"Divine Emperor?"

"That...that is the breath of Divine Emperor!"

Qin Family's powerhouse's mouth trembled , Qin Shuang bit her red lips tightly.

He actually forced the Divine Emperor out...

Sure enough, within Lin Chen’s rules of conduct, no one could predict what would happen next!

"What a vast and majestic divine might... If the law of the Lord is beyond the rules and equals Heavenly Dao, then the realm of the Divine Emperor is above Heavenly Dao!"

All the Divine Kings of Wuzhou are shocked!

What is the concept of Divine Emperor?

Divine King Realm is divided into the 5th layer, and the realm of the god is also the 5th layer. Above the god is the Divine Emperor, surpassing the Supreme Existence of Heavenly Dao!

In all races, the Divine Emperor is an immortal myth within the race, and every creature of the Divine Emperor cultivation base is the true four-dimensional apex!

Normally, a divine lord is rarely born, and the Divine Emperor can be described as a real thing that is hard to find forever!

Divine Emperor closed-door cultivation, almost a retreat for thousands of years, even if you leave the customs, it is by no means anyone can see.

Now, for the sake of a Divine King, the youngster, who has not even reached the 9th layer of the Divine Realm, was born in person!

Wu Changtian is like falling into an ice cellar, and the cold glow is biting. The person in charge of this Martial God Mansion knows very well what the concept of the arrival of the Divine Emperor is!

I don't intend to give Lin Chen a one-in-a-million chance!

Wind God Wing flapped, Lin Chen's eyes were serious.

He didn't flee immediately, leaving behind to a Divine Emperor, which is undoubtedly suicide.

Above the cracked clouds, a silhouette leaning against the sky and the earth slowly emerged, thousands of miles of snow drifted, and Heaven and Earth fell silent and heavy.

He is white armor, with his feet on the endless time and space, and the divine light of Exterminating Heaven and Earth above his head is spinning like a vortex, and his whole body is exuding the starlight that died hundreds of millions of years ago. Come out on the other end.

The Divine Race rays of light of ten thousand zhang praises the great achievements of Three Great Divine Clans, and the soaring god of wyvern disillusioned and reincarnated from his Divine Pupil.

When a pair of dim-blue eyes slowly look over, it seems that time and space have stopped.

True Gods of Wuzhou can't help taking a step back slightly.

ka-cha~! ka-cha ~!

The space under the island of the gods is cracked, even beginning to show broken marks!

The sound of'creak creak' erupted from his bones, Lin Chen felt unprecedented pressure, like the hundreds of millions of Divine Dragon suppressed on his head, pressing him firmly, wanting him to be impossible to move even a little bit.

The fighting intent in his eyes is getting more and more high, he has the determination to die and live!

If the oppression brought by the divine might of the Lord of God is like the presence of Heavenly Dao, it is above the laws of the Divine King present.

Then the Oppression of the Divine Emperor, like a new universe descended! !

Facing a god, you can still feel that the opponent is an'individual'. Even though the opponent is extremely powerful, the law is equal to Heavenly Dao.

Facing a Divine Emperor is like facing the vast and endless high-dimensional universe!

White Jia Divine Emperor overlooked Lin Chen and said calmly: "youngster, this emperor gives you two choices."

"One, join my Divine Race, with your aptitude, It’s too wasteful to put it outside. You should get better conditions, come to my Divine Realm, and give yourself a chance."

"Second, the emperor personally shoots you Divine Soul and refines you. Ten thousand zhang abyss, let you live better than death, forever is Divine Realm slave!"

Lin Chen suddenly smiled slightly, divine wind winds around, looks handsome and unrestrained.

"Unless I die, you will be a shit!"


The law of power is turbulent, the War God golden light shines through the ages, the Golden War God set releases endless divine might, watching the world, Lin Chen once again used the power beyond the limit, the breakthrough Divine Emperor gave him the pressure!

The powerhouses of Wuzhou couldn't help but twitch their mouths and their scalp numb.

This youngster is really hard to the end!

Facing the Divine Emperor, it is also a dead end!

The White Armor Divine Emperor, as if expecting Lin Chen's answer, did not say fast nor slow.

"youngster, this emperor knows that you have inherited the cultivation technique of the Heavenly Emperor, but all sentient beings, since ancient times, are weak are prey to the strong. This is the ultimate principle of the universe, and no one can change it. "

"Powerhouse overwhelms the weak and strips the weaker. It is the principle of all beings. That's why there is Divine Realm and Three Great Divine Clans."

"Divine Race is compassionate, yes Compassionate, given the great achievements of Divine Art for all beings, and given the people of Human Race the passage to Divine Realm. Smart people will naturally know how to choose. With your weak power, why bother to strike a stone for the stupid people of all beings with an egg?”

The majestic Divine Race rays of light like a river, like the 9th layer of clouds shining on Heaven and Earth, and the white armor Divine Emperor bathed in the divine light of the Divine Race, it looks awe-inspiring.

His expression carried the excitement and pride of looking at Heaven and Earth, his eyes flickered, and there was a gentleness in his domineering, he extended the hand to Lin Chen, said.

"With your talents and aptitudes, the future must go down in history. Why bother to waste time for the ignorant and weak. In this world, there are powerhouses and weak ones, and powerhouse at first must also be the weak, yes Because of their fighting spirit, hard work and opportunity, they have become the probability of powerhouse."

"Come to Divine Race, come here to write your Divine Vestige!"

Wuzhou The powerhouses were stunned and stuck in place, even if it was Divine King.

The Supreme Divine Emperor, bathing in the divine splendor, and divine light shining, actually sent an invitation to enter the Divine Race to a youngster of later generations!

What a supreme glory! Let a Divine Emperor personally invite, these deeds are enough to extol the eternal ages!

War God gun pointed finger towards Divine Emperor, Lin Chen's voice is like cutting off one's means of retreat!

"You are wrong. The law of nature is the choice of ruthless cosmic competition, but destiny cannot be determined by humans. Why are some people born superior, and some people are born to be exploited? The ruthless universe made the choice , I also made my choice!"

Lin Chen laughed wildly, "Enter the Divine Race to create the Divine Vestige? Turn you Three Great Divine Clans, it is the Divine Vestige of my generation. !"

The heartstrings of the powerhouses of Wuzhou trembles wildly.

Reject the invitation of the Divine Emperor!

Wu Changtian is both amazed and regretful!

Lin Mingxiao grinned: "My eldest nephew is so fierce. I want to do Divine Race in front of the Divine Emperor. Even if I die, I am proud to accompany him on the road!"


The Divine Emperor shook his head slightly.

"Youngster is youngster after all, too naive."

A killing intent appeared in his eyes!

"If this is the case, then go to death!"

When the white armored Divine Emperor raised his hand, time and space tilted, as if to crush Lin Chen's Divine Soul!


Divine might suddenly rise, Lin Chen is facing an endless vast universe, rushing toward him!

All Lin Chen's ultimate moves are all brewing, and all the ace of the desperate fight!

The three invisible soul fires behind Lin Chen suddenly extinguished one of them at this moment! !

Suddenly, the white armor Divine Emperor eyes shrank, lifted the palm of in midair to stop, the divine force of the rule of disillusionment is slightly dim!

A strand of scarlet’s illusory shadow slowly rises, transforms into a human form, and stands in front of Lin Chen.

Lin Chen's bleak divine blood suddenly felt a faint warmth.

At this moment, everyone in the Lin Family present trembled.

That silhouette, is it the ancestor of Lin Family! !

"hehe, hahahaha..."

The arrogant laughter shakes the sky!

"hahahaha! Okay, what a good one to go through Three Great Divine Clans, I can't think of my Lin Family son Lang, but also a heroic man who inherited the will of the big brother!"

Laughs The sound shook the wind and thunder, all sentient beings were afraid of the cold at night!

At that moment, the sky was spinning around and the east gradually raised a ray of morning light, shining diagonally on that silhouette.

It seems that this is the only one who has opened up the universe of Heaven and Earth.

When I saw that silhouette, the White Jia Divine Emperor was a little unbelievable.

"You, you are Lin..."

"Shut up."

The scarlet silhouette said indifferently, "You are not qualified yet, you are called the emperor. Name!"

Martial God's heart was shocked, and his mouth opened slightly.

The appearance of the gods and heroes, the arrogant charm, the overbearing power of the heavens!

Just as it was then!

Can't be wrong!

This is the Divine Emperor with one of the most legendary colors in Human Race!

Hao Futian's right-hand man!

Lin Heavenly Emperor! ! !


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