'Zi Meridian Sword' in hand, one sword and one bow, the two Avatars each hold one side, standing proudly among the heroes, peaceful!

Clang~! The gun broke through the sky, and a star-dropped gun light blasted on Jian Tianming's Thunder Fire Sword body!

Jian Tianming raised his hand and cut across with a sword. Between sword edge and spear glow strangling, his figure retreated dozens of steps to stabilize his figure!

Lin Chen was shaken back by a sword for a few steps, revolved in the air, rolled in a silver robe, and fell neatly on the dragon's head. His robe was hunting and hunting, and he was extremely chic.

"Now is the beginning of the good show, don't worry."

Holding the Five Dragon Emperor Spear in his hand, Lin Chen's waist is as straight as a spear, and he stands proudly On the top of the Dragon Emperor’s head, the corners of his mouth evoke the arc of evil charm, Jian Tianming eyes shrank!

"Damn it, can actually improve the secret technique of several great realm, it turns out that this is his true strength, this kid hides so deeply!"

Lin Chen has been Using the movement method and pure power to deal with them, Jian Tianming thought that his Battle Qi Cultivation Base was not worth it at all. Now he has the Heavenly Tribulation battle body blessing, and there is more than one!

"Don’t be afraid! We have more than 200 people in Seventh Battle Sovereign here, 100 people in 8th layer Battle Sovereign, 37 people in 9th layer Battle Sovereign, why not be afraid of this child, let’s go together! Kill him, True God will reward us heavily. The day of ascension is now!"

The two hidden old monsters of the Sky Tower stabilized the military's mind, and everyone was dazzled by the benefits, and angry roar killed them. To Lin Chen!

I have to say that the two titles of'True God' are really too loud, angry roar, even these old monsters who have lived for tens of thousands of years and hundreds of thousands of years can work hard for them, powerful The temptation is crazy enough!

The three big Avatars fight their swords and draw their bows, their fists are as fierce as a dragon and a tiger, and the brazenly flashing Battle Sovereigns fight together.

The Dragon Emperor has a "startling dragon travel movement method", which is directly into the many Battle Sovereign groups! It has already opened 960,000 Dragon Vein and has a strong natural defense. It does not need to be afraid of the opponent's attack!

Boom~! The offensive tearing apart the sky broke out again, and the undamaged Sacred Plaza, which had gone through hundreds of thousands of years of vicissitudes, began to show signs of rupture for the first time!

Lin Chen's body is opposed to Jian Tianming, allowing the four parties to fight without stopping, but they have not disturbed the two of them in the slightest.

"Why, I made you scared?"

Seeing Jian Tianming's expression on his face, Lin Chen jokingly smiled.

"Only you, I am not qualified to mention this word! You have a hole card, you have the same!"

Jian Tianming sneered, Lin Chen Nodded deeply.

"Well, I am worthy of the Green Hat King. I speak differently. I admire it."

Jian Tianming: "I fuck..."

Pull~! Lin Chen waited for the machine to shoot out like a dragon, with a move of "Douhuang·86-style Moon Breaking Star River", a shot opened the sky, and the dragon's power was tumbling!

The thin sword marks of the hairspring hit the void, the swords and guns collided, tearing the sky and shattering mansions!

The formidable power of this sword is not small. Lin Chen retreated several dozen li, but he was still comfortable.

At this time, a continuous healing power poured into the body, nourishing Lin Chen's little injury.

【Consuming 10,000 innate talent points, the deadly bloodthirsty is successfully activated, and 28% of the healing effect has been obtained from the actual damage. If the innate talent combo is successful, the host can unconditionally activate the active innate talent in the innate talent combo. 】

Lin Chen's eyes lit up and turned on'Combination·Monarch Overlooking The Whole World'!

[The host opens the innate talent combination·Monarch Overlooking The Whole World and begins to enter the state of accumulating energy value: 0 points. 】

Every Battle Sovereign powerhouse killed by the three major Avatars, in addition to dropping the attribute light ball, has begun to turn into energy value and accumulate in the innate talent of'Monarch Overlooking The Whole World'!

"pu chi ~!"

Although Jian Tianming, who was confronting Lin Chen on the other side, did not retreat, he spit a mouthful of blood, full of consternation!

"His attack penetrated my defenses, it was too weird to give him a chance, do it quickly!"

Within a thought, Jian Tianming urged his body Bloodline Strength, with a buzzing sound, the imposing manner hung like the sun and the moon, hung up in the sky, like Saint King’s, suppressing innumerable living beings!

The Jian Tianming displayed by lightning, the whole body is flowing like a dragon-like flame brilliance, like a Thunder Fire giant descended from the Nine Provinces!

Combined with its sharp and unstoppable sword dao cultivation base, there is an oppression unmatched by all the powerhouses here!

9th layer mid-term cultivation base, the combination of'Saint Physique' and'Bloodline Strength' is not inferior to Lin Chen's encounters in the Sky Tower, but some intermediate demon kings, the strength is comparable to Battle Sovereign!

"Is that the Bloodline Strength of the descendants of the first false gods? Interesting, I want to see how strong it is! Even if the Great Principle Golden Immortal comes today, you must die!"

Lin Chen clenched the standing gun body, suddenly, a flash of flames flashed through, and it was almost impossible to catch Battle Qi covering the naked eye!

Jian Tianming's sword tip penetrated into Lin Chen's face almost instantly!


The gun body reverberated, more than 9 million dragon power broke out, and the sword edge was opened, Lin Chen shook his arm numb.

Jian Tianming was shocked and killed with a single sword, and then struck ten swords like lightning. Lin Chen retreated and then retreated, taking advantage of the gap between the whip leg and cutting to the opponent's waist!

This time, recharge and penetrate rune are activated together! The leg strength as sharp as a blade penetrated Jian Tianming's defense, his bones broke, and blood was spitting out!

Lin Chen smashed the tip of his gun angrily, pressing his sword edge zhi zhi to make a sound, and then took a dark step again, and the ghost-like flashed behind him and shot it with a palm!

"Xuan dragon claw!"

Jian Tianming protruded with a claw, and the two sides collided with each other, like two shocking electric lights, flashing between the sky continuously, wherever they passed , Destroy all buildings or obstructions!

Lin Chen, who has always overwhelmed the enemy with speed, was overtaken by his opponent for the first time with his'infinite dark step'!

This place is not Ling State. Lin Chen can completely let go of his hands and feet and do it alone with this guy. His Bloodline Strength is the'Thunder Sword bloodline', which can be used to increase the speed by a large part of the lightning power. With the suppression of'Saint Physique' and cultivation base, forcibly catch up with Lin Chen's infinite dark steps!

Lin Chen nowadays, if he uses the four major Avatars to besiege, his single-handed battle strength will also be equal to Battle Sovereign, and he will have a match with Jian Tianming!

"Eight Desolation Fingers!"

"Long Yang Jin!"

"Blood Asura!"

"Eternal Night Thousand Swords ·Sword brake!"

A variety of top-level battle skills erupted on the two of them, and they were stunned to see countless powerhouses. They were constantly being affected by the aftermath of their battles, and they had to give them the battlefield!

On the other side, the location of the spaceship was discovered. Three 9th layer Battle Sovereigns led people to encircle Bai Ruoyan. She blocked it easily and was able to do so.

And Lin Chen Avatar is decomposing all the priceless and unique rare treasure almost at the speed that naked eye can see, and the infinite resources are turned into his attribute value!

After dozens of breaths of fierce battle, everyone has never known that the treasures and resources they carefully prepared have been completely decomposed by Lin Chen!

Bang~! The spear and the sword collide, the sword edge rotates, the tip of the spear strangulates, and the revolving shot, the sword is blocked, turning around and slashing vertically!

The five-color Dragon Spear is paralyzed, and Lin Chen is in great power. Hit his lower abdomen with a punch, space tearing!

Layers of lightning emerged in Jian Tianming's body, and when he blocked the fist wind, Lin Chen's spatial orientation was pierced with a sword!

"Sure enough, it's a monster, and there is no rubbish in the 9th layer cultivation base. I can fight with this seat to such a degree that even my Saint Physique and Bloodline Strength can't beat him!"

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