[Supreme Law Treasure Box], this item can be said to be the best attribute treasure box obtained after killing Chen Junlin!

Although other Divine Spark fragments are precious, they are far less attractive.

The Grand Dao Law, ranked in the top ten, realized that one kind is enough to suppress countless heroes of the same generation!

Such as the first God World Prediction Master before, using the law of causality, it can even revive Lin Xingchen.

Ten Grand Laws, each of them is particularly against the sky!

"I don't know what surprises this treasure chest will bring to me."

Opening the attribute treasure chest, Lin Chen's mind appeared a fist sized crystal fragment, colorful and magnificent, Like the gorgeous Star River gem, five energies are hidden in it.

【The host opens the Supreme Law treasure chest and obtains: Three Thousand Great Daos · Five Elements Law Seed Fragment (1/2). 】

Lin Chen was taken aback.

Five Elements Law?

【Three Thousand Great Daos · Five Elements Law, is the ancestor of all things, one of the sources of creation of all things. Those who understand the Five Elements Law can reverse the universe of Five Elements and possess the power of creation. 】

【Golden line is invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable, from sharp to strong. Wood travel is full of life, full of vitality, water travel has a long history and is the power of the source. Fire Element Eternal Inextinguishable, it can refine hundreds of millions of fire gas, and the earth movement can attract the whole body of the Star River and assimilate all the Earth Element divine force. 】

【If the host is refining the complete Five Elements Law, he can control the Five Elements Law. If the host understands one of the Five Elements Law, he will pass through Five Elements and assimilate the five elements in the Five Elements Law. Some of the highest attainments. 】


Lin Chen couldn't help gasping slightly.

Assimilate Five Elements, which means that if Lin Chen is refining Five Elements Law, he can not only control the top ten Five Elements Law of Three Thousand Great Daos, but also assimilate the highest attainments in Five Elements. .

It is equivalent to the Fire Law with God's Realm and the refining Five Elements Law. Lin Chen can not only obtain the other four laws, but these four laws will also use the Five Elements Law to achieve the same Fire Law The same realm!

Equivalent to There are four more laws of the gods out of thin air!

If Lin Chen has one Law to enter the realm of heaven, the five laws in equivalent to Five Elements will also enter the realm of heaven!

"It is worthy of the top ten rules. As expected, none of them are comparable to the conventional rules. If I can obtain another fragment, my battle strength will be raised to more than three grades again!"

Lin Chen was amazed.

Furthermore, Five Elements Law is more than just synchronizing the number of laws with Law Realm.

Five Elements Unite, Five Elements Unite, the effect obtained far exceeds the gain of the five rules combined!


The ancient lion roared sternly, "Human Race Lin Chen, this king wants to fight with you, this king's clansman will never let go Yours!"

The speed of refining the extinction starlight is gradually increasing, Lin Chen looks cold and cold, "When you choose Divine Race, you must be mentally prepared."

Majestic as The blood burned like a flame of blood, as if to burn the void, but the Dragon King bite and swallowed its flesh and blood again and again.

[Host gets 950 billion Divine Grade Qi and blood, 390 billion Divine Grade Qi and blood, 850 billion Divine Grade Qi and blood...]

Lin Chen’s Divine Physique, a pure power blast ! !

Moreover, Dragon Vein, the god of the Dragon King, spawns at a speed visible to naked eye.

A god lion comparable to the 4th layer Divine King. Normally, unless it is besieged by the Peak Divine King, it is too difficult to kill it!

Its flesh and blood were swallowed by the Dragon King, and the Divine Grade Qi Blood Attribute it dropped was quickly absorbed by Lin Chen.

The Divine flame of scarlet burns fiercely from the Divine Physique of Lin Chen, and the unstoppable divine force is like the unstoppable True Dragon.

This time, Lin Chen's pure power ushered in an unprecedented surge!

From hundreds of thousands of wild powers, to several millions, tens of millions of wild powers, until breaking 100 million!

It’s not over yet!

"system, I want to awaken the fleshy shell, the highest stage."

[Consumption of 1 billion Divine Grade Heavenly Dao value, start awakening fleshy shell eighth rank segment...]

[Consumption of 10 billion Divine Grade Heavenly Dao value, start to awaken the flesh shell ninth rank segment...]

[Consumption of 100 billion Divine Grade Heavenly Dao value, start the final stage of awakening flesh shell. ]


Lin Chen's qi and blood are strong enough to burn mountains and rivers with an inch of blood, and they have broken through hundreds of millions of wild forces!

"How could it be..."

Before death, the ancient god lion burst into disbelief, and the huge god lion pupil stared at Lin Chen stubbornly.

It cannot believe that a Human Race can soar to this level of vitality at such a terrifying speed!


The dragon claw of Taizhou Ancient Dragon sliced ​​away the last inch of the lion’s flesh and blood, and its bright dragon teeth crushed its divine bones and swallowed everything in it!

Finally, a huge amber god beast core is floating in the void, and there are four attribute treasure chests!

【The host opens the treasure chest of the highest innate talent and obtains the Red Step Fragment (7/20). ]

[The host opens the treasure chest of supreme innate talent, and obtains the red shards (8/20). ]

[The host opens the Divine Grade blood treasure chest and obtains: 1,000 trillion Divine Grade blood. ]

[Open the Heavenly Dao treasure chest and get: 30 billion Divine Grade Heavenly Dao value. 】

The dragon king opened his dragon’s mouth and swallowed the amber god beast core. Even though his body was bruised and bruised, the dragon’s body became more and more shining!

Almost the moment when the ancient god lion fell, one man one dragon stopped all activities on his hands, suddenly turned into two divine lights and rushed out of the extinct Star Sea!

One man one dragon, rush into the inner line of Star Domain at the fastest speed.

Boom! boom! boom!

Dragon King and Lin Chen attacked separately, wearing extreme wind gods, and blasted through the inner line of the Sky Star Domain at the fastest speed.

Lin Chen screamed, "Hurry up and cover the wounded and retreat!"

The palm azure light appeared, and the extreme wind divine bow appeared, and many True Gods were shocked.

Shih~! When the sonic boom swept across the starry sky, when all the True Gods heard the sonic boom of the divine wind, the body of the god was penetrated, the flesh and blood were separated, and the god's bones collapsed.

"It's Lin Chen big brother!"

"Here is handed to Big Brother Lin, let's leave first."

Everyone in each team looked happy, He rushed out of the inside line to join the inside and outside with the outsiders, and withdraw from the wounded first.

Like a meteor shower blooming under the stars, swarms of arrows swept across the void with the speed and invincibility of arrows.

It looks like a divine light, mixed with the sharp laws of stars, which penetrates thousands of True Gods!

"This Seiya, can't avoid..."

"Has Young Master been fighting against such a person?"

"The trend is over!"

True Gods, disappearing under the arrow, wailed constantly, and couldn't even escape!

There are fragments of shadows remaining on the arrow at the fingertips. Lin Chen's fighting intent is more violent than before, as if to clear out all enemies in the shortest time!

Even if one less compatriot is killed, he must clear out the enemy as quickly as possible! !

In about a quarter of an hour, a large number of stars are riddled with holes and corpses are everywhere on the vast Star Domain.

The Huai people stared at this scene in a daze, looking at Lin Chen standing next to the star tower in awe.

If he had used such methods in the Huai clan at the beginning, they would not be able to restrain him even in the gods!

At least 50,000 True Gods fell into his hands, almost a bloodbathed Star Domain, and one person carried half of the team's record!

Looking at this piece of Star Domain in the distance, the Divine Race defense line that was once claimed to be unable to be breached even after the Lord came, was broken because of a team!

When the divine wind disappeared, when the ultimate wind god withdrew, Lin Chen propped on the ground with one hand, Divine Soul and divine force seemed to be exhausted, and the pale eyebrows were full of exhaustion.

"Lin Chen!"

Zhao Anran came from the sky and helped Lin Chen up.

Lin Chen said: "How many people do we have."

Zhao Anran immediately said: "There are more than two thousand people left in each team, and there are twelve thousand left in total. If it were not for the support of fellow Huai people, we would have been wiped out even if we had won."

Lin Chen said solemnly: "Let everyone rest for three days. We will take the Nine Realms Mountain as quickly as possible. "

Zhao Anran complexion slightly changed, "Three days? It was too hasty! You see that your injury is so serious, and the price everyone paid for this battle is too great, and it took three days to recover from your injury. It’s not enough!"

Lin Chen looked towards the other side with a ray of divine light in his eyes, and solemnly said: "There is only three days, no time. My bloodline has already faintly felt that he has already Stepping into the Divine Wilderness Star Domain."

Zhao Anran started, "Who?"

He exhaled heavily, Lin Chen said one word.

"Lin Xingchen."


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