The beautiful face, the Fairy temperament between the eyebrows, can't be wrong, it's her!

The culprit who started the war!

Is she actually the old friend of this little fellow?

"Well, it’s very important."

Lin Chen is serious and nodded, Shen Lianyun’s face is a bit ugly, she turned to look towards Lin Chen, and said unbelievably--"Are you sure you are looking for It’s her?"

"Uh, yes, I’ve been preparing for this painting for several days. There should be eighth-like temperament and appearance. There should not be many women like this in Ling State, besides, she Her strength is in Yuanzun realm. If all elders met her, he would be a little impressed."

Seeing Lin Chen's more solemn expression, Shen Lianyun smiled bitterly in her heart, she is not Yuanzun realm! She has teamed up with many Battle Sovereigns, but the existence that can fight me head-on!

Shen Lianyun frowned--"What is your relationship with her?"

"Um, a very important relationship, is it possible that the deputy dean have you met?"

" p>

Lin Chen was suddenly excited, Shen Lianyun's heart trembled!

Is this kid really or not? No one in Ling State today doesn't know her!

even more how didn't he just go to the Bai Family headquarters to start the game? Didn't he meet him?

"She just started this..."


The earth shook and the mountain quivered!

The sea of ​​clouds above the sky tore apart a thousand zhang Space Crack, and the sky full of silhouette stepped out, with as many as 236 people!

It's all Battle Sovereign powerhouse!


The ten thousand zhang void within five million li is constantly trembling, and the trend of space splitting continues to accelerate!

The aura of the group of people headed by them has changed the expressions of the emperors of Heavenly Song Academy even more!

"What's the situation, why do they have 32 more Battle Sovereigns?"

"All of them are above the 5th layer Battle Sovereign, where is this powerhouse?"

Yan Family and Academy's powerhouses both show varying degrees of vacillation. The opposing team's lineup is enough to change the balance of battle!

"Don't panic, we also have reinforcements, but they haven't come out yet."

Shen Lianyun secretly sounded transmission, temporarily stabilizing everyone, once the fighting intent collapses, it will be all-in-one. Up!

"The soul family! The running dog of the false god!"

Lin Chen flew into the air and stood in front of the Academy, killing intent awe-inspiring! They really came!

"Is it you?"

"Lin Chen, very good. The old man thought you were afraid to come back. In this world, those who dare to offend True God, no one can live in this world!"

"hahaha, I wanted to grab your lover and force you to show your face, didn't expect you to come here by yourself! It seems that the two women have been abolished. It would be unnecessary. Even if Heavenly God descends to the earth today, it can't save you!"

When the soul family Battle Sovereign saw Lin Chen, Thunder was furious! Enemies meet, especially jealous!

"Sure enough, it's you Old Dogs."

Lin Chen's expression is gradually indifferent, but the killing intent in his eyes is getting stronger!

"Dare to take action against the people around me, I promise, I will make you regret coming to this world!"

Lin Chen’s killing intent is between the top two 9th layers. Battle Sovereign directly grabbed Lin Chen with a palm, pointing the Battle Qi violently, and ten scarlet barbarian dragons flew into the air, rushing to Lin Chen all around!

Boom! The scarlet barbarian dragon turned into the sky, and a beautiful shadow appeared next to Lin Chen. It was Deputy Dean Shen Lianyun!

The pupils of the two elders trembled, and the old man in the cloak was coldly snorted and said: "As expected to be the deputy dean of the Heavenly Song Academy, it really has several points of ability."

"Unexpectedly, Ling is here. In the land of the barbarian State, there is still the legendary 9th layer Peak Battle Sovereign."

Shen Lianyun took a shot and shocked the audience. The breath of Battle Sovereign at 9th layer Peak even Lin Chen felt lingering.

"Heh, Shen Lianyun. This time, see if you can stop us!"

Two more 9th layer Battle Sovereigns floated up in the air, and Shen Lianyun frowned.

Counting the two elders of the soul family, the current Bai Family Alliance has six in the 9th layer Battle Sovereign alone!

Three 9th layer mid-stage, four 9th layer Early-Stage!

Four opponents can stop Shen Lianyun, any deviation of 9th layer Battle Sovereign is enough to make a great reversal of the battle!

"Why did the space boundary of Ten Thousand Spirit Sea become like this?"

"Hi! What's the situation in this space boundary, it turned into a line!"

Arrived in the void beyond the ten thousand Spirit Sea, when many Battle Sovereign vaguely saw the black line, they were all horrified!

"It seems that the reason why the Ling State continent began to tilt is because of this."

A 9th layer Battle Sovereign in the Bai Family alliance frowned, and he looked towards the old man in the cloak. The latter groaned a little after a nodded.

"As long as I take this child for my soul family, we can help you solve the problem of space boundary after the fact. If it doesn't work, then I can ask Lord True God to take action."

The words of the old man in the cloak made the people of the Bai Family Alliance speak up!

"A group of doggies for pseudo-gods came just right today, including the share of Man Qing and Yue Qi sisters, I have all hammered to death!"

Lin Chen Suddenly shook, the seven kinds of Heavenly Tribulation Battle Qi bloomed with the pure breath of killing and cutting, such as the birth of Asura!

"Seven changes!"

Boom~! Battle Qi broke through the sky, Lin Chen’s seven Heavenly Tribulation battle bodies burst into infinite energy, and were finally incorporated into himself. His cultivation base has temporarily stepped into the 4th layer Peak from the mid-term Peak of the 3rd-layer! Only one step away from the 5th layer cultivation base!

"Later 4th layer? Hahaha! Don’t you pin your hopes on the waste of this late 4th layer?"

Many powerhouses in the Bai Family Alliance can’t help but sneer. What can you do with Battle Sovereign in the late stage of the 4th layer?

On this strength, still counting on pulling strongly against a crazy tide?

Only that Bai Xuesheng, there is a fear of have one's hair stand on end in my heart!

I think more than a year ago, this kid was still a Yuanzun realm! Although he was able to fight himself at that time, he obviously used some trump cards!

But now, in just over a year, he has far surpasses himself at the time, reaching the late 4th layer?

Doesn’t this mean that in just over a year, he went from the 5th layer Yuanzun to the cultivation base above the 3rd-layer Battle Sovereign?

This kind of talent is simply a monster!

Gazed at the frenzied smile at the corner of Lin Chen's mouth, Bai Xuesheng suddenly felt an extreme anxiety in his heart!

"No! This move is not his cultivation technique to enhance strength at the time! That super killer move that can cross the Yuanzun realm and the Battle Sovereign realm?"

For an instant , Bai Yisheng thinks carefully and fears extremely!

This kid is not a loser! How could he rush back to Ling State without even reaching the foundation of 5th layer Battle Sovereign?

If it was able to bridge the gap between Yuanzun and Battle Sovereign's super killer move, what if he could use it again?

"Don't worry, it's not over yet, this time, I will definitely not let you down!"

Lin Chen smiled wildly, revealing a brutal killing intent, turn on the system!

"system, send Godslayer innate talent!"

[System received, it has detected 236 enemies hostile to the host, all in Battle Sovereign realm, 9th layer Battle Sovereign is seven players, the multiplier is being calculated, and Godslayer has started! 】

A powerful golden sky pattern flashed above Lin Chen's head, and his breath exploded suddenly in a ten thousandth!

"No! Disperse!"

The soul house headed by Old Ancestor is awe-inspiring Hah!

Boom~! boom!

The shocking Battle Qi wave shot out with Lin Chen as the center, and even Shen Lianyun was shaken away!

The Straight Clashing Nine Heavens, the strongest aura that bursts the universe and shatters the plane of space, rises instantly from Lin Chen's body!

He has short hair flying, and thousands of scarlet glow flow all over his body, and the vast Star River-like Battle Qi spins all over his body.

If the pupils have Sun and Moon revolve, the nine-color Battle Qi life wheel in the body soars wildly!

The spiritual bridge spanning ten thousand zhang voids entangled from Lin Chen's head. In his eyes, countless Spiritual Storms were disillusioned!

Feeling the domineering All Heavens and Myriad Realms in Lin Chen's body, Bai Xuesheng gave a horror in his heart!

Sure enough, that is the super ultimate move!

Coming soon!

At the beginning, using this move, with the cultivation base less than the 5th layer of the Yuanzun realm, it can compete with the later Battle Sovereign of the 2nd layer!

Now, he is the cultivation base of the late Battle Sovereign 4th layer! What level is it so special?

Bai Xuesheng even has a sign of soft feet, unconsciously retreating to the back of the team, he will never forget the fear that goes deep into his soul!

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