【Consuming 4.8 billion Divine Level Talisman energy, Phantom Clone synchronizes the host cultivation base. 】

[Consumption of Divine Grade cultivation technique essence 13 billion, fusion of "Yellow Springs Taiyi Gong" cultivation memory...]

Lin Chen’s five Phantom Clone sitting cross-legged, merging massive amounts The cultivation memory.

In the extreme daylight, Star Domain ushered in a quiet darkness, like a dark night falling quietly, crawling under the Nine Dragon City.

While everyone rests almost in place, some enter the cultivation, and some breakthrough realm, without stopping.

Everyone counts the spoils of war. The harvest was huge, and it was distributed to everyone on average. There were 400 middle grade Divine Jade, equivalent to 4 million inferior Divine Jade, enough to support a period of time. Up!

However, because of the urgency of the battle, everyone seemed to have abandoned their future potential, and continued to force the divine body to absorb more Divine Jade.

No one knows whether the next battle will be alive or not, abandoning the comfortable cultivation environment, for everyone, every battle in the Star Domain is probably the last one. war!

Suddenly, Lin Chen, who was still in desperate cultivation, opened his eyes and a sharp look in his eyes.

"Have you been discovered..."

3rd-layer Sea Territory, dark star Sea Territory.

"Sure enough, there is something tricky!"

"The two Sir Divine Lords guessed right, there are other secret ways nearby."

A grandiose The team poured into Dark Star Sea Territory and discovered the secret of Dark Star Sea Territory.

It is the team of Divine Realm!

It's no wonder that Lin Chen and the others such a huge team disappeared out of thin air, which will inevitably arouse key suspicions.

For the forces of Divine Realm, the most indispensable thing for them is their manpower. They use hundreds of thousands of powerful True Gods to search in a carpet-like way. Although the sea is vast, but if it is limited The area will be found out sooner or later.

"It's so fast."

A joking laugh echoed, and between the surging dark tide, the silver robe rolled over, and the young and handsome silhouette stepped out of the storm tide.

Four Divine King complexion slightly changed, "It's you? Lin Chen!"

One of the Divine King reacted very quickly, "No, it may not be the main body. The team around him It’s gone, maybe it’s an Avatar!"

Lin Chen laughed, "old fox's vision is really old."

This Phantom Clone, Lin Chen specially stayed here after the break , Specially used for stalking.

Other Phantom Clone is still racing against time for cultivation. The new red-level cultivation technique. If you use more Phantom Clone and move here to fight, it means you have to stop the cultivation.

Lin Chen’s Avatar’s eyes narrowed, Divine Soul probed the surrounding situation, "These old foxes are really cautious. Even if they are searching, they have brought so many people. Transfer other Avatars over. If you win, you can't wipe it out."

More than 40,000 True Gods flooded into the Dark Star Sea Territory. As long as one escapes, they basically have to give up.

When you cannot use the Ultimate Fengshen Set, transfer all five Phantom Clones over, and you will not be able to wipe them out instantly.

Exposure has become a fact, there is no need to give up the time of a red-level cultivation technique for them.

"If this is the case, let's delay a little longer!"


Lin Chen pointed together, dotted with stars, violent winds, and intertwined with lightning, the hundred zhang Fire Dragon came out.

A green robe Divine King pushed horizontally with both hands, and Law Divine Power turned into a mad dragon, and hit it head-on.


The green robe Divine King was slightly repelled, his expression was shocked, "Four laws, the fire of the gods, the 5th layer Perfection of the gods?"

Hearing this, the three kings His face is full of consternation!

Where is the monster? Is this really Lin Chen!

"Motherfucker! How long has it been since this kid is the 5th layer Perfection of God Realm?"

"Although his Avatar was strong before, it was not enough for one-on-one. It’s right to pick the Divine King."

"Without the help of the weird Divine Item, can he compete with the Divine King?"

Like the growth arc of this evildoer, this kid In time, I really have to catch up with the Heavenly Emperor!

Scourge, if you don't kill Lin Chen, they will feel uneasy!

Suddenly, a 9th layer of the divine realm with its feet on the law of darkness emerged. He said solemnly: "Several adults, I have found out that the secret path of space leads to the Star Domain of God! "

"Quickly, take this information out, and pass it to you as quickly as possible!"

Four Divine Kings formed a group and surrounded Lin Chen's Avatar.

"Would you rather fight than escape, one against four, these guys have been beaten out by me as repercussions."

Lin Chen shook his head and laughed.

"Then fight for another finishing touch, it would be better if you can change one!"

The crazy killing intent in his eyes scared the four Divine Kings. The corners of the mouth twitched slightly.

Damn, these people are really killing their lives all the time!

Shenhuang Star Domain, No. 601 Territory·Sea Territory.

The sea churned, the clouds and water churned.

Above the Heavens and Under the Earth, the capital city of Supreme, is full of Battle Qi divine force.

The smell of blood and murderous aura seems to permeate every inch of space. Here is a natural struggle, and every city has the battle of the Asura clan.

"Green Monster King, are you back like this?"

"What about the good stuff? Didn't you say to copy the nine Dragon City?"

Blue eyes Asura When returning to the underworld king's capital, several Asura Kings asked suspiciously.

She angrily scolded: "Mother, there is a cruel Human Race character in Shenhuang Star Domain, leading the team to wipe out more than half of our clansman!"

As soon as it came out, Ming Sea Territory shook!

Blue-eyed Asura solemnly said, "Where is the blood lord, I want to see him."

"The deeds of this Human Race must be reported to the senior management and must be obliterated in advance!"



"Go to the Star Domain on 577?"

Xue Jianming and Yuan Wujue looked at Lin Chen in shock.

Luo Yu, with a beautiful and fair face, pondered for a moment: "Big Brother Lin, are you sure. We finally got to the nine Dragon City and got some resources. Everyone has just gone through the bloody battle before starting." To recover, we must attack the Sky Star Domain? You should detour from the direction of Domain No. 579 to Nine Realms Mountain."

"It's too far." Lin Chen shook his head, and he pointed to the star map. A bleak mark in the middle, "We don’t have time. The people of Divine Realm discovered the secret path of the dark star Sea Territory. After a while, there will be a large army chasing us behind. These old men are not stupid. This chase, I'm afraid that there will be a god leader leading the team."

Zhao Anran blurted out subconsciously, "There is no need to be so anxious, do you know who is the owner of the Sky Star Domain now? It is from Divine Realm, and there is Divine inside. Race’s powerhouse is here!"

Divine Race! !

Speaking carefully, Lin Chen has not really played against Divine Race.

Except for the Divine Continent battle, An Wuchen and another Divine Emperor who has not yet appeared, Lin Chen has not encountered the third Divine Race specifically!

The enemies previously encountered in the sea, although known as the Divine Race team, are actually cultivated by the forces recruited into Divine Realm from Five Continents.

The same is true for the top ten Divine Kings. Although they belong to Divine Realm in name, they are actually promoted from Sinzhou.

The real Divine Race, the ruler of Divine Realm, is a very small part of the Human Race in Divine Realm, but it is absolutely suppressed in Divine Realm Hundred Sects, the existence of thousands of families on five continents!

Lin Chen said solemnly: "We don’t have many choices. If we choose another route, starting from No. 579, when the time comes, we didn’t reach the Nine Realms Mountain. It is very likely that it is from Jiehai. The chasing team arrived first. Once we merged with the Divine Realm forces in the Star Domain, we would have to be flanked by the left and right."

The eyes glowed with the fighting intent of cutting off one's means of retreat, Lin Chen coldly shouted: " Before they know our position, they will preemptively strike and fight to death!"

I really dare to be the first for the world...

In everyone's hearts, there is a sky of pride!

Asura clan, they have beaten them, are they afraid of Divine Race?

Strike the sky Star Domain! Just hit it!

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