his eyes opened and closed, and the Divine Lightning faintly came to the world, the outside world changed suddenly, and thunderclouds were out of thin air. generate!

"Young Master, your decision is..."

Qianling Young Master said in a cold voice; "This time, leave it to you." Divine Vestige was born in the Northwest Burial Temple. This Young Master will go there in person. "

black clothed person cup one fist in the other hand Leader: "Yes! "

Next, Qian Ling was looking thoughtful and said again.

"However, for such a weird guy, there may be any cards left, which should not be underestimated. It's not my code to act rashly. I don't know if Lin Chen is involved with other forces behind him. "

"Let Gu Lingtian go and give me a try on the depth of Lin Chen. Best, bring his head to see me!" "

Qian Ling threw away a golden light brilliant jade slip with his handwriting engraved on it.

The black clothed person took it, emotionally said; "Young Master, use it Tiansha Order? "

Qian Ling said: "Go, underestimating the enemy is a taboo." Bring Yu Tianwei. She has been very grieving recently, so she took this opportunity to come back to see me with his head and secrets! "

"Yes! "

The black clothed person disappeared in the sky instantly!

Outside the ancient palace.

Gu Lingtian was waiting outside. He had set off here many days ago!

Learning that Lin Chen had a holiday with the woman of the legendary Qian Ling Young Master, he gave up early on waiting and watching the moment of the election and chose to come to'visit' Qian Ling Young Master to inform him of the situation.

Send information in the open, and murder a person with a borrowed knife in the dark.

A wisp of light smoke passes by, and a black clothed person emerges.

Gu Lingtianyi cup one fist in the other hand; "Your Excellency, what is the answer of Qianling Young Master? "

Om~! The black clothed person flashes the token, and the golden light shines on Gu Lingtian's face!

The black clothed person only uses a brief one-sentence overview.


"Young Master orders, go to Tiansha Pavilion, mobilize expert, take Lin Chen's head and return with secrets! "

Gu Lingtian looked happy!

Tiansha Pavilion, other assassination forces at the Wangu Giant level! We often cooperate with Jiehai. As long as you have money, the experts in the Wangu giant's power are also Dare to assassinate!

Tiansha order can mobilize the first-class killer in Tiansha Pavilion!

"Lin Chen, Lin Chen, this time I want to see how many secrets you have ! "


Time to return to the Alchemy Guild and the election is over, Pill Pagoda top.

"The reward is too little to go. "

Lin Chen spread his hands, "Sorry, my dark horse organization has hundreds of thousands of people in a quarter of an hour. With this reward, I can't go. "

After that, Lin Chen got up and left, and he really went to pull the door and was about to leave.

The old woman in gray had a slight twitch of her mouth...

Look This child is coming to the lion's mouth.

This commission is really important. Divine Kingdom of Tianyi and Divine Kingdom of Taichu are not of the same magnitude. Divine Kingdom is rich in resources and controls a large number of Secret Realm positions. Face.

If the Prime Minister of Divine Kingdom can be saved, it is equivalent to accepting their favor, which will be of great benefit to the Alchemist Guild.

I will put my hand on the doorknob.

At that time, Lin Chen thought to himself: "Three, two..."

"Lin Chen Elder! "

Sure enough, everyone Elder Council Elder called him!

Lin Chen turned around and jokingly said with a smile; "Everyone there is a saying?" "

All elders glanced at each other, and the black robed old man headed one fingertip.


The reward on the token suddenly changed It has become a contribution point of 200,000!

However, the delegation has become visible only to Lin Chen.

The black robed old man said: “This is the old man’s personal authority that can help you The biggest reward for promotion, Lin Chen Elder, I hope you don’t sit on the floor and raise the price. If the reward is not enough, the old man can do nothing. "

Lin Chen said with a smile: "I took it. "

Everyone murmured: "Why is it fast to turn the book?" "

Lin Chen knows very well that, as a human being, you can’t force people to be too tight.

Sometimes it’s best to be tight and loose. If the price is too high, these The old monster can't get off the stage either.

The black robed old man lightly coughed, I saw Lin Chen sit back again, as if nothing happened, smiled and made many Elder want to beat him up.


"Lin Chen Elder, you can invite fellow travellers on this trip, and fellow travellers will also have other entrusted rewards. Regarding Tianyi Divine Kingdom, although other Divine Grade alchemists cannot pill concocting, they can assist you. "

"The pharmacist who assists you, you can choose from the pharmacists who are currently available in the guild. "

Hearing this, Lin Chen almost without the slightest hesitation, picked up his pen and wrote two names!

When you look at it, Elder's face is especially wonderful.


Pill Pagoda, the lobby on the first floor.

Xue Jianming was stunned; "Brother Lin Chen, did you choose me to assist your commission?" This is too worthwhile..."

Ji Lan asked curiously: "Am I... going too? "

Lin Chen nodded, said: "I can't trust anyone except you." Of course, the decision on whether to go or not is yours, and there is also a contribution point of 20,000 yuan for the entrusted reward for this assistant. "

The two of them looked at each other, and there was a completely different look between their eyebrows!

"Let’s go! "

The two spoke in unison!

At this time, a tall and slender figure appeared, walked towards Lin Chen, and threw out a ring.

Shangguan Yundao : "During your retreat, I collected some Holy Artifacts in Dan City. "

Lin Chen startled and took it with one hand. When the Primordial Spirit saw the ring, there were hundreds of Grade 9 Holy Artifacts inside!

While Lin Chen was in retreat, Shangguan Yun actually went to collect Holy Artifact for him!

Another batch of suit essence attributes!

Lin Chen gave a thumbs up and exclaimed; Not much talk, much better than some poker foxes who can only hit people with the ball. "

Shangguan Yun frowned; "Did the ball to hit someone?" "

A certain glamorous beauty who was observing secretly made the corners of her lips twitch.

"Don't care about these details, go, let's go to Divine Kingdom! "

Lin Chen waved his hand and released the Divine Dragon. The dragon reigned over the sky. He took up three people and left the guild Pill Pagoda!

The strength of the Divine Dragon is now soaring, and the speed of the spatial flight is soaring. It's particularly scary. Although it is not as good as the Fengshen suit, it will not take too long to go to the Divine Kingdom of Tianyi.

Lin Chen flicks with the finger on the back of the dragon.

The rays of light shining with orange shine into Shangguan Yun's eyebrows.

Shangguan Yun said: "What did you shoot at me? "

Lin Chen jokingly said with a smile: "A little surprise, feel for yourself." "

[Activate the attribute transfer function, consumes Divine Grade Heavenly Dao value 8 points, Divine Grade cultivation technique essence 3800 points, is fusing cultivation memory for the specified target... The host's remaining Divine Grade cultivation technique essence: 55080 points .]

Shangguanyun has time to ask again in the future, and there are a lot of cultivation memories in my mind!

" this? "

Shangguan Yun appeared a touch of horror, looking at Lin Chen in disbelief.

He still has such a method?

"How much did he hide? Ah......"


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