Boom! boom! boom! hong long!

The terrible aftermath of the collision Straight Clashing Nine Heavens, the entire palace was demolished, shattered, and torn apart! The two sides set off a war instantly!

All the high-level fierce beasts retreated violently, and the bodies appeared in a mess!

Who would have thought that this wedding banquet would encounter such natural disasters?

Two Supreme Elders guarded Mo Tianyan, and the other Elders met with one eye and gradually transformed into the body, wanting to support Long Chenbo!

Long Chenbo, no matter what, is to choose Heaven's Chosen from the Red Lotus Flame Dragon clan, so he can't let him have any accidents!

One man one dragon movement method is so fast, the battle range continues to expand, I don't know how many high-level fierce beasts have been affected!

They turned into two streams of light, criss-crossed, one white and one azure on the edge of the sky. Elder was not able to support it for a while, and he looked astonished!

Even Yan Qianyun doesn't know what is going on in this situation?

Long Chen Bo beat Lin Chen? Isn't this beating yourself? Or do you really admit the wrong person?

And the old horror of the dragon patriarch is that Long Chenbo's true strength is so powerful, he is chasing the mid-seventh battle Sovereign!

"Wanzai Profound Light Blade!"

Azure Dragon roars, dragon claw swiftly, ten thousand zhang light blade pockets spin and cut off!

"6th-layer change and cut!"

Lin Chen smiles evilly, the cultivation base is temporarily promoted to the late 6th-layer Battle Sovereign, five fingers aim at the Profound Light Blade The frontal shot came out, the blade-like vigor cut away the light blade of Azure Dragon, and slammed into the'Long Chenbo', and the dragon scales burst!

Bang~! Pu chi!

Long Chenbo vomited blood, turned into an azure light, and fell, Lin Chen turned into a human-shaped whirlwind, and his right leg volleyed with an upside down golden hook to hit the dragon's body!

Bang~! Tear~! The terrible air wave shook away, and a'cut strength' cut through Long Chenbo's defenses, the dragon scales broke, dragon blood hurried, and Lin Chen flew with one leg and fell to the ground, overwhelming several mountains in succession!

All the dragon patriarch's old expressions have changed drastically! In just a few rounds, Long Chenbo, who was enough to match the Seventh Early-Stage, was actually killed? Life or death uncertain?

"Brother Chen, I am going to upset your Red Lotus Flame Dragon clan today!"

Lin Chen smiled slyly, turned into a beam of moonlight, aggressively destroying Mo Tianyan, The expressions of many Elders changed suddenly!

"Everyone shot and suppressed this child! His strength is catching up to the 8th layer Battle Sovereign, don't let him impudent!"

The two Supreme Elders who protected Mo Tianyan shouted in awe , All the old goals of the dragon patriarch are transferred to Lin Chen!

This child is too tricky! Since ancient times, no creature can sneak into the Central Region of their Dragon Clan quietly, let alone the Core Zone of their Flame Dragon clan!

As if he appeared out of thin air, everyone did not notice, this method is shocking! Must be eliminated immediately!

"Quick, run!"

"This child is too strong, retreat! It's not something we can match at all!"

"Run slow There is no life left!"

The earth shook, and the sky turned into an infinite shadow over the sky, and a large number of high-ranking beast guests fled frantically, completely ignoring what was going on at the scene!

With the strength of Lin Chen, you can kill them with every move, chasing the strength of the 8th layer Battle Sovereign, standing at the top of the pyramid in any place in Nine Provinces!


The ten thousand zhang long blood glow unrolled bolt of white silk exudes a creak of gnawing bones, and it slashes towards Lin Chen!

"Red lotus startled the fire!"

The fire sea came and turned into a pillar of fire. Ten Elders and two Supreme Elders launched a siege on Lin Chen!

"Cut the strength! Eight barren fingers!"

When the eight-color energy fingers and the barbarian dragon-like vigor came out, a battle that shocked the entire Red Lotus Flame Dragon clan Shocked!

Many Dragon Clan executives who are in retreat or are performing business have sensed the breath of this Human Race in the vein of Flame Mountain!

Lin Chen seems as if he is not afraid of death, he moves desperately, every attack is unstoppable, forcibly blocking ten Yan Elder Long and two Supreme Elder!

But what all Dragon Clan didn’t know was that when almost all the creatures’ attention was focused on Lin Chen’s body, the body of the'Dragon Chenbo' that fell into the abyss, somehow In an instant, there was a sudden tremor, and it turned into a lightening transparent, extremely strangely disappeared!

【Consuming 130,000 points of intermediate talisman energy, Tianyin rune successfully casts, has hidden breath, duration: 3 seconds. Cooling time: 40 seconds. 】

The moment the system light screen pops up, Lin Chen issued an order!

"system, start the super-dimensional transmission innate talent, and transmit it to the 4th space!"


A flash of space broke away from the top of the head, and the Azure Dragon ontology disappeared!

When he reappears, he is already in front of the quaint and vicissitudes of dragon altar, and he belongs to the Red Lotus Flame Dragon clan, the Sacred Dragon Pond!

"hehe, just my acting skills of Long Chenbo, starting at 100 million, I don't get a few best actor Cyclone Gyro Golden Cup awards, I will come out sorry myself."

'Long Chenbo'laughed, he is a great dramatist!

From the very beginning, it's just Lin Chen acting, he just wants Long Chenbo to die by the hands of'Lin Chen'! Let no one doubt it.

If'Lin Chen' arrives and fights in Flame Mountain's veins, the unknown source of'Long Chenbo' will immediately disappear, which will inevitably arouse people's suspicion.

But if at first he was killed or seriously injured by Lin Chen’s hands, it would be difficult to make'Long Chenbo'

His whole body began to burn with bright purple flames !

This is the bloodline divine ability of'True Flame Purple Phoenix'. The purple flame recovers, activates the power of qi and blood, and can quickly heal injuries!

At this time, the Sacred Dragon pool is constantly bubbling with blood, and the surging energy resembles the Star River turning around. Even a little bit of side exposure is enough to lightly destroy the mountains and rivers!

Next, Azure Dragon One jumps up and enters the'Sacred Dragon Pool'!

bang! gu lu gu lu!

The energy in the Sacred Dragon pool boils instantly! This feeling is like thousands of giant dragons rushing towards Azure Dragon in an instant, pushing directly across the mountains and rivers, hitting Azure Dragon with blood and energy!

"Press me!"

Lin Chen gave a deep sigh and activated the Rain Dragon bloodline in Azure Dragon. When the two bloodlines were activated, the energy in the Sacred Dragon pool was even greater. boiling!

This terrible aura caused Lin Chen's consciousness to quickly break away from the Azure Dragon body and become a silver robe silhouette, stepping outside the Sacred Dragon pool. This is the body of Lin Chen.

Lin Chen said with a bit of fear-"This is the bloodline baptism of Sacred Dragon Pool, it is terrible! It is equivalent to stripping off a person's blood, flesh, muscle and bones and then reassembled. Go up, wait for the sourness, I'll drop it!" What Lin Chen didn't know is that the Sacred Dragon pool will produce different energy tempering according to the potential of the entrant, Azure Dragon's innate talent , Itself belongs to the top rank in the history of Dragon Clan.

In addition, Lin Chen inspires another kind of Rain Dragon bloodline. Two bloodlines are in the body, which can be said to be against the sky!

In other words, Dragon Clan will never have such a genius born before!

The two kinds of bloodlines are perfectly combined, and each kind of bloodline is very pure. This kind of innate talent, unparalleled in the past and present, the energy of the Sacred Dragon pool, will be activated to an unprecedented level!

So, the energy in the Sacred Dragon pool has reached an unprecedented boiling state!

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