roar! roar! roar!

one after another An angry and unwilling roar resounded throughout the central area of ​​the barren state, from the seven Dragon Clan areas, to this day , Dragon Clan passed the darkest turning point in history. Because they provoke, the person who should not provoke!


Endless Starry Sky, a small continent plate.

A small young boy sat cross-legged in the void, he suddenly opened his eyes, Heaven and Earth's luck has the meaning of fighting around!

"Damn mortal boy, this Avatar who has finally condensed, absorbed so much of the Prediction Master's blood to make up for it, and it's actually messed up again!"

"When this seat arrives in Ling State, you will definitely chew its bones and swallow its flesh and blood!"

The young man bared his yellow teeth, barking his teeth and roaring!


Yun Prefecture border, a piece of Desert.

The space beam broke open and Lin Chen returned to Yan Qianyun!

"I didn't think my luck could be so good this time!"

Even though it was a thrilling escape, Lin Chen couldn't help but ecstatic!

This experience of breaking into Dragon Clan is simply not too cool!

Of course, this'cool' is not only about harvesting massive attribute light balls, but the most important thing is that it can severely damage the seven Dragon Clan!

These guys have already stated that they want to cooperate with the false gods, that is to say, they are Lin Chen's frontal enemies, and the future will inevitably attack Ling State's mortal enemies, and it is inevitable!

Being able to gather them together and cause severe damage, in a way, this ending is the greatest result of Lin Chen's operation!

If not, the power of the seven Dragon Clan, combined with the remnants of the six pseudo-gods Aristocratic Family, and the six Old Ancestors, this lineup is enough to suppress the entire Ling State!

But with Lin Chen's "Five Thunderbolts", the seven Dragon Clans are almost impossible to send Peak powerhouses. At most, they can send out some Supreme Elder that rivals the 8th layer Battle Sovereign and Dragon Clan of the seventh rank high level.

Although this is not a small force, but losing the pressure of Peak powerhouse, the battle strength is greatly lost!

"Lin Chen, shall we return to Ling State directly?"

When Yan Qianyun asked, Lin Chen suddenly took her into his arms!

Yan Qianyun, who has always been calm and elegant, has a blush on her cheeks, pretending to be evil fiercely.

"Stinky, are you still addicted to playing gangsters, aren't you?"

The moment Lin Chen hugged Yan Qianyun tightly, he immediately launched'Azure Dragon Piying', full of breath After disappearing, even the breath of Yan Qianyun became transparent.

The'Xue white jade Jane' in his arms kept tightening his skin and flesh, and someone in Lin gasped in pain!

Suddenly offended two beauties, so he died unjustly!

"Sister Ruoyan, it hurts! Wow, you wronged me, I just found someone is coming!"

Lin Chen raised his finger to Southwest, a giant flying ship Coming, very fast, cut through the clouds.

"This is?"

Yan Qianyun is puzzled.

"There are people from the pseudo-god Aristocratic Family above. I can sense their aura. I just want to hide it. How can I take advantage of you? My Lin is of this kind. Shuaibi is the kind of person who has no morals, no skin, no face, no forcing numbers!"

Lin Chen solemnly yelled wronged.

Of course, he, who was'straight and strong,' he clasped his arms tighter unconsciously...

Yan Qianyun gave him a white look, his cheeks were pink, but Can't afford to resist too much, and after struggling for a few times, he calms down in Lin Chen's arms...

At this time, Lin Chen's eyes have a sharp look!


Suddenly, the flying giant ship exploded a stream of light and plunged into the Desert. When the Battle Qi exploded, it exploded a huge pit of thousands zhang!

In the huge pit, there is a powerhouse covered in blood, its breath is cracked, and it is clear that it has been fatally wounded.

"You, you guys from the True God Aristocratic Family... actually... go back on one's word..."

After the blood-stained yellow robe powerhouse struggled a few times, it was Fainted, has fallen.

In the giant ship, stepped out of the one silhouette to stand on the void, extend the hand, and the spirit ring on the yellow robe man’s finger was adsorbed and walked away.

The man sneered with his sleeves—"Those who don't submit to my True God Aristocratic Family, die!"

The powerhouse that escorted many cargoes inside the huge ship trembled and didn't dare to say anything.

Clang~! boom!

Suddenly, the huge ship burst into a terrible metal collision sound, the terrible air wave shook the void, and the entire spaceship was overturned!

"Who! Dare to commit crimes against my real Divine Sword family, courting death?"

Stepping into the suspended sword house Elder, Jian Changtian asked angrily.

shua! shua! shua!

A dozen or so Battle Sovereign breath silhouettes flew out of the spaceship, stabilized the hull, and immediately waited!

At the place where the ship capsized, two young silhouettes slowly appeared. The silver robe boy headed by him gave a stern smile and flexed his hands.

"I'm fighting your fucking swordsman, a group of slut. I didn't expect to meet here!"

That Jian Changtian's face changed suddenly!

This person, he is impossible to admit his mistake, that day, the teenager who upset the entire Divine State, by the strength of oneself, contends with the invincible existence of their six True God Aristocratic families!

Lin Chen!

"It's you?"

Sword Changtian was stunned, and the Battle Sovereigns behind him were so shocked that the noble True God Aristocratic Family Elder revealed this. Kind of expression, who is this teenager who are you?

tone barely fell, Jian Changtian suddenly stepped into the void and turned into a sword light, thousands of miles and thousands of miles in length and breadth!

Escape! With the strength of his Battle Sovereign in the middle of the 8th layer, he is courting death in front of Lin Chen!

Shih~! Movement method At the moment of retreat, Jian Changtian tore the jade slip reserved in his palm, and a gray talisman lased and froze in the space of his palm, so that the jade slip did not break!


Lin Chen and the Dragon Sovereign shuttling through the void, when the'Xuan Azure Dragon Domain' came out, suppressing his actions, a Wanji Profound Light Blade tore down, Lin Chen pointed.' Qijue cut strength', Long Jin cuts away like a blade, charges rune and penetrates rune to start!

Shih~! boom!

Lin Chen and Dragon Sovereign work together to blast Jian Changtian into dregs with one stroke!

More than a dozen Battle Sovereign gasp! Spike the 8th layer mid-term Battle Sovereign?

Where is this young Divine Immortal! This level of strength, I'm afraid it is more than 9th layer Battle Sovereign, right? Looking at Yun Prefecture, this kind of character is the powerhouse of the cream of the crop! Few!

When the Dragon King took away all the attribute light balls that were dropped after the fall of Jian Changtian, Lin Chen put away the ring and turned to look at all the Battle Sovereigns. Everyone was scared by him and his Dragon King. , Neither dared to escape nor act rashly!

Escape? There is no escape at all! Judging from the Young Master's methods just now, he wants to kill a group of them as simple as flipping his palm!

"Which of you can take care of things, stand up."

Lin Chen asked calmly, and the headed 6th-layer Battle Sovereign old man trembled and stood up. After that, trembling cup one fist in the other hand.

"Back to your Excellency, I am the deputy commander of the escort group. If the commander, I have been killed by the sword Changtian of the True God Aristocratic Family just now, that is, the 8th layer battle you killed. Sovereign …"

Lin Chen raised his eyebrows, looked towards the spaceship, and said with a smile at will—"I robbed it for the first time and didn’t catch anything, right?"

Sure enough! Everyone in Battle Sovereign felt a thump!

"Not suitable, very inappropriate!"

The deputy commander was in a cold sweat. Does this master want to rob them too?

Yan Qianyun took a sip by the side, shouting shameless, is it the first time for you?

You are more adept at this technique than the flower picker next door sneaking into the female boudoir!

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