2nd layer Boundary Sea, the fog in curved time and space is stronger, making the space more chaotic.

Starting from the 2nd layer of the sea, the Sea Territory will be more extensive, and very few people can explore the whole picture.

In addition to Human Race occupying territory here, there are other powerful races occupying part of the territory!

For example, the orcs, insect race, all have powerful clans clustered in the 2nd layer boundary sea.

Some insect gods can even call a hundred Ten Thousand Insect clan to sweep Heaven and Earth, which is terrible!

And the orcs are myriad, all kinds of ancient Divine Beast emerge in endlessly.

3rd-layer Jiehai, in addition to the first two races and Human Race, there are also Demon Race, Dragon Clan, and Phoenix Clan.

In the 4th layer boundary sea, the Asura clan begins to appear. The probability and frequency of the 4th layer boundary sea triggering battles, as well as the severity of the battle, are unimaginable levels from the outside world.

5th layer The sea; Asura King gathers, Demon God king gathers, True Dragon gathers, Divine Phoenix gathers, Human Race is a great place where the gods stand.

In the 6th-layer Boundary Sea, the entrance boundary is rarely known, and it is suspected to be connected to the Desolate Galaxy, and even the Divine Beast from the ancient time. It is particularly powerful, and a beast can block the gods. .

6th-layer upwards, there is very little intelligence, few people can reach it, and the intelligence brought back by those who arrive has never been revealed to the outside world.

2nd layer Boundary Sea; In a desolate island, when Divine Beast in the island was expelled, two figures fell into the island.

Zhao Anran ignored his injuries and helped Lin Chen into the gorge and lay down on a cliff.


The scarlet rays of light on Lin Chen's waist flashed, and the scarlet Fairy left the air transport sac and took the initiative to show up.

Ignoring to talk to Zhao Anran, Scarlet Fairy is anxious, jade hand grabs Lin Chen's wrist and releases a thread of aura to explore the situation in the body.

After a while, Crimson Fairy sighed in relief said: "Fortunately, although his lifeline was injured, there are two brand new energies combined together, protecting his lifeline!"

Crimson Fairy wakes up like a dream, cry out in surprise: "It's...Yeyu Qingshuang Dan!"

Lin Chen selected the refined'Yueyu Qingshuang from the Alchemy Association Dan', the last insurance on himself, saved his life at this moment!

Zhao Anran was holding the blood on the willow waist, frowning and reluctantly, refining Divine Jade to heal the pain.

After that, she solemnly said: "How long will it take to recover? We can't stay here for too long."

"Don't talk first, and you won't be injured. Contempt."

The crimson Fairy pierced her palm with her fingertips, and a faint pink jade dew dripped out to Zhao Anran.

"Take it."

"You turned out to be..."

Zhao Anran was so surprised that she didn't expect that Lin Chen was beside him There is such a existence.

'She' is very close to the legendary Grade 1 spirit plant!

After taking the pink jade dew, Zhao Anran's weak body was stabilized.

Bright Red Fairy said: "You will pay the price if you overuse the laws that your body does not control."

Zhao Anran nodded, "I know what's going on with him."

Crimson Fairy pondered for a moment, "From the energy of Divine Pill, plus the refining speed of six Avatars, it takes about three days..."


Crimson Fairy hasn't finished speaking, the earth shakes, and there is a Holy Force Straight Clashing Nine Heavens, condensed but not scattered!

The violent wind screamed, and the entire island began to vibrate violently.

Lin Chen's body floated up, the two hundred holy caves flashed and bloomed at the same time, and the Holy Force rotated from within the two hundred holy caves.

Suddenly, a beam of nine-color light beams centered on Lin Chen!

The beam of light shook out again and again like a ring of gods, the brewing Holy Force gradually transformed, like a new born out of the shell, began to wash Lin Chen's body again and again!

"This...this is?"

The pretty faces of Zhao Anran and Scarlet Fairy are full of shock.

Promoted to natural phenomenon!

No, to be precise, it should be a natural phenomenon! !

Fairy's glamorous Xuedi was shocked by the subversion, "He didn’t even break through the saintly realm of reincarnation, why did he cross the saintly realm of reincarnation, quasi-god, two realm, and directly rushed to become a god Steps!"

Become a god!

Since Lin Chen breakthrough Saint King, thousands of True God enemies have been killed!

He successively absorbed part of the cultivation base attribute light ball remaining in Ambergris from the Prime Minister of Divine Kingdom of Tianyi.

In the early days, the battle of Divine Kingdom, the battle of Asura King, the encirclement and suppression of all gods, the battle of Haiyue Island, plus the nearly two thousand True Gods that were destroyed before!

All the accumulation, all accumulated to this moment broke out!

"so that's how it is..."

Lin Chen's consciousness woke up from a coma, felt the change of Holy Force in his body, and suddenly realized.

"My serious injury stimulated the effect of Yeyu Qingshuang Dan, and the Avatar refining medicinal power also absorbed all the attribute light balls dropped by the dead True God for me. The essence of Divine Grade reached The culmination of accumulation."

Lin Chen runs the core method and concentrates on entering the state of closed-door cultivation.

As long as Lin Chen can step into the divine realm, there is still a hint of probability in today's desperate situation!

The tears fell on his cheeks, Zhao Anran lightly covered his lips, and stared at Lin Chen in the sky like a dream.

Go beyond the saint realm of reincarnation, quasi-god, and directly become a god.

According to the only historical record of Divine Kingdom in Tianyi, there is only one cultivation technique in history that can do it.

Fu Heavenly Emperor, Tai Yi Fu Heavenly Art!

Wipe the tears, Zhao Anran whispered; "It turns out that you are them..."


With the sound of the breaking wind, Zhao Anran rose to the sky, pushing the space with his wiry hand, and the divine force of Yin-Yang Law enveloped the entire island.

Next, in the process of Lin Chen becoming a god, the movement will inevitably be Clouds rising in the ten directions, attracting powerhouses from all parties!

The 2nd layer boundary sea is more, stronger and more dangerous than the powerhouse of the First Layer Realm sea!

Zhao Anran walking on air, with a firm and awe-inspiring expression.

"Betting on the divine name of Divine Kingdom, I, Zhao Anran, will definitely guard his will and Lin Chen's life!"


Star Territory outside the continent, between the two mountains.

all around Formation Tongxuan, concealing all Qi machine, connecting to heaven penetrating the earth, Major Perfection, the outside world wants to deduce the position of this place, there is no slight probability.

Suddenly, Liangjieshan began to shake violently!

In a wood house, a woman in a silver dress who was in retreat suddenly opened her eyes, beautiful eyes shone with brilliance!

"This movement, could it be..."

The woman in the silver skirt flew out from the sky and stepped on the moonlight ten thousand zhang, like a bright moon hanging high above her feet, overlooking Heaven and Earth time——

Zheng~! !

A sword chant shakes Nine Heavens, and the shocking dragon descends into the world!

between Heaven and Earth, the five-colored clouds slowly rise into the sky, magnificent, gorgeous and dazzling.

Between the misty clouds, Five Colored Divine Light shines like aurora, growing crazily, spreading across the sky!

Five completely different auras of the Great Emperor, overflowing from the five-color cloud aura, trying to crush the sky.

In the five-color cloud, a faintly discernible silhouette sits in the void, with long hair flying, and the breath is rising steadily, as if it is unstoppable, breaking through all new realm with all the imposing manner of breakthrough!

He hovered in the air with a mouthful of the five-color Divine Sword next to him, spinning extremely fast, as if welcoming the Lord's coming.

Watching the superb scene, a faint blush appeared on the glamorous and beautiful Xueli of the woman in the silver skirt. She bit her teeth lightly, her eyes blurred, her jade legs tightened, and she said obsessively.

"The stars will finally become gods!"

"After accumulating such a long time of perfect promotion, you will definitely return, the first name of God World!"

" p>

Lin Xingchen, began to step into the realm of God!


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