"It turned out to be Saint Physique of Ten Thousand Snakes. The Old Ancestor was born and even this move was displayed!"

"Our soul family, currently only Chixiao Old Ancestor The old Ancestor has been favored by the great True God!"

The high-level Battle Sovereigns of the soul family all cast enviable eyes on the vast and huge'ten thousand snake Saint Physique'.

This so-called Saint Physique is nothing more than the rudiment of Saint Physique nourished by a ray of holy energy, but with the background of Nine Provinces continent, it is difficult to give birth to such a series of existence, which is also the willingness of countless powerhouses. Acknowledge allegiance for the sake of the false god of the soul family!

But urging this'Saint Physique' is very burdensome, and it will fall into a long-term period of weakness afterwards!

Lin Chen's expression flashed into a trance, and then suddenly clenched the teeth!

Regardless of whether the opponent has played any hole cards today, even if the Holy Land comes, there is only one battle!

"As long as I kill the white Old Ancestor first, I can get rid of the desperate life and death, and there is still a chance!"

Lin Chen slammed the knife and slashed out. 'Zhulan Mingyue' throbbed with a soft moan, Heaven and Earth fell into a dim reincarnation in an instant!

Powder Star Fragmentation The majestic and majestic dragon power rolled and burst, 9 million dragon power poured on a single blow, Lin Chen slashed vertically!

"This blade, I will bet all of my money! Mirror Moon God!"

At the moment when the sword was split, a touch of moonlight turned into a bright mirror hanging high, and the mirror was in a flash, turned into a horizontal line of cut light! Like a mirror, like moonlight, glowing with the edge of the breakthrough sky!

Many high-ranking souls look horrified!

"This is the Blade Technique that Li Changsheng used to repel the false gods with his forearms on that day?"

"Jingyue Evil God! Is Li Changsheng senior's mirror bright moon The strongest sword move, Jingyue Evil God!"

The super Heaven's Chosen of the Holy Monument Inheritor shouted in excitement!

The moment Lin Chen took the knife, the Spiritual Storm roared in the void above his head, and the spiritual phantom standing ten thousand zhang high flashed out, bursting out a spiritual rage roar that tore the universe!

A spiritual impact that swept Heaven and Earth, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood!

Lin Chen used almost all his hole cards, innate talent, rune, pure strength, spirit strength, Heavenly Tribulation body, and played them all!

All the attacks rushed to the white-robed Old Ancestor, with a solemn expression of Soul Burial. Lin Chen's final blow of this desperate outbreak, even he had to deal with it with all his strength!

"Don't keep your hand, take it! His life force is coming to an end, and it will consume him!"

The soul is buried in sound transmission, the majestic and vast dark abyss of the sky. Battle Qi shoots out like a thousand black snakes, and the endless black snakes spin around, transforming into thousands of acres of huge killing ghosts, and slammed at Lin Chen's "Mirror Moon God"!

The Old Ancestor in Tsing Yi once again condenses the vast golden light Battle Qi, and slams into the void with one punch! The white robed old man of the soul family relies on a body that has been seriously injured, the sword technique rises again, a sword strikes out, and the sword light, like a giant dragon, falls into the world!

"Rune of Slowness!"

When all the attacks were about to collide, Lin Chen's last remaining 3.49 million rune energy was all shot out!

The gray talisman exploded out of thin air, freezing the space where the three people were!

Shh~~! boom!

The terrifying attack hits head-on, several tens of thousands of li around the radius of several tens of thousands of li wind up the storm of destruction, the ground shakes, and where the energy aftermath spreads, everything is turned into dust!

Many powerhouses seem to know in advance, retreating again and again, retreating crazily. This is exactly the battle of Battle Sovereign in the late 9th layer!

Although the power of the Battle Qi explosion is extremely strong, the actual Lin Chen's "Mirror Moon Evil God" and the mental shock are only a moment, and the attack of the three men has been cut through, and the mental shock dissipated, 25% The penetrating formidable power eliminates the last energy aftertaste!

Jingyue Zhanmang, who was able to do his best, slashed at the white robe Old Ancestor!

At this time, he is still trapped in the shackles of Rune of Slowness. Battle Qi runs like a turtle, with almost no evasion!

Just as Lin Chen thought that he had succeeded, the space was shattered violently, and an ice cold aura breakthrough Rune of Slowness was bound, and the rolling snake unrolled bolt of white silk condensed into an energy arm. Above Lin Chen's "Mirror Moon Evil God"!

Tear and pull~!

Jingyue Evil God split the energy arm, and the soul buried in Saint Physique of Wanshe vomited blood and was injured, but it also reduced a lot of formidable power!

The white robe Old Ancestor has just broken free from a part of Rune of Slowness, and his body is slanted!

Shih~! Pu chi!

The faint aftermath of the slashing mang split open his arm, the blood rushed, and the attribute light ball rolled down. Although he was seriously injured, he was not dead!


Lin Chen's heart fell to the bottom! If the other party does not die, it is his turn to die!

The situation of the battle can be described as changing rapidly, the system light screen popped up without warning, and Lin Chen's injury recovered some!

[Fatal Bloodthirsty is successfully activated, consumes 16,500 innate talent points, and has obtained 30% of the healing effect from the actual damage. ]

[The host triggers the innate talent combo gesture style, you can use the innate talent combo: Super Dimensional Teleportation-Monarch Overlooking The Whole World. 】

Lin Chen went from struggling to grasping a glimmer of hope, only less than one-fifth of his breath passed, and he was fiercely angry with Hah!

"innate talent combination·Chaowei Send!"

Om~! The space rays of light flashed, Lin Chen's silhouette almost flashed several tens of thousands of li, directly behind the white robe Old Ancestor!


In the eyes of orange's turning pupils, Lin Chen slashed with a knife and slashed straight to the body of the white robe Old Ancestor!

Shih~! The space is cracked, and a sword light penetrates through it with a clang! Suddenly blocked Lin Chen's'blue moon'!

Is that Old Ancestor of Tsing Yi of Bai Family Alliance?

Boom! The seventh rank high level sword in his hand was smashed into pieces by the blue moon with a single knife, and turned into pieces of light scattered across the sky. Blade Qi's Yu Yun blasted both of them. Although the white robe Old Ancestor was injured by Blade Qi, he was still alive. !

Lin Chen's pupils shrank sharply! The soles of the feet kicked into the void, and they turned into purple flames and moonlight, jumping like a star pill, chasing after victory, almost madly killing the two!

Boom~! The barb slammed into the mighty imposing manner like the sun and menstruation, and another energy fist of Wanshe Saint Physique slammed to find Lin Chen's direction!

Lin Chen clenched the teeth, the water robbery Battle Qi turns, the shadow of the knife is like the moon, and a water mirror is re-opened. When the'three-inch robbery' is activated, the water mirror removes part of the opponent's attack formidable power. , Shattered suddenly, Lin Chen was hit by several thousands li!

"I have known that your kid has a weird Space Jump secret technique. This information, I have spread to everyone, do you think my soul family will be unprepared?"

The corners of Soul Burial's mouth are bleeding and grinning, they even count Lin Chen's "super-dimensional teleportation"! These old fox, who have lived for endless years, are hard bones!

Lin Chen was blown away by a punch, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding. At this time, Lin Chen's breath became more and more powerful, but the flesh and blood of his body began to flow out a kind of orange brilliance, and his body slowly disappeared!

Lin Chen is disappearing! The innate talent of desperate life and death will become stronger the longer it lasts, but it also gets closer to death!

There is no time!

"Everyone! All retreat!"

Lin Chen burst into sound transmission to every Academy powerhouse and even the powerhouse that accepted the call!

They startled first, then gritted their teeth and retreated quickly!

"Dare to shoot at sister Yueqi and Manqing, fuck, I will pull on this group of Old Turtles even if I am self-destruct today!"

Angrily, Lin Chen killing intent was violent, the purple phoenix wings flapped, rushing towards the soul burial life!

At this time, the light screen that system pops up is like a basin of cold water splashing on Lin Chen, who has almost lost his mind!

[innate talent combo: Monarch Overlooking The Whole World. Does the host use it? 】

Lin Chen startled!

We haven't reached the end, he has one more trick!

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