In the Heavenly Prison, the border space of Divine Kingdom, this place is the Heavenly Prison where the divine prisoners are held. It is not trivial, the space is frozen, and the divine force is blocked.

The three silhouettes are bound to this point.

It is Yu Tianwei and the black armored robust man, the trio of red suit women!

Gu Lingtian was smearing the soles of his feet, but before he had time to take them, they couldn't escape Gu Lingtian so fast!

In Heavenly Prison; the lady in the red dress lose one's head out of fear, "What will happen to us, will he tarnish us, humiliate us, will he insult my ass, I'm so scared. "

The black armored robust man yelled at her distractedly, "Don't fucking worry about your own cock all day long, it's not a gold ingot, who is so rare."

Yu Tianwei was a little calm, calm, with a contemptuous smile on his lips.

In her opinion, the reason Lin Chen imprisoned her was that she did not dare to move her!

It seems that Qianling Young Master's name is still a bit loud, and even he is jealous.

Presumably, I will come to negotiate terms with them later. Even if Lin Chen gave him ten courage, he would not dare to touch her Yu Tianwei!

creak ~!

The door inside Heavenly Prison opened, Lin Chen, Shangguan Yun and Qin Shuangjue appeared.

Lin Chen walked to the Heavenly Prison, looked at the three of them, and smiled playfully, "Tell me, what is your purpose. Gu Lingtian has any plans for Lao Yinbi next, all out. I can consider letting you go."

black armored robust man said solemnly; "Gu Lingtian said that you are dangerous, and find Qianling Young Master to do you."

"Qianling Young Master?" Lin Chen raised his brows, "Good guys, another group of desperate people popped up."

At this time, Yu Tianwei sneered; "Lin Chen, what tricks do you want to play?"


Lin Chen jokingly said with a smile: "Trick? I like to play from childhood to adulthood."

He glanced at Yu Tianwei's broken arm, the divine body wanted to be reborn from the broken arm It's not that simple. If the arm can stay and take it back, it is not very difficult. The problem is that Lin Chen will break her with one punch.

Yu Tianwei smiled charmingly and coldly, "Lin Chen, how big is the Qianling Young Master's influence? If he wants to destroy you, even a genius with Divine Art can't keep you! Let you die if you die, let you live as long as you live. In this star continent, there is no one that Qianling Young Master would not dare to kill!"

"I, Yu Family, became an affiliated family of Qianjia five years ago. Just get to know..."


Shangguan Yun slapped it up, and the hit was crisp and long. Yu Tianwei dazed, clutching his palm with an unbelievable way.

"You slut, do you dare to beat me? What stinky fish is your Shangguan Mansion, dare to beat me......"

pa! pa! pa!

Shang Guan Yun changed hands with one hand, and went up to greet Yu Tianwei's face, and Lin Chen was amazed.

It's fierce, too fierce.

Lin Chen clicking one's tongue in wonder; "It's also quite pleasing to watch women fighting."

Qin Shuangjue said calmly; "Are you sure it was two women fighting, no Beaten unilaterally?"

Beat Yu Tianwei's snowy white and delicate cheeks into a pig's head, Shangguan Yun single-handed her, "I dare to beat you, it has nothing to do with anyone."

"Even if my Shangguan Mansion is not as powerful as the power behind you, it will not affect me to slap you. In my life, Shangguan Yun looks down on a man who sleeps and considers himself a powerful lackey!"

"You, you !"

Yu Tianwei was so angry that she was shiver coldly, daring not to speak.

Qin Shuangjue looked at Shangguan Yun with admiration.

Aside from other things, even without Lin Chen’s success, Shangguanyun’s cultivation base is also very well placed in the Wangu giants.

It is not easy for Shangguan Mansion to cultivate such talents with the background of thousands of ancient aristocratic families.

Lin Chen walked to Yu Tianwei, "I won't solve you, I want you to send a letter back."

Lin Chen smiles like a child; "Go back and tell That Qianling Young Master, next time you come, remember to let his people bring more Divine Items."

Push the palm, the nine-color holy light pierces Yu Tianwei’s loving body like a pin-pointed wheat awn. After the latter screamed, Lin Chen threw Yu Tianwei out of the space Heavenly Prison!

Shengxia rises, Lin Chen takes out another hand to abolish the black armored robust man and the cultivation base of the red dress woman!

The two divine bodies rolled down a large number of attribute light balls, and Lin Chen ran the core method to absorb all the attribute light balls dropped by the two at close range.

[The host gains 39 Divine Grade innate talent points, 990 cultivation technique essence points, 2000 Divine Level Talisman literary energy, 50 Divine Grade Heavenly Dao points...]

Qin Shuang Jue looked at this scene with a weird face, Saint King abolished the three True God cultivation bases, which is really weird. Since ancient times, I am afraid that not many Saints have achieved this.

"Lin Chen Brother, the medicine ingredient and conditions you want, Miss Ji Lan and I are all ready."

At this time, Xue Jianming entered the Heavenly Prison.

Lin Chen said with a smile: "Okay, leave it to me next. You came just in time, and these two are left to you."

Xue Jianming startled, look The two who wailed to the pain.

Lin Chen patted his shoulder, "Normal fate starts from you and ends with you. The lives of these two people are at your disposal, I won't say anything."

After speaking, Lin Chen and Shangguan Yun left, leaving Xue Jianming with cold glow in his eyes!

Being soft-hearted to the enemy is cruel to oneself.

The prime minister's residence, Lin Chen will come again.

Outside the door of the secret room, look at all the medicine ingredients on the countertop, which are arranged neatly in spiritual liquid, powder or crystalline form, and the essence of energy is moving.

Lin Chen, a dozen of important ministers, has already seen Ji Lan's superb refining skills. Compared with the ordinary pharmacist guild Elder, they are not much better, and they are amazed.

The news of the Apothecary Guild has not yet been communicated to this point. They don’t know anything about the Apothecary who entrusted the principal, and they are even more curious.

Even Qin Shuangjue looked at Lin Chen with great interest, wanting to see how he could save the life of Prime Minister Yao.


Suddenly, the phantom divine light descends, pushes the door and enters into the secret room.

Next, the six Phantom Clone did something that stunned everyone!

The Avatars rushed forward and lifted Prime Minister Yao who was lying in the secret room on a stretcher!

Lin Chen waved his hand, "Go!"


The six Phantom Clones lifted Yao Zaixiang out of thin air in a unified manner, flying up, turning into a wisp of smoke and carrying people away!

Lin Chen stepped into the air and left with Avatar. Ji Lan took medicine ingredient follow closely from behind, her eyes flashed with a strong desire to study!

"It's crazy! It must be crazy!"

"What is this? The prime minister leaves the Divine Soul star formation of Tianyi Shenshan, and the blood poison in his body will only be the most Quickly blend into the whole body!"

"Does this child want to poison Prime Minister Yao?"

"No, let's take a look, let's take a look. If he wants to poison Prime Minister Yao, You can do it early, why wait until now."

"Look, see again!"

The ministers immediately followed.

Qin Shuang stepped into the air to catch up with Lin Chen, and said in astonishment: "What are you doing?"

Seeing the prime minister who was lifted out of the secret room turned red and blood poisoned. Step into the body!

Lin Chen jokingly said with a smile: "Don’t worry, whether it’s carrying a coffin or someone, our dark horse organization is the most professional."

Shangguan Yun: "It’s the beginning. "

Lin Chen walks in the air, stepping on the nine-color sacred clouds, looking around all around, the curved four-dimensional world keeps turning, and the scenery changes continuously.

"Find a good place..."

Lin Chen's words made Qin Shuang absolutely suspect that he wanted to bury the prime minister and find a good mountain to bury him!

Feeling the gazes of a group of important Divine Kingdom officials behind him, Qin Shuang couldn't help but smile bitterly, doing business with Lin Chen, and having a heartbeat.

Today, if this can’t give a satisfactory answer, it’s Lin Chen who was carried away from Tianyi Divine Kingdom!

"I found it. It’s here. It’s really a good place. Today is a good day to go to the grave."

Lin Chen bowed down, and the Avatars carried Yao Zaixiang through The clouds descended to a boundary.

Qin Shuang gave a desperate look, and instantly the corners of his lips twitched.

Lin Chen actually carried Yao Zaixiang, who was dying, to the country of Tianyi Divine Kingdom!

What the hell does this guy want to do......


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