Lin Chen’s cultivation base is rising steadily! Unimpeded advancement into the late 3rd-layer!

But, it hasn’t stopped! Lin Chen, who was promoted to the late stage of the 3rd-layer, the speed of the cultivation base skyrocketing became more and more terrifying, and there was no momentum at all to stop!


A brilliant glow of nine colors bloomed from Lin Chen's body. Lin Chen not only advanced to the late 3rd-layer stage, but also stepped into the 4th layer Early-Stage cultivation base unstoppably!

The Battle Sovereigns who witnessed this moment were all gasped!

This Battle Sovereign requires cultivation hundreds of thousands of years, and even longer to cross the boundaries, Lin Chen actually broke through within a few breaths!

Lin Chen’s Battle Qi Cultivation Base, firmly enters the middle of the 4th layer and the latter part of the 4th layer!

Finally, stop at the gate of the 5th layer cultivation base, leaving only the last line!

In terms of pure power, Lin Chen stepped into the 4.8 million dragon power level. Thanks to the blessing of the innate talent of the'divine force,' stepped into the limit of 5.99 million dragon power!

Upgrade to Level 4 in a row!

Before Lin Chen, killing Battle Sovereign was the same as killing a chicken, without such a terrifying increase!

Even, Lin Chen personally copied the old bottom of the soul family, plus the 4th layer, 5th layer, and 6th-layer Battle Sovereign that killed a large number of soul family, it was only from the late stage of the 2nd layer. Enter the 3rd-layer mid-term cultivation base!

"Now using the seven-fold change and all Avatars, you may be able to deal with the 8th layer Early-Stage for a while. There is only one step away from the 5th layer Battle Sovereign, and then kill one or two 8th layer Battle Sovereign or more , Maybe I will step into the 5th layer cultivation base in one breath!"

Lin Chen is extremely excited, as long as he steps into the 5th layer Battle Sovereign and faces the Battle Sovereign above the 8th layer Early-Stage, no With the help of innate talents such as Godslayer, he also has a probability!

When Lin Chen turned around, everyone at the Academy looked at Lin Chen like a ghost!

Lin Chen scratched his head, awkwardly and politely said with a smile——"Well, maybe handsome people don’t have much bottleneck in cultivation, right? I’m also I accidentally broke through."

fuck! Is this still human?

Is a breakthrough accidentally? Why didn't you go to heaven by accident?

Brother Chen, be a man!

The 3rd-layer soared to the late 4th layer in the middle of the 3rd-layer stage. This breakthrough is very damn scary! What kind of strong medicine has been taken to achieve this improvement?

Can you take medicine pill and you have to have a refining process!

For the first time they have seen Lin Chen who have promoted four realms in a row in less than a quarter of an hour!

"It is worthy of being the only Orange Order Academy in our hospital. It is really a monster..."

Xing Zhan shook his head. This breakthrough method is too terrifying, and you can see it once. Stimulate once...

Everyone looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

This method of breakthrough cultivation base is simply mocking the result of their secluded cultivation for thousands of years...

Bai Ruoyan chuckled lightly, his blue eyes turned like water and tenderness, Starting from her own cultivation base breakthrough, she prefers to see Lin Chen's growth.

"So, what should these guys do."

Lin Chen turned to Bai Family and the others, now Bai Family, there are only 10 Battle Sovereigns left! There is only one 8th layer Battle Sovereign left, two Seventh Battle Sovereign, and the remaining seven are the cultivation base below the 5th layer Battle Sovereign!

"Lord! Our loyalty to you can be learned from the sun and the moon!"

Bai Family Old Ancestor knelt down to Bai Ruoyan, crying.

"Don’t call me Lord, you know it in your own heart. My will to the Holy Fire has no influence on you, and you are not really under my control."

Bai Ruo Yan Nian Ruo Hanshuang, she was once a member of the Bai Family, but she has no affection for this family who had a dead hand in her without the slightest hesitation!

If it weren't for Lin Chen, she Bai Ruoyan is now a dying person in a Myriad Spirits City in the wasteland that's all!

Bai Family Old Ancestor's body suddenly shook, and there was a bit of fear and panic in his expression!

Lin Chen is puzzled--"What's going on, Sister Ruoyan."

"The Spirit of the Holy Fire has long been aware of this problem, but deliberately didn't explain it, all powerhouses in the alliance All of them submit to me, but the Bai Family members are only doing the show. Although the will of the holy fire is in their bodies, they have no effect at all. They just submit to me on the surface. In fact, they have different plans."

Bai Ruoyan smiled slightly, but when she looked towards the people of Bai Family, her eyes became colder and colder.

"No one in Ling State can achieve the means to get rid of the will of the Holy Fire, of course, except for your Lin Chen younger brother's core method. Once, because I read the Bai Family colluded with other Great Prefectures far ancient The secret of the aristocratic family was killed to the last one by the Bai Family. It seems that the Bai Family is not controlled by the will of the Holy Fire, perhaps because of the assistance of other Great Prefectures."

Bai Ruo Yan's words made everyone suddenly realize!

Lin Chen squeezed his fist and chuckled, "Everyone of the Bai Family, I believe that you are all outstanding people who know the current affairs. It is my Lin who is tortured and talked about it now, or now. Remember. , Don’t choose the wrong one~"

Bai Family Old Ancestor twitched his old face, cold and sweaty.

"Old Ancestor, let's recognize it! The trend is gone!"

"Yes Old Ancestor! In this situation, we are basically impossible to run out, and we have no chance to self-destruct , Recognize it!"

The remaining Elders of the Bai Family were crying. After struggling and thinking about it, Bai Family Old Ancestor seemed to be tens of years old, and finally spoke slowly, telling the truth!

As soon as the truth came out, everyone, including Lin Chen, was shocked in place, and at the same time, they felt a cold sweat in their hearts!

It turns out that Bai Family colluded with other ancient aristocratic families in Great Prefecture, no one else, but Divine State soul family!

The Divine State soul patriarch moved to Bai Family and claimed that the Ling State eternal sacred flame in Nine Provinces had shown extremely weak will and spiritual wisdom, and even the seeds of the sacred flame were planted with its will.

The origin of the sacred fire attempts to gather spirits and become a brand-new intelligent life!

This news was first known by the soul family, and the soul patriarch teamed up with the extremely ambitious Bai Family.

The soul family can help everyone in the Bai Family not to be controlled by the will in the seeds of the sacred fire, and allow Patriarch Bai to search for the traces of the sacred fire, and help the sacred fire gather spiritual wisdom and become a new lifeform.

The soul family is very clear that a hard attack is impossible to capture a Great Prefecture. Unless the "True God" behind it comes, it will not be able to shake the heritage of many ancient aristocratic families in Ling State!

They know that if the Holy Fire is born, it will definitely bring devastating disaster to Ling State!

The most important thing is that the will of the sacred flame can control all powerhouses that have absorbed the seeds of the sacred flame in the entire Ling State. This is equivalent to controlling the sacred flame, that is, controlling all the ancient aristocratic families of the entire Ling State!

So at first, it means that the soul family is secretly engaging in ghosts, using Bai Family as its minions, to fuel the entire Ling State, and to upset the entire Great Prefecture with the spirit of the Holy Fire!

Originally, according to the original plan, the current Ling State has fallen into the world controlled by the sacred fire, but Lin Chen has appeared!

His "Nine Tribulations of Creation" can eliminate the will of the sacred fire, leading to the most critical and tricky Heavenly Song Academy and Yan Family, but they were not taken down!

This change has caused Heavenly Song Academy to call upon the graduate students scattered in the Nine Provinces in battle after battle. Those Heaven's Chosen students who have gone out in the Academy all return and become The power of Academy has formed a powerful force that barely contends with the alliance!

Originally, after the Holy Fire took control of Ling State, the Soul Family was dispatched collectively to suppress the eternal Holy Fire and take over Ling State! But the existence of Lin Chen has become the only variable in this major disaster!

After learning about the whole sequence of events, many Academy powerhouses gave Lin Chen grateful eyes!

If it weren't for this child, I'm afraid Ling State might have become a puppet of the pseudo-god Aristocratic Family!

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