Sweep thousands of gods with one shot and horrify the world!

The gods were frightened by Lin Chen for the first time. The battle strength of this child is too enchanting and weird!

"Oops, the encirclement has been blasted away. If Formation is blown up, it will not be able to stop this brat!"

When the white Sword God first appeared panic, his body desires Zhao Anran once again urged the Five Elements God Wheel to stop him.

Boom~! The lightning surges, the sword dao law is like ten thousand swords hanging in the sky, the white Sword God uses some hole cards, and the formidable power of the law skyrocketed!

The prey that has finally been obtained must not be let go like this!

Seeing this scene, Zhao Anran clenched the teeth, and the Five Elements God Wheel Array collided head-on, still not giving way!

[The host gets 2.92 million Divine Grade essence, 2181 Divine Grade cultivation technique essence, 60 Divine Grade Heavenly Dao points, 288 Divine Grade innate talent points, 20,000 Saint Level enhancement points...]

[Get 2992 points of Divine Grade Wind Element energy, 3990 points of Divine Grade Thunder Element energy, 5010 points of Divine Grade light energy...]

[The host uses Golden War God to overdo it, The flesh shell is about to collapse. ]

[Consume 3,520 Divine Grade Heavenly Dao points to activate the undead Divine Spark to repair the host’s wounded body. 】

In the previous shot of the shocking War God, Lin Chen's fleshy shell almost failed to resist the increase in power brought by the War God suit!

When Avatar grabbed the attribute light ball for Lin Chen, Lin Chen acted again!

Exchanging opponents is the most correct decision made by Zhao Anran and Lin Chen.

Judging from the current battle strength and methods, although Zhao Anran's temporary burst of power is slightly better than Lin Chen, Lin Chen has the effect of the innate talent of [Shen Ni]!

If you can break through the enemy's attack, it will cause real damage to the opponent!

It’s like Lin Chen broke through the encirclement of the gods with a single shot during the siege and suppression of the gods. If there was [Shen Rebellion] at that time, the damage to the thousands of True Gods would be enough to prevent them anymore. Fight for the second time!

The same is true now!

White Sword God did not expect that Lin Chen’s battle strength this time would have a very threatening attack method than the last time [Godslayer]!

Equivalent to, against the white Sword God, Zhao Anran can do better than Lin Chen. But in the face of two thousand True Gods, Lin Chen is even better; he can maximize the [Shen Ni] innate talent!

"Don't panic! Start the battle, don't be intimidated by this kid!"

"Those who disobey orders, die."

Two gods Jing Qizhong clutched the wound coldly and shouted, but Lin Chen didn't have the chance to cheer them up. When he smashed the void and came aggressively, the guns and guns shattered a lot of True God fighting intents!

At the moment when the lineup is scattered and the fighting intent collapses, the battle strength of the gods is far not as strong as at first!

The vacillating fighting intent caused their lineup to fall apart.

Lin Chen walked like a dragon and stepped like a tiger. Spear Art is particularly fierce between the opening and closing. He resists many True God attacks and picks four True God 4th layers in a row. Of the head time.

Lin Chen's gun suddenly turned, raised the War God gun high, and swung abruptly at a True God 6th-layer!

The golden brilliance of the divine spear flashed like a crescent moon, tearing a True God 6th-layer late defense with one shot!

pu chi ~!

divine blood hurriedly, pure power broke the remaining power of the defense, and all penetrated into the body of that True God 6th-layer.

His divine body and Divine Soul were completely shattered, and a beam of red light was dropped out of the attribute beam!

[The host opens the cultivation technique treasure chest, and obtains: a fragment of the red-order cultivation technique (2/4). 】

Lin Chen can't care to take a closer look at what he has gained, two divine lights flee into the sky, appearing on top of Lin Chen's head!

It is the seven gods of the two gods!

The previous Lin Chen's violent offensive disrupted their lineup. When they realized that they could no longer expand the encirclement, they decided to rush to the forefront!

The two of them each made a move, and the speedy blitz made Lin Chen irresistible, and was forced to resist the offensive of the four laws!


War God golden light burst out wildly, Lin Chen stepped back ten steps in a row, [War God Golden Body] urged to the extreme, his eyes were bloodshot, and he barely resisted.

【Consuming the remaining 3980 points of Divine Grade Heavenly Dao value, activate the undead Divine Spark to recover the injury, the host remaining Heavenly Dao value attribute: 0 points. 】

Once again overloaded with Golden War God sets, Lin Chen’s Divine Grade Heavenly Dao value has reached a critical value!

Heavenly Dao value attribute cannot make ends meet!

Lin Chen fighting intent flashed a trace of madness in his soaring eyes, as if he had expected it, he suddenly violent!

bang! bang! bang!

War God arm armor brews ten thousand zhang golden light, this time the pure power exceeds two million wild powers, and it is still brewing crazily and continues to rush .


The two were surprised and hurriedly started Law Body Protection!

Divine force is brewing, Lin Chen threw the War God gun into the sky!


War God spear turned into a bunch of divine splendor that penetrated Heaven and Earth, piercing the sky!

Shih~! Tear~!

When the splendid golden light was spilled, it penetrated through the multiple defenses of the two, and instantly penetrated the body of a seven-layered Early-Stage of the gods!

When the War God gun pierced through the seven-layered black-shirted old man in the Divine Realm, it also pierced through the divine force Formation created by 2,000 True Gods before!

The black-shirted old man in the Seventh Divine Realm Early-Stage squinted, his eyes oozing with blood, and he shivered as he covered the wound in front of his chest.

"This fucking...how can a gun be used to throw..."

Bang! Lin Chen stepped into the void and jumped up, a whip leg suddenly swept away, and flew another mid-seventh stage with a bang, causing the latter to vomit blood and retreat, and the attribute rays of light straight off.

And the seven-fold Early-Stage of the gods pierced by the War God gun, the seven orifices bleeds, the wounds in his chest are hard to heal, the body is fragmented, and when he finally falls and perishes, he falls into the sky of attribute light. ball!

Seventh God Realm, perished!

Lin Chen, killed the powerhouse of the Seventh Divine Realm for the first time.

At the time of annihilation, the location of the seven-fold death of that Divine Realm suddenly burst into a brilliant orange light. When the orange attribute treasure chest was suspended, Lin Chen caught it out of thin air!

【Innate talent type treasure chest, open it to obtain: Permanent Innate Talent Fragment·Ultimate Sky Adversary (6/6). 】

【Six innate talent fragments are automatically merged and completed. Congratulations to the host for obtaining the strongest orange rank top innate talent: Ultimate Sky Adversary. ]

[Ultimate Sky Advers innate talent, extreme attack, extreme instant kill innate talent. 】

【Use the host's cultivation realm to consume different amounts of innate talent points to open, enter the ultimate heavenly rebel state: if the host has a killing intent attack that causes any injury to the enemy, breaking the defense will kill instantly. Note: The powerhouse beyond the rules and holders of some special rules cannot cause instant kill effects. 】

The permanent innate talent of the ultimate heavenly adversary is finally completed!

However, Lin Chen did not see the slightest joy in his eyes.

The injury he had bitten his lip suddenly broke open, he vomited blood, and his face was especially pale when he dyed the War God armor red.

"It's the limit!"


When the glory of golden disappears, divine wind is rolled up, and Lin Chen's ultimate wind god suit is possessed!

Lin Chen's mouth is bleeding, coldly shouted.


Wind God Wing spreads its wings and flies in anger, divine wind rolls, the sky is mighty, Lin Chen turns into a divine wind winding streamer, passing in the sky At that time, he rushed into the Five Elements God Wheel.

Zhao Anran understood and immediately left the circle, Lin Chen pulled Zhao Anran away!


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