War God gun blooms unprecedented golden divine light, dominating Heaven and Earth!

Zheng~! Boom~!

Lin Chen slammed the War God gun sharply, the tip of the gun pierced the sky, soaring sharply, the universe shrank, tearing the dimension!

this spear, Tyrant Absolute in the Whole World!

this spear, sweep across the sea!

this spear, Only I Am Supreme!

Reflecting in everyone’s eyes is a Dao Accumulation War God golden light that covers the entire four-dimensional Heaven and Earth.

The golden divine light is 480 degrees, sweeping across the sky, covering Nine Heavens and Ten Earths! !

Boom~! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

The space disintegrates and explodes, the law collapses, and the divine force collapses.

The nine Heavenly Ghosts were repelled for the first time when they deployed their law of defense!

Tens of thousands of True Gods were beaten all over the sky, divine light collapsed.

Countless divine lights are eclipsed and disappear in an instant!

The peerless power that swept Heaven and Earth was released in an instant, arousing the waves to roll ten thousand zhang high, and the sky seemed to collapse in an instant!

The extreme south of the entire 2nd layer of the sea was instantly disturbed by Heaven and Earth, Sun and Moon lost radiance!

The stable space of Jiehai was swept away by the shining golden light divine spear. With the momentum of crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, it turned into shattered ruins and shattered.

When the nine great Heavenly Ghosts barely stabilized their figure, there was a panic-stricken patted chest, and their eyes were full of shock.

"What a terrible youngster..."

"No...No way, right!"

The Blue Eyed Heavenly Ghost was incredibly horrified.

Next, when the nine Heavenly Ghosts saw the scene in front of them, they instantly dumbstruck!

I saw that the many True Gods that were blown up in the sky, their faces were filled with horror and despair.

They are like broken porcelain, their bodies are cracked and full of cracks.

"How is it possible..."

"The ambitions and ambitions of this seat, unexpectedly disappeared here..."

"There is such a spiritual God."

The murmurs of everyone before they died were desperate.

What Divine Item Divine Physique, what Law Divine Power, what a region's Overlord, and peerless Heaven's Chosen.

At this time, everything is an end!

I saw that, when the wind blew, the gods with their bodies shattered, together with the rules and Divine Item, together with the bodies and consciousness, turned into fragments and disappeared...

What an overbearing scene!

What an unbelievable moment!

The old man in sackcloth, who is better than looking through the void, is also unprecedented with a hint of surprise.

A moment ago, this young man was still trapped and surrounded by True God.

But he only fired one shot to clear the world!

At this time, looking around, there are few opponents!

In the end, only 23 True Gods are still alive!

Zhao Jihu and other Island Lords were completely dumbfounded.

True God, whose cultivation base is lower than the 8th layer realm cultivation base, all disappeared into fragments!

Instant kill!

War God one shot, instantly kill all gods! !

The team of the nine Heavenly Ghosts is not a mess of sand, united into a powerful team of gods.

But in front of him, there is no way to fight back! Kill with a single shot!

Many powerhouse mouths trembled, and their souls stared at the golden armor silhouette holding the divine spear with trembling souls.

Even the nine Heavenly Ghosts dare not act rashly!

Even if the nine of them teamed up, they couldn't achieve such a terrifying record!

When he stood between Heaven and Earth, War God Might was leaning against the sky and the earth, with an invincible spirit. Standing in front of him, he couldn't even mention the fighting intent!

[The host consumes 4400 Divine Grade Heavenly Dao points to activate the undead Divine Spark to heal the injury. ]

[Golden War God set, charge remaining: 5%. ]

In that shot, Lin Chen borrowed the power of Divine Spark fragments from [Asura Natural Enemy] and tried his best!

Even the load was exceeded, and 5% of the charge was consumed at once, and a second only to Divine King shot was fired! A large-scale shot was fired, which affected countless True Gods, wounded them, and directly triggered the [Ultimate Sky Rebel] innate talent!

However, Lin Chen did not show the slightest carelessness and underestimate the enemy!

"Stinging? My birthmark is stinging?"

He put his palm on his chest, and at this moment, his birthmark felt a scorching hotness. Tingling!

This feeling has never been encountered before!

It seems that there is a strong presence of energy approaching him!

And, it's extremely fast!

In an instant, Lin Chen's gaze looked towards the distant sky.

"Come here."

Zheng~! boom!

Suddenly, there was a sword roar like a dragon, and the sky suddenly cracked!

When the remaining gods looked over, under the cracked sky, a Divine Sword split the world and slowly descended!

It is a mysterious sword weapon, about five feet long, it is impossible to see the whole picture of the sword weapon, the sword body is flowing with five-colored clouds.

Its sharp sword light seems to cut off Three Thousand Great Daos, arbitrarily in the world!


The remaining True God powerhouses subconsciously covered their eyes, and their hearts were horrified.

Even if they have entered the 8th layer of the God Realm, the realm of the realm of'God Body Combination', looking at the Divine Sword, they still have a tingling sensation of bloody eyes!

It seems that even the Divine Consciousness of Divine Soul has to be cut off, so you can't spy on the true face of Divine Sword!

The most terrifying thing is that there is a unique sword pressure on the sword, far exceeding the pressure of Divine King! That belongs to the supreme Divine Emperor coercion!

If a god master holds this sword, perhaps a single sword can smooth out dozens of three-dimensional universes!

Lin Chen has a Golden War God protective body, any divine might can't overpower him.

He clearly saw the true face of this divine sword, and two ancient urns-Five Emperors, were carved on the hilt of the sword.

"This sword..."

In Lin Chen's memory, a silhouette that has reappeared after a lapse of twelve years!

That is Lin Chen's opponent who has never lost but never won since he met him!

I saw that above the cracked sky, the Divine Sword, which was swirling in five colors, was suddenly held on the hilt of the sword by one person, with a restrained edge, and slowly held it in his palm.

At this time, big snowflakes floated down the sky.

Heavy snowfall, the temperature of Heaven and Earth suddenly dropped to the lowest level.

The nine ghosts suffocated slightly.

That is not the real'snow', but the'land of gods' manifested by the extremely powerful sword intent!

Heavy snow falls, biting-cold wind, the young man wore a white robe and was spotless, holding a Divine Sword with five-color clouds in his hand, came with his sword, stepped in the air, and walked slowly to all True Before God.

He looked down at Lin Chen condescendingly, and his golden eyes were full of fierceness and absolute self-confidence.

"Stars Young Master!"

The nine Heavenly Ghosts are horrified, one-knee kneels.

It is Lin Xingchen who Lin Chen encountered when he was in the Holy Realm!

However, the woman in the silver skirt stored a ray of Divine Soul consciousness in Lin's Stars Body. When she saw Lin Chen's body, her heart turned to stormy sea! !

"It's that wicked species? He didn't die!"

The Divine Soul of the woman in the silver skirt lost consciousness and was shocked.

However, Lin Xingchen didn't even look at the nine ghosts. He walked straight to Lin Chen. When he looked at Lin Chen, golden eyes flashed with a strong fighting intent.

The cloud-shrouded sword pointed finger towards Lin Chen, Lin Xingchen opened the mouth and said as soon as he met: "You are stronger and more complete than before. You are very dead in my hands. Value."

"Really." War God pointed finger towards Lin Xingchen, Lin Chen said calmly: "Let's see who is dead today!"

Both The flames of war burning in the eyes of people, as if to burn the entire world.

There is no temptation, no guessing.

Yes, it’s just a monstrous fighting intent to spare no effort and put each other to death as soon as they meet! !

Sword God · Lin Xingchen vs. Sky Adversary · Lin Chen!

As if it was a Foreordained Confrontation, the moment the two entered the realm of the gods, they ushered in a death fight to the death of Xiu!


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