

The fist and wind slammed in front of them, exploded in an instant, and the waves of anger rose to the sky. The five energies were united, and they penetrated them with the force of cutting, tearing, pulling, twisting, and finally'penetrating'. While constantly strangling his life force, his body blasted four Great Demon monarchs!

The arm is drenched with blood, Lin Chen still keeps retreating at full speed, the next moment, the natural phenomenon changes abruptly!

Shih~! That dark red'magic eye' burst into a baleful aura, protruding a weird dark red palm from the inside, rushing for hundreds of miles, and grabbed Lin Chen like lightning!

In front of this dark red palm, Lin Chen had no power to parry, and was instantly suppressed so that he could not move!

"gā gā gā, what a young human brat, let me become the king's food!"

There was a scream in the eyes of the demon, and Lin Chen's pupils shrank!

In a single thought, he connected the three innate talents of system's'Sun God' and'Godslayer' and'Death to Death'!

He has no choice!

The palm that protruded from the'Magic Eye' is no less than Peak Demon Lord! Lin Chen was suppressed in a single encounter!

Because of the mysterious person's'magic mark', Lin Chen was protected from the demonic energy pressure of the magic eye, which caused him to almost forget the existence of the magic eye! Concentrate on getting a distance from the two Peak Demon Lords, and as a result, he was instantly attacked by a sneak attack!

Lin Chen was desperately trying to use the three strongest innate talents to buy time, the purple and black magic mark in his palm suddenly glowed with aurora and received the stars, if there is a blue sea roaring!

Tear and pull~! The terrible suction suddenly exploded with Lin Chen's palm, and the infinite demonic energy gushed out from the magic eye, and all was absorbed into the "Magic Seal", and the dark red palm was also torn off, all refining into Lin Chen's magic seal. Inside!

"Chi! Chi! Why, why do you have the breath of that race, damn, is it the old bastard! Is there still inheritance alive after a million years?"

A sharp scream came from the magic eye, Lin Chen dumbfounded a breath, subconsciously running Battle Qi and spirit strength to explore the body, there was nothing unusual!

"It's just time, system, space position No. 4!"

[Transfer to space position No. 4, which consumes 2.15 million innate talent points. 】

shua! Breaking through the space beam above your head, Lin Chen's silhouette disappears instantly!

The storm seemed to calm down in an instant, and countless Demon Sovereign and low-level demon kings who came to look around all around, but did not see the breath of Human Race.

On this day, the Demon Race of Jietianshan suffered an unprecedented severe damage. The intermediate demon fell more than half, the lower demon died more than half, and the Demon Sovereign died more than one third!

"Are these guys awake?"

In the 10th main city, the tower master stepped into the air and hovered, staring into the distance with faint eyes.

In the last war, his injuries have not recovered as before. It is precisely because of the incomplete seal of the "Magic Eye" that those guys under the Demon Cave can reach out to the outside world.

Even he can't get close to the magic eye easily. Once close, it will startle the creatures!


No. 1 main city, Golden Prison mountain range.

Lin Chen fell on a cliff, breathing quickly, still has several points of shock.

Entering the Jietian Mountain this time, it can be described as the front line of life and death in the end!

jade slipped into white light, Bai Ruoyan emerged, holding his palm, looking worried—"Lin Chen younger brother, is it okay? Is there anything unusual?"

"No...very weird..."

Lin Chen shook his head and stared at the magic mark on the palm of his left hand. After the purple and black magic mark flickered for a while, it dimmed and hid in Lin Chen's body.

"This thing is still hidden in my body after absorbing the palm of that Demon Race creature, but I have no influence!"

Lin Chen's expression is extremely solemn!

It is precisely because of such a big change that this'magic seal' has not changed. This is serious!

This proves that this magic seal is not under the control of Lin Chen at all, and even the creatures above the Peak Demon can be completely crushed!

"Then Demon Race claims to be the king, is it possible that is a Saint Demon King?"

Lin Chen sweats coldly, Saint Demon King, like the existence of Saint!

This demon seal can even intercept the creatures that are suspected of Saint Demon King's shots. No one knows what will happen to this thing next moment!

"The mysterious person gave me this magic seal. It is definitely impossible whether it is kind or insufficient. I am still too weak! If I have the strength of the Holy Realm, this is not even a fart! Damn, My life is hanging on my waist!"

After several thoughts and struggles, Lin Chen's mind finally recovered with Bai Ruoyan's company.

"Return to Academy! Maybe after the dean wakes up, he can have a solution to this magic seal, and if he can get the other parts of Taiyifutianjue, he can cultivation and go to the orange-level core method. , My strength can be improved a few more grades!"

Lin Chen has seen the formidable power of the orange-level core method. Bai Ruoyan’s 9th layer mid-term cultivation base is comparable to battle. Sovereign's Intermediate Demon Lord, she can compete with each other without losing the wind! The improvement of the orange-level core method is too bad!

Heavenly Art, he is determined to win!

After swallowing two medicine pills, Lin Chen’s injury on his right arm stabilized for the time being. It still needs a little time to recuperate. The'Five Forces in One' requires too much strength and flesh strength, Lin Chen It was fortunate that the arm was not completely broken when used forcibly.


Leaving the Sky Tower, Lin Chen did not intend to waste time, and once again used the'super-dimensional teleport', teleported back to the 2nd space position, arrived at Wan Spirit Sea, and then returned to the Academy .

"A large number of Demon Races were destroyed in the Sky Tower this time, which increased my blank attribute value to 130,000 points, which is very rewarding and can be converted into other attributes at any time. It is necessary for emergency."

Lin Chen turned off the system, and when he opened his eyes, the dragon king had already returned to the Academy position.

Heavenly Song Academy, Hundred Island Lord Hall.

Lin Chen, who just returned, received an unexpected heavy news!

"Yueqi teacher and everyone were picked up by the people of the holy world?"

Faced with Shen Lianyun's words, Lin Chen's heart sank.

"Everyone left, I must have made my own plans. With the eyes of those old foxes in the holy world, there is no need to move them."

Lin Chen thought a little, and let go of his hanging heart. half. The sect messengers of the holy world picked them up, and the motivation and probability of harm was not great.

Looking at his motives, hurting the people around Lin Chen will do no harm to them.

However, this time against the false gods, if he can win, Lin Chen still wants to go to the holy realm to immediately confirm everyone's safety.

Especially Sister Yueqi and Man Qing, Qing Xuan, if the people of the holy world dare to bully them, with Lin Chen's temperament, I am afraid that they will be able to turn everything upside down!

"Did you really go to the magic eye to bring back his holy vein energy?"

In the main hall, Lin Chen handed over the seven jade boxes, and Shen Lianyun took it. , The tears of excitement flicker!

How many years of waiting, how many years of waiting, just for the moment he wakes up again!

For the will of Heavenly Song Academy and the dean, what is waiting for is a person who can carry history!

For Shen Lianyun alone, she just wants to see him again!

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