Withdrawing the'Golden Eye Twins', Lin Chen's heart is surging, and there is infinite respect in his heart!

"Li Changsheng senior is worthy of being the only saint of swordsman in my Nine Provinces!"

Next, Lin Chen turned to the broken dark green heart. At this time, the energy was lost. The chain broke, and the continent’s nuclear energy has returned to the ground. It’s not that simple to get it out again!

Lin Chen smashed the cracked jade green heart with a single shot, and the orange beam of light suddenly bloomed, and two treasure chests inlaid with orange spar floated into the void.

Lin Chen mouth opened wide, stuck in place! This is a damn profit!

In this jade green heart, the attribute rays of light contained in it turned out to be an orange crystal treasure chest! And two?

"This wave of reaching the Soul Family Headquarters is really making a lot of money!"

Ecstasy emerged in Lin Chen's heart, whether it was destroying the pseudo-sacred heart that extracts the continent's core energy, I still copied the old bottom of the soul family, and these two orange crystal treasure chests, which are great gains!

[Open the orange crystal treasure chest and obtain (one-time) orange-level innate talent: Godslayer fragment (4/3). ]

[Open the orange crystal treasure box and get: 1 combo box of innate talent. 】

Godslayer fragments! innate talent combo box! The treasure from the Orange Crystal Treasure Box has never disappointed Lin Chen!

"Two tricks of Godslayer innate talent! Now I can activate Godslayer twice, and there is one trick of desperate life and death, enough! Now I have enough strength to fight back to Ling State!"

In Lin Chen's eyes, a domineering killing intent bloomed!

Perhaps I have saved my savings and entered the Sky Tower for a period of time, and the height of growth will be stronger, but the worry about Ling State and the worry about Bai Ruoyan can no longer tolerate Lin Chen's heart to wait any longer!

Blood to the sky, the emperor's bones are everywhere!

The Battle Sovereign that the soul family came to support, now there are only two 6th-layer mid-term Battle Sovereigns left!

"Ling State Lin Chen! You are courting death!"

The coldly shouted thunderously resounded through the sky, the star robe blew, a sharp middle-aged man with a sword eyebrow and a star Arrived in the air, he was actually the Sword Emperor of the Soul Family's seventh mid-stage!

He left the soul home area to search for Lin Chen silhouette Elder, the location is the nearest Seventh Battle Sovereign! He has the forbidden warehouse in charge of the Soul Family. After the accident of the Soul Family's Secret Pavilion, he returned immediately!

The moment he returned to the soul family, he was both shocked and angry, really didn't expect, this child hasn't left yet!

Destroying the sacred mountain, taking the sacred monument inheritance, and all the powerhouses of the soul family all agree that this child’s goal is for the sacred monument, and when he wants to pursue it and kill it, he can actually perform a hand.' Screaming'?

When Lin Chen saw the words carved on the Fengshen card and the broken jade green heart, the sword Elder Huang was completely angry!

"The sword king in the mid-seventh stage, maybe the strength is close to the Battle Sovereign in the late-seventh stage."

Lin Chen's eyes narrowed.

Even though the cultivation base has soared and the attribute value has soared, in the face of this kind of late-stage chasing opponent, even if Lin Chen takes out all the Avatars to fight with him, he is still very reluctant!

Besides, he has no reason to stay here anymore!

Choke~! The unsheathed sword chants like a dragon, and the Soul Family Sword Emperor draws his sword!

"6th-layer change·ultimate moment!"

Cultivation base like a hot knife through butter's temporary promotion into the middle of the 4th layer, Lin Chen put away the gun, the battle inside the body Qi and the origin of the Nine Tribulations are rapidly diminishing!

"A sword in the red sky!"

Sword edge swiftly swipes, sword qi slashes vertically, turning into a rolling red sky and slashing down in anger, reflecting the sea of ​​clouds in the headquarters of the soul family Among them, like the sunset before dusk!

"Lin Chen's running dog, try this!"

Lin Chen suddenly coldly shouted, the nine-color rays of light flowing in his palms shine like stars, and the two Offensive Talisman texts start, Lin Chen threw away!

'Nine Tribulations Stars' is like an extremely small meteor, crashing into the ten thousand zhang red sky across the sky!

Feeling the sudden wave of destruction between the two, the remaining two 6th-layer and Elder Huang retreated as if they had seen a ghost!

Avatar covered the Dragon Emperor’s retreat, and above the forbidden land of the Soul Family, the aquatic sky burst into full bloom!

Shih~! hong long!

The Chixia Hongmang was smashed head-on by the falling stars of the Nine Tribulations, and finally turned into countless shattered mansions, and the Soul Family Sword Emperor's expression changed in horror!

"What stunt is this?"

Such a terrifying battle skill, unheard-of! Not to mention being displayed from a youngster who has no 5th layer Battle Sovereign!

Nine Tribulations Stars collided with the Soul Family Sword Emperor, and when they burst out suddenly, a nine-color beam of light was scattered!

The nine-color light beam swallows the sea of ​​clouds, and the mist dissipates!

The beam of light continues to expand, and the center rotates with energy waves that destroy all living beings. Even Lin Chen himself dare not get too close!

Compared with the last time the'Nine Tribulations Stars' were cast, the nine elemental attribute values ​​were only more than 20,000 points.

And now Lin Chen, all elemental attributes, except for the 70,000 points of light and dark, all breakthrough 90,000 points! Water Element even reached the unimaginable 140,000 points!

This value, plus Lin Chen’s cultivation base skyrocketing and Level 5 penetration rune, the formidable power has increased several times compared to the original one!

When the nine-color beam of light dissipated, a embarrassed silhouette withdrew from it, covered in blood, horrible to see!

The Sword Emperor's right arm is missing, the sword is damaged, and there is a fist sized wound in the left abdomen. There are several places on his body that I can see the jade-colored emperor bones, almost half of his foot stepped into the gates of hell status!

"You have such strength at a young age. If you are promoted to the 8th layer, 9th layer Battle Sovereign, wouldn't it be Battle Sovereign invincible?"

The Soul Family Sword Emperor is angry again Surprised again!

Tear and pull~!

The moonlight purple flames rolled over, and a fist hit his top of the head violently! With only one arm used by the Soul Family Sword Emperor, with a backhand, five sword qi shots!

Bang~! Boom~!

fist and palm collided, explode a mushroom cloud of energy from high altitude!

Lin Chen's arm split a few bloodstains, and the corners of his mouth are bleeding!

Even if the opponent is seriously injured, the cultivation base of the mid-seventh stage is still a huge gap in front of Lin Chen!

However, his goal has been reached!

[Consume 4950 innate talent points, and the God Stealing Omen is successfully used. It has been stolen from the target creature: 5000 intermediate Gold Element energy. 】

Azure Dragon turned into a dragon light and incorporated into Lin Chen's body. Several Avatars launched the movement method and took away the attribute light ball dropped by the Soul Family Sword Emperor!

"Add 5000 Gold Element energy in one breath, it's worth it. It's time to go! Ultra-dimensional teleportation!"

Just as the Soul Family Sword Emperor was going to fight Lin Chen to the end, A bright light flickered from the top of Lin Chen's head, and when it shone down, his whole body disappeared instantly!


The Soul Family Sword Emperor was stunned, and when he released the Battle Qi to explore all around, he didn't have his breath at all!

The same is true of the two 6th-layer Battle Sovereign who survived by chance, with a dumbfounded look!

"Damn it, this kid ran away again! Find it! Maybe he's still in the vicinity!"

The Soul Family Sword Emperor roared and roared!

One day later, Qidao silhouette stood in front of the Fengshen card.

The Supreme Elder of many souls fell into a weird silence when they saw the dark green heart burst into a pile of fragments!

Especially the phrase on the Fengshen tablet, "With me, Lin Chen, there is no god!" 'The Supreme Elder's so angry that their eye sockets are cracked!

But no one dares to move!

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