Yang Qinger jade hand lightly covered her red lips. She knew Lin Chen was in Battle Sovereign from the last time she met, but she never thought he would be so strong!

That is the dragon proud of 3rd-layer Battle Sovereign! It is itself a body refinement Sovereign, with Azure Dragon bloodline, and its potential is very close to the same level of the'descendant of God'! In their Yang House, it is also Peak’s powerhouse. Except for his father and some extremely senior Supreme Elder, few can stop him!

Its real battle strength catches up with the 4th layer Battle Sovereign, at least comparable to the late 3rd-layer. Even if Lin Chen is in Battle Sovereign, he is only 21 years old, right?

Is he already above 3rd-layer Battle Sovereign at the age of 21?

It's better than those powerhouses sitting in the dark. Witnessing this scene, the corners of their mouths twitched!

The fierce person! The shots are clean and there is no stagnation at all. This kind of combat experience is also quite good in the high-level Battle Sovereign!

"His pure power is above Longao."

Suddenly, two gray-clothed men sitting in the darkest corner, one of them spoke hoarsely .

"Why don't everyone speak anymore! Can't you trust me, someone Lin!"

Lin Chen is even more anxious! He really didn't expect that what he stepped on was what Yang Mansion called the'big trouble'.

All the way out from the sky tower, just the 4th layer and 5th layer Battle Sovereign Lin Chen didn’t know how many he killed. This trifling’s 3rd-layer Battle Sovereign is really casual in his eyes. Goods that can be wiped out!

"What a big dog, I dare to offend my Long Family Heaven's Chosen, and don't let go of your dog legs!"

The two 6th-layer Battle Sovereign from Long Family are angry Soaring to the sky, the six Battle Sovereign who followed suddenly stood up!

Tear and pull~!

The illusory shadow flashed, and Yang Mansion Supreme Elder, who had been lurking in the dark without showing up, flashed out in an instant.

The 6th-layer late-stage cultivation base swept out and stood in front of the two of the Long Family, shocking the audience!

"Everyone, these juniors, don't you have to act regardless of your face."

The Supreme Elder with white hair and youthful face lightly said with a smile at will.

This Yang Mansion Supreme Elder is naturally one of the senior officials who knew Lin Chen issued the call.

Although he can see that Lin Chen’s pure power is above Long Ao, the 6th-layer Battle Sovereign is at two levels completely different from Long Ao. To protect Lin Chen, he does not hesitate to personally Show up!

Because of Lin Chen's potential, it is worth their bet!

"Hehe, the old monster of Yang Mansion, but today I can’t take your turn to call the shots."

The yellow robe old man who has been sitting next to the 2nd layer Battle Sovereign stunned. Walking out slowly with the crutches, it seemed weak and the wind couldn't help but when the crutches dotted the ground, the entire Yang Mansion was shaking!

Supreme Elder of Yang Mansion lost his voice and horrified——"Seventh Battle Sovereign?"

Everyone didn't expect, Long Family actually shocked Seventh Battle for Long Ao’s proposal of marriage. Sovereign out! The existence of this series is normally a powerhouse that is almost never born!

"Boy, lift up your dirty feet."

The old man gave Lin Chen a vicious look, flicks with the finger! Refers to the light like a light, flashing vertically in the void.

Shoo~! The finger awn tears Lin Chen's silhouette and turns into nothingness, with afterimages.

"Seventh Battle Sovereign, you are the big trouble of the Yang Mansion?"

Lin Chen flashed to Yang Qinger's side, casually said with a smile.

This kind of movement speed made the old man yellow robe narrow his eyes and asked.

"Boy, who are you."

"Me? I live next door and I am surnamed Yang. If I have something to do at home, I can find Old Yang. Special treatment for infertility, one-stop massage and health care, The charge is only 998."

Lin Chen frowned, disinclined to pay attention to this Old Tortoise.

"Lin Chen Young Master, they are the powerhouse of the Long Family..."

Yang Qinger whispered fragrant orchids in Lin Chen’s ears, and Lin Chen’s ears were tingling with her unique voice. Simply told Lin Chen the reason for the matter.

At this time, the facial features were almost distorted, the flesh and blood, and the collapsed dragon proudly stood up!

"It turned out to be like this, Miss Qing'er, the voice is too good to hear, and it’s not a good thing to look too good."

Lin Chen, a beautiful lady’s blue silk, joking said with a smile, Yang Qing'er gave him a light anger.

"Damn it, what thing are you, do you dare to be with my Qinger Qinger Qinger Qingmei me me?"

Long Ao yelled at him, Lin raised his brow!

I have seen someone who feels good about myself, I have seen shameless, and I have never seen such shameless!

When does this become your Qinger!

"What am I? Which little speaker are you!"

Lin Chen disdainful smile, and then reached out and hugged the beautiful woman's supple as if boneless waist At the moment Yang Qing'er, he said loudly.

"When you go down, you don’t change your name, you don’t change your surname when you sit on the road; you pretend that the road is one-stop, and the people on the road lose their will. A big black gun in the waves. Spear Art won the most handsome Ling State Lin Chen in Nine Provinces. !"

What the hell is this name.

When I heard the last word Ling State Lin Chen, the powerhouses present changed dramatically!

Long Family’s powerhouse Needless to say, the emperors who are sitting aside can't sit still! Stand up impressively!

This child is Ling State Lin Chen?

"Are you Lin Chen?"

Yellow robe The old man gasped slightly!

This name, on the current Nine Provinces continent, has almost reached the point where it is known to everyone and known to everyone!

"Nonsense, is it possible that there are people who dare to pretend to be me. The most difficult person in the world to pretend is me, Lin. Please polish your dog's eyes to see clearly, just with this handsome face, you See who can pretend to be."

Lin Chen patted his own face, shameless said with a smile.

Then, his expression turned, the corner of his mouth slightly raised, full of madness!

"Yang Qing'er is my woman, no matter what Long Family or Dragon Clan you are, I only have one sentence: go to you! How far and how far away!"

Lin Chen's domineering wave, the loveable body trembled in his arms!

Yang Qing'er raised her head, her white teeth bit her lip, beautiful eyes staring at the young man's side in confusion, her heart throbbing.

He actually said that sentence; I am his woman...

Although this is not true, the great probability is to draw the attention of Long Family Transferred to him, but the moment he said it, he would be so shaken...


Before the yellow robe elder could respond, Long Ao suddenly Draw a knife!

The seventh rank knife in his hand, the "Huanglong" is like a round of blazing sun, hanging high, disillusioning the roar of countless Azure Dragons, and the entire Yang Mansion is shaking! Slash to the top of Lin Chen's head with one blow!

The formidable power of this blade is catching up to the 4th layer Battle Sovereign!

Clang~! Boom~!

The crisp and hard metal and iron clashing sounded, the ground under Lin Chen's feet was cracked, and the cracks continued to extend, like python swinging!

The afterimage of the violent Battle Qi Azure Dragon crushed the crystal walls of the space and turned into one after another. The hurricane swept the hall!

When this terrible wind pressure was about to overturn the entire Yang Mansion hall, all around raised the one after another hundred zhang high Battle Qi water curtain!

The strength of the mad Tyrant Dragon that shattered the space and the aftermath of Battle Qi swayed on the water curtain, causing layers of ripples, and all the formidable power was absorbed and swallowed.

When the water curtain disappeared, I saw Long Ao at the center of the water curtain, holding a knife in both hands, and slashing towards Lin Chen.

His blade is three feet away from Lin Chen's face, completely motionless.

Because Lin Chen’s casually raised right hand index finger stood in front of him!

The tip of his finger is against the blade, and the faint golden light is shining!

One finger! Take Long Ao's full blow with just one finger?

When all the powerhouses watched attentively, they trembled a few times in their hearts!

How strong is this fuck?

That's a knife to catch up with the 4th layer Battle Sovereign!

No matter how bad it is, it's not so weak! Did he block it with just one finger?

I don't know who is gasping and muttering to himself.

"How hard is he! My mother!"

"He's so hard!"

"How hard is he."

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