Two hours later, Zhao Wuyan, who was sitting in the first pavilion, had messy hair and torn clothes. The hand holding the teacup trembled slightly, his expression was dull, and his face was weak in kidneys.

The Old Ancestor and Elder in the Supreme Court are furious and frightened!

Lin Chen actually sneaked into them! They also abolished their Zhao Family patriarch, Zhao Wuyan?

What's even more frantic is that when everyone knew that Zhao Wuyan had something wrong, he actually turned the treasure house of Zhao Family upside down! Even the seal of space prohibition has not been triggered, it can be said that the top secret has stolen the entire treasure house!

In the entire Zhao Family, apart from Zhao Wuyan, there was no loss of personnel, but it almost lost thousands of years of accumulation!

"hahaha! It's over, it's over!"

Zhao Wuyan laughed in despair, as if he had lost his mind!

Seeing this, the two Old Ancestors of Zhao Family are furious!

"Lin Chen, my Zhao Family is irreconcilable with you!"


in the sky, two figures fly quickly.

"Do you think I was cruel to Zhao Wushen like that just now."

Lin Chen asked Zhou Moer with a smile.

Beauty startedled, and then said very seriously-"No, it's not cruel at all. Take the other's way to the other's body. If Lin Chen Young Master does not save me, my end may be even more miserable. Moer is willing to do the work of dogs and horses for the Young Master!"

"Forget the work of dogs and horses, don't be a dog for a false god, just do what a person from Nine Provinces should do."


Lin Chen flashed into transparency, leaving only Zhou Moer alone. After her eyes flickered for a few minutes, she rushed to Ling State!

On this day, Tianzhou is in chaos!

However, this seems to be just the beginning. Only the next day later, a more terrifying storm centered on Lin Chen himself and began to sweep across the land of Nine Provinces!

Ming State · Spirit Devouring ghost fog area.

An Ancient Ruins Cave Mansion is tall like a thousand zhang, standing in the center of the Spirit Devouring Mist area!

Dozens of high-level Battle Sovereigns from Tianyou Mansion formed a powerful team, sneaked into the area of ​​Spirit Devouring Fog, and entered the Ancient Ruins!

Tianyou Mansion is composed of the Three Sects forces of the Blood State second only to Five Halls, Wanquanzhuang, Di Shadow Sect, Hua Anzong, and Ming State’s Seven Great Sects!

There are many dangers in the ruins, such as the ancient sword gas array, nine eclipse sky poison and so on. If you make a mistake, you will be consigned to eternal damnation!

And the powerhouses of Tianyou Mansion have avoided these dangers time and time again and finally arrived at the end of Cave Mansion!

Standing in front of the cave mansion giant gate, many powerhouses sigh!

"Ten thousand years! I waited for thousands of years to work together to decrypt the layout, and finally let us break here. It is said that there were countless inheritance left by the generation of Heaven's Chosen, and now it belongs to us! "

"If there is this batch of inheritance, maybe we will be the strongest combination alliance that True God will accept in the future!"

The powerhouses of'Tianyou Mansion' opened the giant door , Full of yearning and excitement after entering the giant gate!

Behind the giant gate of the ruins is a desolate and quiet tomb house. Every tombstone has condolences to the tokens, with a tyrannical atmosphere, and tells the honor of its owner!

But everyone is stunned!

The ancient tomb mansion is actually empty? There is nothing in front of these tombstones?

"Impossible! I remember clearly in the annals of the year. Nearly a hundred of the superb Sovereign Heaven's Chosen have fallen here. Their innate talent is the best in the early days of Ancient Era. Rumors have aptitude, impossible. None of them stayed!"

The two Old Ancestors roared hysterically, unable to accept the reality in front of them!

"My grass! Look at the content on the stone pillar!"

Suddenly, two Supreme Elders yelled!

Everyone looked at it, and two lines of words were written impressively on the stone pillar.

"Handsome Lin Chen, just arrived in Ming State. Twenty-two years old, Seven-fold Battle Sovereign. He is handsome enough, thank you for inviting. Thank you for breaking the secrets of the ruins. Lin took it first, in his heart. Very elated. Sing a little tune, taste a little wine, and bliss. You great people, really are the ultimate wage earners."

All powerhouses in Tianyou Mansion are in a dull and dull state!

Lin Chen from the Ling State Alliance?

For today, for this moment, their Tianyou Mansion united for nearly ten thousand years, laid out, cracked the eight ancient mysteries, collected countless news, and some of them relied on the important information they desperately snatched back!

For this reason, I also searched for hundreds of historical records, read nearly 200,000 years of historical comparison, and learned about the many hidden murderous intentions of Cave Mansion. This is the result of safely entering the Cave Mansion today. !

Everything is the hard work of countless Battle Sovereign powerhouses after nearly ten thousand years of preparation!

But was the early bird catches the worm?

This is simply an old bachelor who hasn’t touched a woman for thousands of years, and finally waited until the moment when he opened the meat, they were all by the bed, their pants were torn, but suddenly they found that the other party took out more than you Big?

This is simply riding a neck and shit, bullying people! Do you even mock them as wage earners?

The more you take a step back, the more angry you think, and the more you think about it, the more you lose!

"I fuck him Lin Chen who is immortal!"

"The old man is really fucking eight lifetime's bloody bad luck!"

"Death! This person must die! He will not die, I will die!"

All the powerhouses in Tianyou Mansion burst out hysterical roars, like a wild beast with mad hair, which can't be controlled at all Own emotions!


Tianyou Mansion’s powerhouses aggressively attacked outside the tomb mansion. Just after leaving the ghost-eating fog area, many of the'Battle Qi jade slip' on the waist of the powerhouse suddenly broke!

Their face changed again. This is their carefully crafted super long-distance'sound transmission jade slip'. If it is crushed and used, it proves that a major change has occurred!

They quickly picked up the jade slip, and there was a hurried report from the other end.

"all Elders, the major event is not good, Lin Chen broke into our treasure house and robbed him, we can't stop him..."

The words are not finished, everyone's hearts It's another puff!

Lin Chen again?

Only heard a young laughter from the Battle Qi jade slip.

"Hi~! Hi~~! I look left and right, look up and down, it turns out that every treasure house is not simple. I thought and thought, I guessed and guessed, so handsome Action, really hard to guess~~!"

The atmosphere is weird...

Is this fucking a person?

Singing songs while robbing them of the treasure house of Tianyou Mansion?

All powerhouses of Tianyou Mansion: wdnmd!


So after Tianzhou, Ming State also started a spiral explosion!

Where Lin has been, sweeping through the wasteland, breaking down all the way, all kinds of refreshing!

Lin, who flew high above Ming State, saw his attributes soar to an unprecedented level, and sighed!

"I can’t think that the ancient tomb mansion can get me tens of millions of cultivation technique essence in one go. If this goes on, I might have a chance to update the 6.0 version of the system. It’s not too much. Happy!"

And Lin Chen's innate talent points have broken through an unprecedented 100 million points!

Lin Chen saw the new version of the'enhanced function' system at the beginning, and when the almost abnormal update conditions required attribute values, he himself couldn't help but cursed: is it possible that he wants to rob the entire Nine Provinces?

Even he himself didn't expect. One day, he actually embarked on this road!

Lin Chen put on his self-made sunglasses, said with a big smile proudly!

"The robbery king, I am Lin Chen appointed!"

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