"I brought him back alone. As for the other four, just ask him."

Casually, let all the senior Elder turned his gaze to Lin Chen.

Lin someone is calm and composed, with a very as it should be by rights tone opened the mouth and said.

"Well, I will kill all four of you, so let's do it."

After that, the senior leader Elder was dumbfounded!

one after another four slaughtered?

All four people were killed?

Seeing Lin Chen's body without serious injuries, and his peaceful appearance, most of the executives were dumbfounded.

That's four Zixun ranks. This kid has one choice and four kills, so he can still get out of his body?

This strength is too terrifying!

even more how his casually appearance, it seems that simply didn't kill four purple medals, just like killing four insignificant chickens!

Hearing this news, some Elder even passed out on the spot!

"You dare to kill Xiangyu!"

"Peerless! My peerless, how could this be!"

Several high-level Elders Murderous aura is exposed, eyes wide staring angrily staring at Lin Chen.

"Enough! wail like ghosts and howl like wolves what, is it possible that you still want to do it in front of the deputy dean?"

Meng Qianmo swept those individuals With a glance at the top, they immediately recovered their sobriety!

Impudent in front of the deputy dean, they do not have the qualifications and strength!

"You also don't want to think that the students you teach are of who quality. What have you done to others?"

Meng Qianmo curl one's lip, many senior leaders tacitly believe.

Though the four innate talents of the Purple Order rank are strong, in terms of character, it is true that there are no merits worth mentioning.

"You guys are driving this honest child, don't we all know Lin Chen's temperament? If it weren't for you to provoke the honest child, would they kill all four of them one by one?"

Meng Qianmo's words made Lin all blush. It turns out that I am an honest child in everyone's eyes! I'm afraid this is not the best annual evaluation I got.

"Okay, Qianmo little girl, don't be poor. The question now is not to explore Lin Chen's responsibilities."

Two senior executives whited this little girl. At a glance, she winked at Lin Chen playfully.

"Lin Chen, you should avoid it first. We have to hold a meeting. As for your punishment and results, we will inform you of your own punishment and results. Please prepare yourself mentally."

The two senior executives glanced at him and waved.

Lin Chen laughed, a cup one fist in the other hand bids farewell, and disappears in silhouette.

It's hard to imagine that those who have killed four Purple Orders can be so free!

In fact, most senior executives know that this punishment is basically impossible to punish Lin Chen too much!

Because, the deputy dean has already left the customs because of him personally, and his talent even the deputy dean has to show up for him. This is enough to show that Lin Chen is simply not the level they can move!

The senior executives who have personally nurtured the four Purple Order ranks can be described as daring not to speak.

And the next meeting is an unprecedented event affecting Ling State and one of the other nine Great Prefectures!


Ignoring the weakness of his body, Lin Chen swallowed a Profound Nether Dan with a low level of the sixth rank, trot and sat on the ancient Azure Dragon, and returned to his dormitory area. .

"Yizhi! How are you all!"

When returning to the dormitory area and seeing Han Yizhi and Shangguan Bihan, Lin Chen shouted excitedly.

When the two Sisters Su Lan saw Lin Chen, their blue eyes were slightly red, and their teeth bite—"Everyone's situation is still not optimistic. Mentor they are already treating."

"Big brother, are you okay, what about the four purple medals?"

Han Yizhi's spirit strength has also entered the Law Manifestation Realm. See Lin Chen riddled with scars all over, ask me with concern. Tao.

"I'm fine, the most important thing is everyone! Ten hours have passed now. If you don't get medical treatment, the injury will endanger your future cultivation. Take me there soon!"

Freshman dormitory area, Dan room.

Han Yizhi took Lin Chen into the door and saw him break into the altar room. Many mentors started.

"Next, I will take over their treatment, and trouble the mentors to avoid it."

Lin Chen uttered a heavy drink with Law Manifestation Realm spirit strength, and the mentors couldn't help but lose their color!

"Law Manifestation Realm spirit strength?"

After screening out all the mentors and the Elder of the alchemy system, Lin Chen waved his hand and the fifth-order pill furnace landed.

In the face of the unconscious people, he said solemnly.

"Yizhi, help me!"


Han Yizhi owns Law Manifestation Realm spirit strength, and has received awards from Han Family and Lin Chen Cultivation, is now a fifth-level high level alchemist.

"Longming grass, nine sun apricot blossoms, dripping blood Purple Gold vine,"

spirit ring rays of light flickering, a lot of medicine ingredient emerges, and Han Yizhi takes these lightly The medicine ingredient is refined.

Lin Chen deploys grade 5 Medicine Pill with different medicinal power according to each person's different injuries.

The thumbs and fingers in both hands are butted together, spirit strength emerges extremely quickly, thunder and thousands of imprints are displayed like lightning, and a large number of medicine ingredients are refined at the same time.

Based on Lin Chen’s current level of refining medicine, with the assistance of Han Yizhi, the refining of Grade 5 Medicine Pill is extremely fast, and it only takes less than an hour to destroy everyone

The injury stabilized.

"Finally, you can take the top level 5'Supreme Unity Huashi Dan'."

Lin Chen is drowsy and has just given medicine pill Yi Zhi fell into a coma.

"Squad leader!"

Two days later;

In a clean and tidy room.

Lin Chen slowly regained consciousness, and a group of young girls breathed into Lin's nose.

"It smells so good, am I in heaven? Don’t you think I’m so handsome or die an untimely death?"

Someone Lin just woke up, and he felt like he was spinning around. , Splitting headache.

"He is awake! The monitor is awake!"

"Wu wu wu, Lin Chen big brother, you scared us to death!"

"Listen Said that the monitor also fought for us with four purple medals, which is too reckless!"

Lin Chen wakes up, a group of many enchanting females come into view, and they are surrounding him. Chirp chirp twitter twitter worriedly said beside the bed.

"So I didn't die, I was shocked. Are you all right?"

With a sweat in his heart, Lin Chen said with a smile to the women.

"Sorry for the monitor, we are holding you back."

Apologizing to Qinghong, Lin Chen waved his hand indifferently.

"How are the others?"

"The boys have not awakened yet, but their injuries have stabilized."

I learned that everyone is okay, Lin Chen sighed in relief.

"By the way, you all seem to have grown to a young rank in more than a year?"

Lin Chen said with a smile, and the girls immediately surrounded Lin Chen with joy. And laugh.

During the conversation, Lin Chen learned that after he left a few volumes of precious Pill Recipe for the Medicine Pill Palace for sale, the big family property of Class 66 has skyrocketed.

Also, with the help of blue medalists such as Lu Ying and Lin Heavenly Sword, in less than one and a half years, all 66 classes were transformed to the green medal!

Han Yizhi, after returning from the Holy Fire Realm, became the fastest person to be promoted to the Blue Order after Lin Chen.

When I heard that Lin Chen had destroyed the four great purple medals, the hearts of the women were shocked and moved.

"Everyone, come back from this trip, I still have something to give you."

Lin Chen wants to give everyone the seeds of the Holy Fire he got in the Holy Fire Realm!

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