At the moment when the thirteen Divine Kings witnessed Lin Xingchen turning into fragments and flying, Divine Soul trembled!

These methods are better than Divine King, they are also unheard-of!

"The stars... have become so powerful..."

"From the lower realms all the way to the present, I can't imagine that I can fight against such a god and still have the upper hand. "

Lin Mingxiao and Lin Wanxuan's hearts are shaking.

While watching Lin Chen's battle circle, Ye Qianqi's eyes trembled, and even stopped the fight, quietly watching Lin Chen's direction.

As God World's first-class Prediction Master, she can't even understand the'weird phenomenon' in front of her!


Lin Chen's eyes lit up when he saw the space where Lin Xingchen died and the azure attribute beam of light emerged.

"It's the attribute treasure box of the Ultimate Fengshen suit!"

When Lin Chen stepped on the sole of his foot, he was going to collect the attribute light ball.

Suddenly, Ye Qianqi stared at the place where Lin Xingchen died, her pupils shrinking slightly.

Ye Qianqi suddenly screamed coldly; "Not good! Lin Chen, can't get close!"

Lin Chen figure stopped.


The five-color clouds flashed suddenly, and the Five Emperor Sword slowly lifted into the sky.

I saw that a scarlet pendant hanging on the hilt was burning violently and flickering wildly.

The scarlet pendant began to burn into a ball of vortex, the unprecedented law of divine might faintly overflow!

The scarlet pendant burns out a ray of Divine Soul consciousness, and the snow-white Divine Soul fragments emerge, and the Divine Soul illusory shadow turns into a slender figure swaying, transforming into a woman in a silver skirt floating in the air.

Lin Chen's eyes narrowed, "Is it you?"

He has seen this woman in silver dress once!

It was the woman who issued the wanted reward order when Zhao Jihu was there!

It's Lin Chen who she wants in Jiehai!

She is actually in the same group with Lin Xingchen?

When the Divine Soul fragment of the woman in the silver skirt appeared, Lin Wanxuan and Lin Mingxiao had an offensive.

The heart of the two set off a stormy sea!

It's her!

Back then, when the two were young, they had a relationship with her!

It was her who brought the hope of a new rise to the Lin Family.

It was also her who became the beginning of the decline of Lin Family.

Heaven is the world, the only one in God World, Divine Grade Prediction Master!

The woman in the silver skirt said plainly: "Unexpectedly, you can do it like this."

"However, the layout of the 30,000 epoch, how can a younger generation like you Bad my major event."

Almost at the same time the woman in the silver skirt appeared, amidst the burning vortex of the scarlet pendant, there was a violent tremor!

Lin Chen's pupils shrink slightly, he can feel that the space is undergoing a change against the sky!

He is pregnant with the Ancient Dragon bloodline of Taizhou, and he is particularly sensitive to the flow and change of time. The'time' of that space and time is actually looking back! !


A scarlet glow rises into the sky, turns into a pillar of light, and rises!

The Divine Soul illusory shadow of the woman in the silver skirt is slightly empty, and the fingertips are blooming with divine light, dripping like jade dew into the red vortex.

Ye Qianqi lost her voice and was horrified; "Cause... The law of cause and effect?"

Three Thousand Great Dao, the most difficult to understand and also the most difficult to control ten Grand Law, ranked among the laws The'law of cause and effect' within the top ten!

Everything has cause and effect, there is no end to reincarnation, and cause and effect are endless.

The causal retribution planted by each life will flow into the long river of the'law of causality', comprehend the law of causation, and can even influence or tamper with the destiny and chance of others. It is one of the highest realm of the Prediction Master. One!

Ye Qianqi trembled: "She...she is erasing Lin Xingchen's cause and effect, can it be said..."

In Lin Chen's eyes, the scarlet pendant However, what can be perceived is far more than'cause and effect'! There are other powers!


The red glow beam bursts with terrible life force, time goes back, energy and bloodline are reunited, Divine Soul is reshaped, and the gods gather.

I saw that when the scarlet beam of light slowly dissipated, the young man wore white clothes like snow, and the twinkling golden pupils showed a strong fighting intent.

He was beckoned with one hand, and the Five Emperors Sword burst into his hands with a croak and a dragon chant.

Lin Xingchen, reappear!

Shen Lingshuang's red lips slightly opened: "This is cheating...this kind of cheating, I seem to have only seen Master play it."

The scene is particularly weird, the powerhouse of Jiehai The people in Martial God Mansion were completely shocked in place!

It's no longer a shock level, it's a complete shock!

This is not Divine Soul body possession, let alone Divine Pill's resurrection and resurrection!

Be aware that Lin Xingchen just now was completely shattered, not even a trace of Divine Soul remained!

In this state, no matter how defying the sky is, it is impossible to resurrect!

Only the two of Lin Family know that in front of a Prediction Master who was once named the only Divine Grade, anything can happen!

Lin Chen's mouth twitched slightly, "There is actually this kind of operation...Is Lin Xingchen special with the system?"

Almost subconsciously, Lin Chen said to the system Asked: "You didn't give me a fake perpetual adversary?"

system: [...Twelve years of gun training, trouble the host also trains his brain. ]


Suddenly, stratum clouds in the sky were blasted away. With Lin Xingchen as the center, outside the 9th layer of clouds, the starlight was shining, and the rays of light shrouded in stars fell straight down.

In the pupils of Lin Xingchen golden, a bright starlight blooms, and the new law of divine might emerge! !

At this moment, even the Divine Soul of the woman in the silver skirt also revealed a surprise.

She was blushing and fascinated; "Stars, you really are my highest masterpiece... After resurrecting from the dead, it inspired the innate talent of divine blood. This pair of bloodline is really the most suitable for you. Yes!"

Lin Chen's pupils shrunk slightly, and a new law appeared in his breath!

On the sky, countless starlights flashed continuously, and they were gathered into Lin Xingchen's divine body, becoming invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable.

Lin Xingchen flies up with a sword, "Refining the Power of Stars to draw the anger of the Star River."

Three Thousand Great Daos; The Law of Stars!

Fighting Lin Chen, approaching death, and when he reached the limit, Lin Xingchen died and was resurrected. This inspired his bloodline innate talent, the law of comprehended second!

His divine force foundation is comparable to the 6th-layer Early-Stage of the Divine Realm, and the 6th-layer of the Divine Realm happens to be the beginning of mastering the law of plural numbers.

Beyond the limits of boundaries!


Lin Xingchen raised his hand with a sword. On Nine Heavens, there is starlight incorporated into his sword dao law, bursting out with Divine Sword, and the hunted zhang sword glow is counter-cut, starlight is shooting all around, sweeping the sky!

Lin Chen War God turned his spear, a shot of the sky flashed with red light, and he smashed it head-on!

Shih~! boom! !

Lin Chen was blasted back several hundred zhang, and the waves rolled.

The'War God golden body' rays of light protected by his body trembled, and his desire was broken.

Lifting his sword into the sky, Lin Xingchen smiled awkwardly: "Lin Chen, you It makes me more complete."

Lin Xingchen swung his sword and attacked, "But this time, it's your turn to die! I, Lin Xingchen, can come back to life, and you Lin Chen can die once!"


The sword qi invades into the body, Lin Chen's mouth is bleeding, but slightly smiled, full of madness.

"Really, then try to see who can live to the end!"

The soles of the feet smashed into the void, and Lin Chen stepped forward!

Lin Mingxiao and Lin Wanxuan stared at Lin Chen almost breathlessly.

On the first level of the God Realm, two laws are in control!

This is the first talent of God World! !

How is he going to cross this mountain.


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