"It seems that someone wants to make trouble!"

A cold glow flashed across Lin Chen's eyes, and he grabbed it with one hand, except for several dozen li A freshman was brought over by him.

"The Little Handsome Brother, can you tell me what's going on here?"

Lin Chen asked with a smile. The freshman was surprised at first, then surprised. Dao!

"Are you Lin Chen Senior?"

"Uh, yes, you know me?"

"I have seen your portrait! Senior, Your dormitory was destroyed by Ye Juesheng Senior, who was the Purple Order."

"Also, Yan Haitang Senior Sister and Gu Chenfeng Senior, who were with Senior, were also destroyed by the youth. In the ranking competitions, we encountered the Senior Senior Sister sent by Mo Feng Senior and kept making things difficult."

The freshman was talking endlessly, and Lin Chen grabbed his arm and asked.

"What about the Elders?"

Lin Chen remembers that Meng Qianmo, a senior member of the Academy, promised him that as long as he was in the Academy, he would never let other people It hurts a hair in class 66!

Now it seems that this promise is fart!

"The Elders seem to be holding a tournament. Many senior Elders and mentors in the Academy have been away for two months. Now the four senior members of the Academy hid the sky with one hand. , We are all very bitter."

The freshman said helplessly, Lin Chen was taken aback!

Four purple medals? Why did the Academy suddenly have four more purple medals!

"Who are the four purple medals?"

Lin Chen asked, the freshman thought.

"I remember that they were Long Xiangyu, Ye Juesheng, Mo Feng, and Fu Wanquan Senior."

Lin Chen narrowed his eyes, and murderous aura said clearly— —"Where are they now?"

"It seems that it happened to be in Arena 4 today. Today is the ranking match of the Young Order. They seem to be watching the match."


Lin Chen casually threw a roll of blue-level low-level cultivation technique as a reward for the freshman; pulling Yun Manqing, the silhouette moved like lightning.

Arena 4, in Sky City.

The Youth Ranking Tournament, which can be regarded as a grand event of the Heavenly Song Academy. Almost 90% of the Youth Ranking Tournament will participate.

However, in this session of the Youth Ranking Tournament, because of some people, there were some episodes.

That is, the intervention of Zi Xun-level!

Today's Heavenly Song Academy is the leader in Ling State!

As soon as the four purple medals came out, Heavenly Song Academy was pushed into the flourishing period since ten thousand years!

In the same era, even four purple medals were born in the same year, unprecedented!

There are three rules for becoming a Zixun class: 1. The accumulated task points must reach 20 million points or more.

Second, you must be in the top 10 of the blue medal ranks.

Three, through Purgatory Secret Realm!

These three conditions are indispensable!

Purgatory Secret Realm is a Secret Realm created by the ancestors of Heavenly Song Academy.

The Secret Realm is connected to many dangerous Secret Realms on the Nine Provinces continent, and there is a certain chance that they will get the legendary flame seed!

Each student has only one chance to enter Purgatory Secret Realm in his life, and the death rate is extremely high!

Only by completing these three conditions, can you be a true Purple Order student!

Purple Order students are truly equivalent to the Holy Son Saintess from the ancient aristocratic family!

The cultivation resources and rights enjoyed in the Academy are not inferior to Holy Son Saintess!

Even, the Purple Order of Heavenly Song Academy is generally slightly stronger than the ordinary Holy Son and Saintess of the ancient aristocratic family.

Because Purgatory Secret Realm has a high mortality rate, but if you can come back alive, you will get an unprecedented fortuitous encounter!

Every time Purgatory Secret Realm is opened, the student will be sent to the most dangerous and most suitable Secret Realm for the student!

There is a certain chance that the opportunities and circumstances obtained in it are better than the Holy Fire Realm!

Generally, even the blue rank of Elder has to be treated cautiously, not to mention the purple rank.

Except for the high-level Elder and a few people who can restrain them, no one dares to provoke them easily!

So this time, the purple medal's participation in the green medal ranking competition is completely controlled in a dark box.

In addition to the fact that many high-level Elders went out due to accidents, this time the Youth Ranking Tournament was passive.

That is the original random lottery battle, which has become a pre-arranged battle!

And those who were targeted are everyone from Class 66!

The opponents of Class 66 are all Peak Green Ranks arranged in advance by Mo Feng or Ye Juesheng, and they are all ranked in the top 50 in the Academy!

For Class 66, who has just entered the Academy for less than a year and a half, and has just been promoted to the Youngest Class, simply impossible has won!

And those Peak's youth ranks even insulted Lin Chen and destroyed Lin Chen's exclusive dormitory to anger everyone in Class 66!

In the Arena 4, the rest area.

Lin Chen rushed into the rest areas in a hurry, Purple Gold Eye urged a little, and found everyone in one of the rest rooms!

When I opened the door of the lounge, Lin Chen saw many unconscious silhouettes lying in the lounge!

Yan Haitang, Liu Lin'er, Gu Chenfeng, Zhang Yu, Ying Liang, Bai Junhao, Qin Xiaofeng, Xiang Qinghong, Yue Linlin and the others are all in a coma!

An unprecedented anger, like the flames of the burning sky, ignited Lin Chen's killing intent and fighting spirit!

Yun Manqing hurriedly squeezed his hand. Lin Chen, who was almost dazzled by hatred, woke up, patted her jade hand.

In the lounge; only Han Yizhi and Shangguan Bihan are left.

The moment the two saw Lin Chen, there was a new hope in their almost desperate eyes!

"Squad leader!"

"Lin Chen big brother!"

Han Yizhi burst into tears and said with her teeth clenched--"Squad leader, they... "

"Needless to say, I probably already know it."

When Lin Chen raised his hand, his expression was extremely calm.

Raising his hand to wipe the teardrops for Shangguan Bihan, Lin Chen walked to everyone and infiltrated a strand of Battle Qi into their bodies to detect the injuries.

Everyone’s injuries are extremely serious, some meridian is broken, the roots are broken, and it will even affect the cultivation of the future life.

Fortunately, if you rely on your medicine refining level to cure everyone as before, the chances are still very high.

"Squad leader, all of us in Class 66, none of us surrendered."

Han Yizhi said with red eyes and choking.

Lin Chen took out a few bottles of medicine pill from the spirit ring and handed them to Shangguan Bihan.

"Take the medicine pill for everyone, and then take everyone with you, and flee as far as you can."

Shangguan Bihan's slender hand took the medicine pill with a trembling hand. When he wanted to speak, Lin Chen hugged her and Han Yizhi.

"Don't worry, leave it to me next."

tone barely fell, and the door in the lounge opened again.

Old Yuan hurriedly arrived with Elder of the alchemy system.

When he saw Lin Chen, he was overjoyed and turned into guilt and sadness, and he wanted to talk.

"little fellow, I..."

"Old Yuan, half a quarter of an hour, you helped me evacuate everyone in the arena, half a quarter of an hour later, stay here People who live and die are up to the sky!"

Lin Chen's pupils are brewing monstrous anger and fighting intent!

He wants to kill! And what is going to kill is the Zixun rank! !

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