Things seem complicated, but they are actually very simple.

That is when Soul Mobai mistakenly judged Lin Chen's third Avatar as the entity!

The reason is simple: after the previous third Avatar was killed, Lin Chen secretly consumed 10 rune energy and quietly used the Phantom rune to condense a Phantom Clone that is more durable than any Avatar. .

Secondly, in order to bring the Avatar closer to the body, Lin Chen left the pure power of Azure Dragon possession and the Wulong Dynasty Emperor Spear on top of the new Avatar, and turned himself into an'Avatar' to go to sneak attack Soul Mo Bai!

The only weak spot is when Lin Chen's body is transformed into an'Avatar' sneak attack, and when the soul of Divine Vein power is about to erupt, he reveals a trace of fear!

If it is Phantom Clone, it will only have Lin Chen's battle awareness, but will not have Lin Chen's emotional fluctuations.

The fear was because at that time, the soul of the sneak attack was Lin Chen's body. He was almost smashed by the sword containing Divine Vein, so he barely revealed the prototype.

But in the end, Soul Mo Bai did not notice this last weak spot belonging to Lin Chen!

Since the encounter between the two, he has been played by Lin Chen's phantom rune!

This insignificant ability, which he considered to be a mortal domain, repeatedly hit the weak spot, and finally fell!

In all fairness, Lin Chen has been promoted to the middle stage of Yuan Venerable Realm 1st Layer. Facing the soul of Mo Bai at the peak period, he did not have much advantage.

Just because, the power of Divine Vein is too powerful! A Ling State continent has a population of more than trillions. Looking at the Human Race of the entire Nine Provinces, it is at least one trillion!

And the descendants of gods are creatures that are far behind the generations of Heaven's Chosen born among millions of mortals. To kill such existences, it is not an exaggeration to use heavenly ascension to represent them!

Cooperating with the many purple-level Absolute Art learned by the background of Soul Mobai, mortals, it is impossible to win the descendants of God! This is the iron rule since ancient times!

Strong as Lin Chen, but also not sure enough to break his Divine Vein power in frontal attacks!

If the power of Divine Vein is hard to come by, once he misses, he will have to repeat the same mistakes and truly die in Purgatory Secret Realm, because his innate talent is only one time, he can't afford to gamble!

He can only maximize his strengths and use his own strengths to attack the other's shortcomings. In the most dangerous moment, still maintain an extremely calm state!

At the last moment, Soul Mobai still hadn't fully mobilized all Blade Qi to blast towards his Avatar.

In order to convince him that the body was within the encirclement at the time, Lin Chen took a huge risk and used 60 points of intermediate talisman's Rune of Slowness to resist desperately!

The design of one link after another finally made the descendant of this self-esteem god fall into the hands of Lin Chen!

No one can predict the result before choosing, from the very beginning. Although the descendants of God are serious against Lin Chen, he doesn’t think Lin Chen will force him to use all his life-saving cards. on!

At this time; Lin Chen frantically collected the attribute light ball and many treasure chests.

All the attribute light balls this time are dropped from the descendants of Gods. The high quality is the first time that Lin Chen has seen it since the 4.0 version was updated!

[The host gains 390 Heavenly Dao points, 500 innate talent points, 25 intermediate dark energy points, 55 intermediate cultivation technique essence points,]

【Host gains 300 innate points Talent value, 1 intermediate point spirit strength, 50 intermediate talisman literary energy, 6400 intermediate Battle Qi Essence,]

[The host opens the aquamarine treasure chest and obtains active innate talent: the ultimate moment. ]

[The host opens the amethyst treasure chest and obtains the ultimate innate talent fragment: Godslayer (1/3). 】

Although the fall of Mobai, the descendant of the gods, did not bring Lin Chen the second purple-level cultivation technique, it brought a new kind of innate talent!

And, a fragment of a super innate talent!

After Lin Chen lifted the Asura Jiuhuang change, at this time, he, the second Battle Qi Yuan Mansion began to take shape, and the cultivation realm has risen to the first stage.

Lin Chen couldn't wait to open the system information bar. He urged Battle Qi to forcibly suppress all the high-level warfare weapons that suppressed Soul Mobai.

The Battle Qi imprint of the soul ink white still remains inside them, and Lin Chen couldn't make them recognize the Master for a while.

Then, after a thought, Lin Chen switched on the system.

[Heavenly Path Collection System 4.0 version

Host: Lin Chen

cultivation base: Yuan Venerable Realm 1st Layer late stage.

Ultimate strength: 23,000 dragon power.

Intermediate Qi and Blood Energy: 49666 points.

Intermediate Battle Qi Essence: 40229 points.

Intermediate spirit strength: 4 points (Law Manifestation Realm Early-Stage Peak)

Intermediate cultivation technique essence: 375 points.

Heavenly Dao value: 12700 points.

Intermediate talisman text energy: 135 points.

Innate talent value: 7580 points.

Intermediate element energy: Fire Element 23 points, Earth Element 18 points, Wood Element 8 points, Gold Element 21 points, Water Element 8 points. Thunder Element 20 points, Wind Element 26 points, light system 5 points, dark system 49 points.

cultivation technique status bar (open or not) bloodline status bar (open or not)

innate talent: Steel Muscles Iron Bones 5%, ultimate moment, Godslayer fragments (1/3),

Characteristic rune: Rune of Slowness Level 4, Corrosion rune Level 4, Charged rune Level 4, Phantom rune Level 4,

Hold treasure …】

This time the attribute value has soared unprecedentedly. The essence of the cultivation technique alone has increased by nearly ten times! Not to mention the rare Dark Attribute value!

Lin Chen’s spiritual seed has also increased to 36, 6 more.

Lin Chen can't wait to open two new innate talents.

【Ultimate Moment: Entering the state of ultimate moment, all the cultivation technique formidable power of the host doubles, and the consumption of Battle Qi doubles. (Release the ultimate moment requires a fixed amount of innate talent value, divided into: 1000/5000/10000 points) The more innate talent points consumed, the longer the ultimate moment lasts. 】

【Godslayer: Consume innate talent at one time. If there are more enemies hostile to the host, the stronger it will be. Godslayer innate talent will increase the host's power by several times, ten times, tens of times, hundreds of times, and thousands of times. Including body refinement strength, spirit strength, Battle Qi Cultivation Base, etc. 】

【System hint: Godslayer innate talent is the strongest innate talent in the system at this stage. The first condition depends on the number of enemies, followed by the enemy’s cultivation base. If the conditions are sufficient, it will be possible to achieve the power of killing the emperor and killing the holy gods. It is recommended that the host use it with caution. 】

Lin Chen's eyes widened, and he was stunned on the spot!

This Godslayer innate talent is simply destroying heaven extinguishing earth?

Hundred-fold, thousand-fold, or even thousand-fold increase in power?

"This is too terrifying. If I get this complete innate talent, wouldn't I even be afraid of the fucking Battle Sovereign?"

Lin Chen's heart has never been seen before Excited, this is even more exciting than when he saw Phantom Rune for the first time!

However, he calmed down quickly, regardless of the need to collect two innate talent fragments.

The activation of the Godslayer innate talent depends on the number of enemies, which means that in one-to-one, the innate talent is not as powerful as stated.

"You can only look forward to it, you can't rely on it. In the final analysis, you still have to rely on your own strength. But this newly acquired second innate talent is meaningless."

Lin Chen Looking at the innate talent at the'ultimate moment', this innate talent doubled the cultivation technique formidable power.

This is more than one grade worse than the four times the attack battle skill of the charged rune.

Besides, this requires at least 1,000 innate talent points to be activated, and the price/performance ratio is not high at all.

"Forget it, if the innate talent of this ultimate moment is used in a critical moment, you can also increase your limit a little bit."

Lin Chen quit the system and grabbed it. Live, take back the scattered Five Dragon Emperor Spears, said in a painful way.

"Hey, I have pity on my precious battle gun. I want to restore it to the sixth rank high level. I don't know when it will be."

This gun has been damaged by almost 90%. It is completely repaired, even if the materials are sufficient, it is as difficult as heavenly ascension to repair with Lin Chen's casting technique.

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