"An ant, can hurt this spear, you are enough to be known as a mortal in history! Die!"

The soul ink smiled white and fell suddenly in the night. Cleaved, the power of Divine Vein is activated!

Death is close at hand!

The moment the two avatars rushed towards Lin Chen like lightning, they flew and pushed Lin Chen away, spurring Wanyue Xuanzhen Jia, the sword crossed!

At this moment of life and death, Lin Chen made an act that was almost a gambling!

He didn't urge the movement method to escape the opportunity that the two avatars exchanged for their lives, but suddenly launched Rune of Slowness!

Rune energy has dropped by 30 points! An unprecedented Rune of Slowness suddenly came to the world!

The moment Rune of Slowness was born, Soul Mobai just drew his sword and swung it out!

When that glimpse of the illusion of annihilating the void is about to erupt in the Eternal Night Blade, the entire space becomes extremely slow, like a Space-Time Stop!

"What's going on, the whole space has become slow and stagnant!"

Soul Mo Bai's heart is shocked, this stagnant and slow space is extremely heavy, not to mention swinging a knife, he moves continuously A finger is extremely difficult!

That's right! Lin Chen's goal of using Rune of Slowness this time is not for the soul Mobai himself.

The goal of Rune of Slowness is to face the thousand zhang space near him and his Eternal Night Sword!

The space at this time is like a forbidden cage, binding him tightly!

"How can trifling rubbish mystery compare to my Divine Vein! Break for me!"

Soul ink white urged his Divine Vein and Battle Qi like lightning, The nearby space began to shake violently!

However, Rune of Slowness is not applicable to Lin Chen and Phantom Clone!

Just before Rune of Slowness was about to be broken, the remnant demon flashed, and the blade light of Netherworld slashed the head of Soul Mobai!

Clang~! boom!

The Remnant Demon Knife was unexpectedly bounced away! The life-saving Treasure Item'Moon Mirror of Life and Death' on the white waist of the soul ink shattered on the spot!

pu chi ~~!

The frost-like bright blade burns with blazing fireworks, passing through the chest of the soul ink white, blood rushing!

A large number of attribute light balls began to fly out from the wound of his heart!

That location is his heart!

From launching Rune of Slowness to piercing the heart, everything happens only in half a breath!

Soul Mobai's face is extremely ugly, the corners of his mouth are bleeding, and his eyes are full of incredible and shock!

But then, an even stranger scene appeared!

Boom~! Bang~!

The space was shattered in an instant, and the Eternal Night Sword still slashed out!


Lin Chen's pupils shrink slightly!

The knife to annihilate the space simply didn't give Lin Chen a chance to think and react, so he slammed it out!

Blade Qi moving unhindered, Inverse Chaos Yin-Yang, dividing Heaven and Earth into the Heaven and Earth-like slash to kill the Wanyue Xuanzhen armor of the two Phantom Clones, and split it in half!

Blade Qi penetrates the two Avatars, followed by Lin Chen!

Even the Wanyue Xuanzhen armor and spiritual cloak of Lin Chen's deity can't resist this blade, and Blade Qi penetrates through the body alive!

The crystal wall in front of Soul Mobai disappeared and annihilated into nothingness, completely reduced to a chaotic vacuum zone!

Lin Chen's eyes are full of doubts and panic!

Why did I penetrate his heart and started the Fire Tribulation Battle Qi and burned his heart to ashes, so that he could still activate the power of Divine Vein?

"hahaha! Ants, you can’t think of it, every time the descendants of God condense into Heaven and Earth Dharma Idol with one more Battle Qi Yuanfu, one more heart will be condensed!"

The soul ink white impudent laughed wildly, and there were scorched burn marks and sword marks on his chest, which was really weird!

"Thank you for telling me."

Lin Chen slightly smiled, exuding a smile that resembles a glimmer of light before life and death.

The darkness surges, and the pure power of Lin Chen's body drops back to 22,000 dragon power, and a transparent silhouette ghost-like emerges behind him!

It is Lin Chen’s third Phantom Clone! !

"Dark Dragon Palm·9th layer Dark Dragon Strength! die for me!!"

Slow, charged rune launches, a Rune of Slowness shot into the soul ink like lightning In the white dantian, he restrained 60% of his Battle Qi!

"Oops? Which one is the deity!"

The soul Mobai, who had lost the Moon Mirror of Life and Death, slammed his sword across his back, and at the same time urged Battle Qi to defend!

But Lin Chen's Phantom Clone was already close to his back and slapped his waist with a palm!

That position is his dantian position! There is the location of the first Battle Qi Yuan Mansion!

The palm is slapped on the blade, and the 38,000 dragon power is strangling in with the rotating dark battle Qi!

Shih~! boom! boom! boom!

9th layer Dark Dragon Jin passes through the blade and penetrates into the body of Soul Mobai! His whole body suddenly caused a big explosion!

After a series of explosions, his silhouette appeared again.

Lin Chen, who is slowly falling to the ground in the sky, has his pupils trembling!

In the sky, at this time, Soul Mobai's body was covered with blood, his robe was cracked, and his skin was covered with cracked blood.

Although he was seriously injured, he did not die!

"Can't you even do a perish together..."

The spirit in Lin Chen's eyes gradually dimmed, and his heart became quieter. The body kept falling to the ground.

That is the precursor to the disappearance of consciousness before death.

His mind suddenly passed many concerns and the roads he had traveled.

"Sorry, Qingxuan, I will die before I have time to fulfill my promise of giving you a birthday gift..."

"Sister Ruoyan...Yueqi...Yizhi...Thank you Everyone... let me have a good journey..."

Lin Chen's eyes slowly closed.


Heavenly Song Academy; the high-level Elders in the secret room are completely messed up!

The Xingyu Ming card injected into Lin Chen Life Source Battle Qi has been all split up and in pieces at this time, and it is bleak!

"What kind of crisis has this little fellow encountered!"

"Can you kill even four Purple Orders, but can't pass the Purgatory Secret Realm."

The Elders wailed and sighed, Meng Qianmo's little loli teeth clenched, tears flickering.

"Couldn't even he be alright?"

The vice president stared at the jade token quietly, without any emotions and waves in his blue eyes, returning to the past He is calm and indifferent, just like Henggu.

It's just that, in those eyes, there seems to be a little less anger, dull.


Purgatory Secret Realm;

Lin Chen Phantom Clone’s trump card was originally used to deal with enemies of the order of the soul ink white, but The only thing he didn't expect was his Divine Vein and his cultivation base!

He is already the original Venerable Realm 1st Layer. In contrast, he is only a temporary person who relies on the Asura Jiuhuang change to reach this field!

Lin Chen couldn't even do perish together, so he was penetrated by his Blade Qi!

Snip off Lin Chen's last Avatar with a single knife, Soul Mobai took a few medicine pills, wiped the blood stains, and glanced at Lin Chen who fell to the ground.

"It seems that that is the deity? The last one is also the poor counterattack. What a great mortal, at least as an ant, you have already shaken this seat!"

Lin Chen VS soul ink white. Lin Chen lost!

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