"Divine Spark fragments? Good thing! The divine gravity of the three fragments, even True God, who controls the law, dare not impudent!"

Lin Chen looked overjoyed.

The azure clothed old man saw Lin Chen suddenly turn around and flickered wildly at the void, Senior was full of doubts; "This is..."

At this time, Shangguan Yunta When he arrived in the air, he said abruptly: "Just get used to it, he is not a normal person."

The azure clothed old man exclaimed: "...the expert acts, profound mystery."


Xue Jianming's eyes gleamed, "Hold tightly on the thick thighs, and the cultivation base is not afraid to retreat!"

Qin Shuangjue is coldly snorted, "I don't know the good people, so I didn't even thank you for coming to help."


Tianyi Divine Kingdom, spiritual fog is permeated, and the forest of gods stands tall.

In a palace, a beautiful and elegant figure is leaning against the windowsill of the attic, and the lush and jade fingers are carefully flipping through a shabby ancient book, and the book is torn.

The new maid can’t help but say curiously: "Why does Princess keep reading this book?"

The other maids said: "You don’t know, that is Princess’s favorite one. This book, it is said that there is a great character."

The woman’s red lips are pink, her eyebrows are like flying snow in the distant mountains, her jade face is like the melting of the first snow, the blue silk is coiled up, and the azure earrings embellished with jade collide with crisp Yuyin, wearing a blue long skirt, beautifully painted Fairy.

As if hearing the conversation of the palace ladies, the woman suddenly looked back, slightly smiled.

"You are the new palace lady."

The little palace lady is sincere and apprehensive, and salutes slightly: "Back to Princess, slave servant Yueer, only came yesterday..."

Princess smiled like the first snow, beckoning; "Come here."

The little palace lady's lovable body trembled and walked with small steps. Princess pointed to a name on the ancient book.

"Have you heard of this name?"

The little palace lady watched, the ancient book engraved a name on it, the Heavenly Emperor.

"The slaves and maids are short-sighted, I have never heard of..."

"Then I will tell you..."

Princess seems to be in a good mood, I really like sharing the stories in the book.

"He is my God World Human Race, the Number One Person in the history of fifty million years!"

The little palace lady doubts, Number One Person? Why have I never heard of this title...

"Crown Prince is here!"

At this time, an announcement came from the outside world.

The court ladies immediately knelt down, and the Divine Kingdom Crown Prince walked like a dragon and stepped like a tiger, dressed in Qilin robe, stepped into the palace.

Crown Prince has sword eyebrows and stars, and there is the power of the king between the eyebrows. After entering the palace, he waved his hand: "Retreat."


Everyone retreats.

Crown Prince said seriously: "Imperial Sister, the people from the Alchemist Guild are here, you and the fourth brother are going to meet you..."

I'm not finished, Crown Prince Glancing at Princess's ancient book, helplessly said: "My good Imperial Sister, don't always pass these taboos to others. Do you know what the situation is now."

Princess smiled and raised her eyes When looking up at the sky, I sighed: "Imperial Brother, I naturally know, but every time I see the Divine Vestige who is fighting for all living beings, there is always a blood in my heart that can hardly calm me..."

Crown Prince's eyes flickered, "Who...fus the Heavenly Emperor, Hao Futian."

Princess got up, a touch of perseverance and admiration appeared on her beautiful profile, "His first battle was with Saint King cultivation base, annihilated three thousand True Gods. I only sigh at Divine Kingdom, I know so little about him."

Crown Prince's heart is shaking, staring at the sky, standing with his hands behind, The eyes were full of excitement.

"Ask the boundless earth, who is responsible for the ups and downs."


Divine Kingdom, Tianyi Shenshan.

divine light illuminates the thousands of rivers and mountains and turns into rays of light Divine Soul Power with the splendid sea of ​​clouds across the sky.

The divine light scrolls like waves blooming under the Star Sea.

For the people of Divine Kingdom, the divine light radiated by this Divine Soul is like the rebirth of Spiritual Qi, but for the alien Human Race after entering the territory of Tianyi Mountain, it has an unprecedented oppression!

The powerful Divine Soul oppression is like nine suns high in the sky, and the human race from outside is unbearable.

In a mansion, many Civilian Court Officials of the Divine Kingdom are in a hurry at the mansion. Even a cultivation base with a god realm can hardly conceal the anxiety on their faces.

At this time, an announcement came!

"Everyone, the people from the Alchemist Guild are here, and our commission has been taken!"

In the lobby of the mansion, many courtiers of the gods were immediately overjoyed. Eldest Young Master immediately said: "Old Xuan, please bring all the alchemists here!"

A streak of divine light descended from the air, and everyone walked into the lobby, headed by azure clothed old man, Lin Chen entire group appears!

The dozens of people in the lobby looked ecstatic, looking forward to the stars and the moon, and finally looked forward to them!

"This...is this Miss Qin Shuangjue from the Alchemist Guild?"

"The youngest guild in history, Elder?"

" Did Miss Qin Shuangjue personally take over the commission? The guild is really concerned!"

Everyone immediately focused on Qin Shuangjue's figure.

Qin Shuang said indifferently: "Don’t get me wrong, I’m just here to watch, this time I’m not the principal, I’m paddling."

Divine Kingdom’s courtiers They were slightly stunned.

On the contrary, they subconsciously focused their gaze on Ji Lan, and some of the powerful cultivation base officials can still perceive that Ji Lan is also the existence of Divine Soul!

Ji Lan immediately shrank behind Lin Chen.

Everyone found out that there is actually a Saint King in this team?

An veteran asked subconsciously: "The messenger?"

Lin Chen smiled angrily, "Hit you?"

Xue Jianming's unprecedented addition "Have you ever seen such a handsome messenger?" Shangguan Yun glanced at it, "gradually aging."

Azure clothed old man quickly said, "Everyone Old Brother, please let the old man introduce. This little friend of Lin Chen is the principal of our Divine Kingdom. A few days ago, he just became Elder, the pharmacist guild, and it was the guild who carefully selected me this time. The Alchemist from Divine Kingdom."


There was a strange silence in the lobby for a moment!

A crowd of Civilian Court Official generals were dumbfounded and filled with disbelief.

Until Qin Shuangjue casually added: "This matter is not false, I can guarantee. What he does represents the Alchemist Guild."

Lin Chen is too lazy Talking nonsense with everyone, bluntly said: "Old Xuan, show me how the prime minister is doing."

The azure clothed old man stretched out his hand and asked: "Your Excellency, please here!"

Old Xuan led the team, everyone followed, and several veterans even sounded transmission.

"Mysterious old man, did you make a mistake, bring a Saint King over?"

"Can a Saint King become a guild Elder? Is your old ghost deceived? Is it?"

"No, the old man must verify his identity first!"

Bring Lin Chen into the secret room and closing the door, Xuan glared at everyone.

"Okay, silence the old man! If there is anything, the old man will bear it."

He cursed.

"Mother, you don't know how troublesome it is to keep this great god. If you force Lailai to say a few words to make people angry, you will have to lose all the old man pants!"

The secret room is in the open air, and there is a starlight from the ceiling. The brilliant nine-color divine light is like clouds and mist, floating in front of a silhouette, protecting the person's heart.

The first time Lin Chen entered the secret room, he saw the attribute rays of light!

Lin Chen's heart is shocked.

"Here, there is attribute treasure!"


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