"Let the banquet set aside first, Ning patriarch, I'm someone Lin who doesn't like to bend around, I just have a word, I'm here to propose marriage, and the object is Ning Qingxuan from your Ning Family Miss, I still look forward to patriarch’s adult beauty. Of course, I’m ready for the bride price. On the back of the Azure Dragon outside, I promise that Ning Family won’t lose face."

Lin Chen’s request was immediately let Ning Yuntian frowned, he still said with a slight smile one after another.

"This, Ning Qingxuan, a little girl, is a bit special. It is not convenient to accept any marriage requests at the moment. Should Lin Chen change her friend? With your identity and potential, my Ning Family is other than Ning Qingxuan , Any Saintess can agree to your request."

"What if I said I want her?"

Said with a by Lin Chen harmless to humans and animals smile, the whole hall fell into the silence of the dead in a moment!

The atmosphere in the hall is fascinating!


Ning Family, Qingyue Palace.

"elder sister! He is here, Lin Chen, he actually came to our Ning Family!"

In the palace, the little girl in Qingsha jumped around, shouting unearthly excitedly, Another beautiful lady in the palace who was still in a cultivation state slowly opened her eyes, and her beautiful eyes, which had no aura, flashed with ripples and fluctuations!

"He, is he here?"

Ning Qingxuan suddenly got up, her blue eyes became extremely clear and simple, like a child chasing a red dragonfly, yearning for that green sea, blue sky.

"I'm going to find him! I'm going to find him!"

Ning Qingxuan ran out of the palace like crazy, about to fly into the air; Sora appeared and stood in front of her.

"Miss Ning Qingxuan, where are you going."

That is a pretty and evil red clothed youth, phoenix eyes, sword eyebrows, face like a crown jade, facial features fine.

"I'm going to find him!"

Ning Qingxuan's white teeth clenched, the lotus step moved lightly, the movement method was used, and he swept towards the Ning Family hall!

I saw; the red clothed youth shook with one hand, and three Battle Qi auras emerged out of thin air, binding Ning Qingxuan tightly!

"You only belong to the Supreme Spiritual God, and no one can touch you. You must fully dedicate to the Spiritual God, apart from this, and I will help you eliminate any difficulties!"


red clothed youth's face was expressionless, and with a wave of his palm, he shook Ning Qingxuan back into the palace!

"No, don't!"

Ning Qingxuan's tears flickered, desperately trying to struggle to escape, but was blocked in the palace!

"It seems that something unexpected happened. It seems that I have to go and see it myself."

The red clothed youth stands with the sword, and takes a little step forward. , Turned into a plume of light smoke swept toward the hall.


In the hall; the atmosphere is drawn with arrows, and the oppression is unusually heavy!

"This, I'm afraid it won't work."

Ning Yuntian shook his head in denial, although his tone was not heavy, his stand was very firm!

"That is to say, we don't have to talk, right?"

The five dragons dynasty spear flashed in his hand, and Lin Chen's mouth was outlined with a touch of coldness! His actions shocked the five half-step Battle Sovereign and even the three high-level members of Heavenly Song Academy!

Faced with Ning Family patriarch, he was unscrupulous and showed his minions directly!

This has nothing to do with the vice-president. It's like a lone wolf on a dead end. Whoever comes will dare to bite the other side's flesh!

He has decided that he will take Ning Qingxuan today anyway!

The three high-level officials including Meng Qianmo immediately protected everyone and Lin Chen, and the deputy dean stepped out slowly, with a chill in his eyes.

With her strength, I dare not say that one person will destroy the entire Ning Family and all the Battle Sovereign powerhouses and hundreds of thousands of years of accumulation, but if you want to turn this place upside down and try to take away a girl There is still a great probability!

For Lin Chen, even if he fights with the Ning Family, the deputy dean dare to do it! Because Lin Chen is the last proof that she has guarded the Heavenly Song Academy for so many years since the history of their Heavenly Song Academy!

"Proposing marriage? Just relying on you, a humble mortal?"

An indifferent chuckle came from outside the hall, and a red clothed youth stood with a sword and stepped into the hall slowly !

"Master Ling, you are here!"

Five half-step Battle Sovereign Elder saw this young man, and immediately stood up and respectfully bent over to greet him.

"My lord."

Ning Yuntian cup hand to hold fist. When he wanted to speak, the other party raised his hand.

"Mortals, don't think that you can come here to make trouble with a slightly stronger Battle Sovereign. No matter how powerful Battle Sovereign is, it is almost like an ant in front of Spiritual God!"

red clothed youth said arrogantly, Lin Chen raised his brow and said with a sneer——"What? Listening to your tone, how can you make it as if you are a Spiritual God?"

"I am natural Not a Spiritual God, but I am a servant of Lord Spiritual God, the Spirit Imperial Jade Seal! I was fortunate to see the Supreme Spiritual God side, a strange mortal like you, who has no respect for God, is the cancer of the Nine Provinces Human Race! "


The sword is out of its sheath, and the wind chants. The violent wind screams, sword qi rushes into the sky!

Lin Chen's sneer in his heart is even stronger. The memory he has seen in the Heavenly Spirit Tower, the so-called "Spiritual God", all regard people who do not worship gods as heterogeneous and malignant tumors!

But Lin Chen at least knows that it is not the so-called Spiritual God who guards the Nine Provinces continent, but the Human Race Hundred Sages back then! Without the Hundred Saints swearing to the death to defend, the Nine Provinces continent has long been reduced to the world of the Fiend clan!

"An ant like you, I only need one move! If you can receive my move, Miss Ning Qingxuan's affairs, I will not take care of it anymore!"

red clothed Youth said indifferently; the quasi-seventh rank sword in his hand,'spiritual' bursts with a faint sharp flow, this person's cultivation base is actually the seventh stage of the late stage!

From the perspective of his age, he was only 300 years old at most, and he entered the seventh stage of Yuanzun realm. This talent and cultivation base are placed in the history of Ling State. I dare not say unprecedented, but at least It is also a level that can be recorded in the annals of history!

In the late seventh stage, he was completely different from the Yun Canghai where Lin Chen fought in the Sixiang Pavilion earlier. The core method of this person's cultivation should be of the purple rank. The oppression given to Lin Chen completely exceeds that of Yun. Canghai and the seven-layer late stage of the battle tower puppet level!

However, Lin Chen already has eight Heavenly Tribulation combat bodies, and his cultivation base has officially entered the 3rd-layer Early-Stage! With sufficient background, Yuanzun realm 8th layer Early-Stage dare to fight!

"Are you proud to be a dog for the so-called Spiritual God?"

Lin Chen clenched the Five Dragon Emperor Spear, stepped out, the silver robe rolled over, two people looked Look at each other.

"Mortals are ants, and god servants are much stronger than ants. Even if you are a dog for Spiritual God, it is a blessing for eight lifetimes."

Chen Lingxi disdainfully sweeps Lin. Chen glanced at it, and then said-"Well, if you dare not pick it up, then take your person away immediately, Ms. Ning Qingxuan, don't mention it again!"

Also on the side of Chen Lingxi, the'servant of the gods', Lin Chen's aptitude is excellent, but no matter how good he is, who can ensure that he can really step into the battle that needs to live to death to have a glimmer of survival Sovereign environment?

Even if he steps into the Battle Sovereign realm, what about the holy realm?

Above the holy realm is the divine realm!

Even if Lin Chen becomes Saint, he is also impossible and Spiritual God mention on equal terms!

Therefore, the answer is obvious. No matter what Lin Chen's attitude is today, their Ning Family is impossible to give up this opportunity to curry favor with Spiritual God, and even more impossible to offend Spiritual God for this!

"One move, one move! After one move, if you can still stand, I'm Lin someone standing upside down!"

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