Lin Chen’s exclusive secret room, the rays of light suddenly flourished!

The system light screen pops up!

[Host Azure Dragon bloodline metamorphoses, bloodline attribute value increased by 1000, 2000, 1500,]

"It's really useful!"

Lin Chen's expression In ecstasy, staring at the ancient Azure Dragon intently, its dragon body glows with brand-new rays of light!

Its dragon scales have changed from light azure to dark green. The rays of light are restrained and condensed, as if the energy contained in a piece of dragon scales is many times more than before!

Dragon claw expands, dark green's edge is sharper and more domineering than before, and it becomes deeper.

It's like, a peerless sword is hidden deep in the scabbard. The more restrained the edge, the more heaven-shaking, earth-shattering when unsheathed!

The first seed of the sacred flame, the dragon scales evolved, and the dragon claw transformed.

The second seed of the sacred fire, the dragon tooth is derived, and the dragon body is condensed.

The third seed of the sacred fire, the dragon tail, has shed its scales and is reborn!

The fourth sacred flame seed...

It took seven days to absorb all the six sacred flame seeds! The ancient Azure Dragon, as if there is no upper limit!

It was originally born from the combination of Lin Chen’s Azure Dragon bloodline and Tiange Branch’s True Dragon Mountain’s Dragon Clan. Lin Chen’s roots and talents represent its innate talent. I’m afraid, it and Lin Like Chen, he can also absorb nine seeds of the Holy Fire!

The ancient Azure Dragon is officially transformed!

Lin Chen stared at the Azure Dragon in front of him, the dragon scales were dark green, glowing with an invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable azure glow! The dragon fins on the back of the dragon disappeared completely, replaced by a gray White Dragon mane, majestic and majestic!

It is more dangerous than the ancient Azure Dragon, but the baleful aura is restrained and hidden. Every dragon claw contains the power to tear the continent apart!

It also awakened two Great Divine Ability!

The divine ability of the sky armor is transformed into: the mysterious Azure Dragon domain, which can release the dragon's breath to form a powerful domain. The domain can be used to suppress the enemy or transform into a defensive divine ability!

Azure Dragon's divine ability transforms into: Wanzai Profound Light Blade, which drives the dragon's breath with pure power, releasing one after another powerful dragon's breath light blade.

Lin Chen is certain that the ancient Azure Dragon now has transcended the category and domain of the'ordinary Azure Dragon', and is evolving into a new type of Dragon Clan!

Lin Chen glanced at system, and now his Azure Dragon bloodline attribute value is as high as 350,000 points!

Directly increase the bloodline attribute value of 300,000 points!

Lin Chen urged the golden robbery body, Seventh Gold Qi's fingertips slightly scratched its dragon scales.

Shh~~! The Gengjin edge, which is enough to break the Tier 5 top defense Treasure Item, only leaves a faint white mark on its dragon scales!

"Pure strength is still 51,000 dragon power, but Azure Dragon’s battle strength is different from the previous Heaven and Earth turning upside down! Look at the characteristics of this evolution, it should be Dragon Clan’s Azure Dragon. !"

Lin Chen's eyes are shining, and the evolution has not been completed yet. As long as a few more seeds are absorbed, the ancient Azure Dragon will be completely transformed into the legendary Azure Dragon of Wanzai Xuan!

This Dragon Clan is famous for its Xeon Defense Xeon Attack. More than one grade higher than the ancient Azure Dragon!

Lin Chen is very satisfied to incorporate Azure Dragon into his body. He sits cross-legged and starts running the core method.

Recently, Lin Chen's premonition has become more intense. His six Heavenly Tribulation battle bodies have formed a certain kind of communication.

Lin Chen feels that perhaps he runs the entire "Nine Tribulations of Creation" one week, these six Heavenly Tribulation experience will bring some changes to himself

complete operation core method One week, the natural phenomenon of Lin Chen's Battle Qi Yuanfu has changed abruptly!

His six Heavenly Tribulation battle bodies form a group, forming a brand-new power that merges into his top of the head.

"The eyes of the Nine Tribulations, you can calculate the fate of hundreds of millions of fortunes, and count the heavens and auras..."

With an obscure message spreading into Lin Chen’s spirit, he opened a brand new Heaven and Earth!

Om~! The illusory shadow of the nine-colored rays of light slowly opened from the top of Lin Chen's head. At this moment, Lin Chen'seeed' a completely different scene.

Chaos and misty, star maps are everywhere. Every star map in the starry sky hides mystery, and he explored one of the star maps through the'Nine Color Eyes'.

It was a poor family in Ling State, who worked for generations, but the present-day son's head is entrenched with the atmosphere of Small Accomplishment Heaven and Earth, that is the luck to have the achievement of the Yuanzun realm!

Next, in another star chart, there is a famous Aristocratic Family. The Aristocratic Family has two thousand golds and is kind and has a high accumulation of virtue, but there is a blood light disaster between the eyebrows.

If you survive the disaster brewing in the blood light, it will skyrocket. If you don’t, you will vanished fragrance and crumbled jade.

In the endless star map, each star map is a person, an Aristocratic Family, and a sect atmosphere!

But Lin Chen couldn't see much, and the exhaustion of prostration suddenly flooded his mind and body, and he had to withdraw from this state.

"Nine Tribulations Eyes, spying on the fate of others, this is the ability of Prediction Master? I actually awakened the power of Prediction Master?"

Lin was shocked and thought When he first contacted Shangguan Bihan, he also pretended to be a liar Prediction Master. Didn't expect to become a Prediction Master!

"Interesting, if I become a Prediction Master, won’t I also be able to participate in the Prediction Master project at the Celestial List?"

"However, I don’t have my Prediction Master life. Gu, without a life tool, the consumption of energy for divination deduction is not easily affordable. You have to cast one yourself, and there is no secret book about the cultivation technique of the Prediction Master. It is more than the spiritual cultivation technique. To be scarce..."


In the next time, Lin Chen couldn't get out of the door completely, focusing on his own affairs.

He consumed another wave of cultivation technique essence and inherited the many medicine refining experiences collected in the refining handbooks of the ancestors of the Han Family previously included in the Han Family.

He had only inherited less than one-tenth before, and his level of refining medicine has improved several levels! Pulling strongly against a crazy tide as an assistant pharmacist at the refining ceremony, show the audience! The level of refining medicine is comparable to the sixth rank pharmacist!

Lin Chen at that time, the spirit strength was only Spirit Transformation Realm Perfection. Now he is infinitely close to the spirit strength of the mid-term Law Manifestation Realm!

After another ten days, Lin Chen included the Han Family in the system this time, and almost inherited six tenths of the contents of the ancient book! It can be said that his level of refining medicine can be doubled as an increase!

Finally, the day before the Celestial List Conference came, Lin Chen left the customs, fell in the room and fell asleep.

Don’t bother him, let him conserve strength and store up energy. In addition, many students of Heavenly Song Academy have returned, and they are enthusiastically signing up for the Heavenly Song Academy!

When a large number of the returning blue and young veterans heard of the fall of the four purple medals and the rise of Lin Chen against the sky, Heavenly Song Academy ushered in a terrible shock!

However, there will be more exciting events next.

On this day, Ten Thousand Sect is coming and Ling State is boiling!

Two completely different continent civilizations are about to collide and compete head-on!

Ling State VS Tianzhou! A brilliant feast of the strongest!

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