Boundless Starry Sky, Six Paths The rays of light with the twinkling stars went from dim to blazing, it only took a few months!


Six special and different space planes burst out in a moment of monstrous hostility. The infinite Battle Qi is like a huge wave sweeping, like a wave, crushing all obstacles and shaking the surrounding stars. explosion!

"Finally finished absorbing the energy of the earth's core!"

"Even 40% of the strength has not been restored, this mortal world is really barren!"

"Exterminate that kid, after occupying Nine Provinces, don't you have everything?"

"Lin Chen boy, I will personally cramp you!"

... …

Divine State, True God Palace is void.

The powerhouses headed by Long Can, complexion slightly changed, immediately showed ecstasy!

"The talisman of Lord True God has arrived, all are dispatched, the goal is to smash the Ling State and kill Lin Chen!"


" Step on the Ling State and kill Lin Chen!"

Countless Heavenly Dipper Realm, Yuanzun realm, and even a large number of Battle Sovereign realms shouted, tearing through the sky, and the sky full of powerhouses such as Fierce Tiger Descends the Mountain, like a group of lions, swept into fifteen space channels and headed to Ling State!

The Divine State desert is desolate.

A black robed sillhouette looks like a Nether Fire, with sharp eyes like a sword, penetrating time and space, staring at the sky island of Ling State Heavenly Song Academy.

At the same time, countless storms and powerhouses gather turmoil from Nine Provinces!

"Kill Lin Chen, bastard, damn, we have nothing to do with the world, just because he didn't join his lineup, will he rob our treasury too?"

"It's a damn thing, my Longyun Desolate Palace has been destroyed by this child for tens of thousands of years. If this child is not slaughtered, I will not be a man!"

"Whether it is tolerable or unbearable, he No matter how rampant Lin Chen is, he will not be able to withstand the encirclement and suppression of so many of us and destroy him!"

"I dare to impudent with my own ability, True God or alliance, I just want to destroy him now. Fuck him!"

Angrily, shout, roar. All over the land of Nine Provinces, those sect Aristocratic families who were robbed by Lin Chen, the ancient forces are passionate, angry, and killing intent. They are also hard to wash shua!

All spontaneously unite, all directed at Ling State!

It's very simple, because it's so annoying!

Lin Chen’s previous behavior was simply not stealing, but stealing! In front of countless powerhouses, they ransacked their treasure trove again and again, and sometimes even took the ring on them!

From the moment Lin Chen ransacked the eight Great Prefectures, all the forces moved their whole body together and began to gather towards Ling State at the fastest speed!


"I have seen Mr. Lin Chen!"

Shangguan Family, Huangyu Bai Family, Swallowing Dawn Sect, Huangyu Branch, Leng Family, Han Family, Divine State Luofu, Danzhou Sanlao, Dragon Clan Zhuqiang, seeing those familiar faces, Lin Chen seemed to see his reflection and memory along the way.

"Unexpectedly, everyone is here this time."

Lin Chen said with a smile, everyone looked at each other, the past festivals and confrontations seemed to have passed by with a smile. !

And everyone's sigh is even more mixed and incomparable!

When they met Lin Chen, the former was just an unknown youngster, or his first appearance. Now it has only been five or six years, but he has already stood on the top of Nine Provinces, by the strength of Oneself leads all Peak powerhouses and battles the legendary "True God"!

The winner writes history, the loser skeleton doesn't exist!

"This is the last banquet before the war. Let everyone celebrate and be happy. It is not a good thing to be too tight before the war. Besides, I have noticed their breath, and I expect it to be early tomorrow morning. At five o'clock, they will come."

The dean said with a smile, and Shen Lianyun quietly accompanied him.

The delicate and delicate hands hold Lin Chen's five fingers, Bai Ruoyan looks at him quietly and gracefully, Shen Lingshuang stands beside him, Lin Chen carefreely smiled!

“There are always so many times in my life that I need spare no effort to ignore the moment of life and death.”

This night, Ling State brightly lit, thousands of families never sleep, hundreds The Human Race with billions of calculations, even the headquarters of the Academy.

In the middle of the night, everyone used Battle Qi to resist and disperse the alcohol, and they started to leave, walked into the space channel, and returned to their place!

At this time, Ling State is like a fortified castle. The vast space barriers are like transparent curtains, underneath the inescapable net, layer after layer!

Heavenly Song Academy, the giant gate of purgatory.

Lin Chen stands proudly at the entrance of Purgatory Secret Realm above the clouds, his eyes are deep, staring into the distance.

Purgatory Secret Realm, the highest point of Ling State, Lin Chen will also become the Number One Person to face the enemy.

Ling State is hundreds of millions of miles away, countless Ling State people held their breath, and looked at the void above with resolute eyes!

Lin Chen glanced at system's'enhanced Godslayer' innate talent.

[Innate talent's hostile detection range, there are currently 2.875.4 billion creatures that are perceived as hostile to the host, including Dragon Clan, Human Race...Heavenly Dipper Realm number: 99.79 million. Number of Yuanzun Realm: 10.09 million people. Number of Battle Sovereign: 15,440 people. Fifth rank fierce beasts...... Seventh rank number of fierce beasts: 9,250. 】

Lin Chen sighed, the severe light in his eyes flickered, and hundreds of millions of hostility would turn into his last strength against the false gods!

The dean stepped into the air without warning, standing beside Lin Chen, his eyes solemn.

"They are here. You can't let these guys lower the Ling State, you have to stop them in the outer starry sky!"

tone barely fell, the loud noise is like a dragon!


Southwest, the space barrier of the Spirit Sea is blasted through, and the silhouette of Wandao is like an ancient giant that has traveled through the sky and latitude!

Ten thousand people entered in four different directions, all of them are Battle Sovereign powerhouses?

They are the Battle Sovereigns of the False God Alliance! They arrived first!

In fact, except for the blood states, each Great Prefecture of Nine Provinces has a population of more than one trillion, and there are hundreds of rivers inhabited. These tens of thousands of Battle Sovereigns are the most born in Nine Provinces’ history of hundreds of thousands. Top powerhouse!

"Lin Chen, come up and die!"

The ten 9th layer late bosses burst out roaring, shaking the Spirit Sea into the waves!

"The one who destroyed my Dragon Clan, let you see the foundation of my Dragon Clan today!"

The Old Ancestor of the seven Dragon Clan clamored wildly, in the form of a huge giant dragon, roar the sky!

"A group of traitors, you are not qualified to let Your Excellency Lin Chen take the action personally!"

Roar~! Void White Dragon The beautiful and white dragon body was born out of the sky. The vigorous and powerful dragon body is like a white cloud covered with rain, blocking the front of the giant dragon of the seven races!

Follow closely from behind are the three Dragon Clan powerhouses, tens of thousands of giant dragons have been born, the dragons are in chaos, heaven falls and earth rends!

"Fire Sea Man Kong·Red Lotus Hell!"

The Red Lotus Flame Dragon clan swayed its dragon tail, and the meteor shower-like flame dragon's breath descended like a wave, and its head curled up endlessly. fire sea!

"Frost-cold Nine Provinces!"

A large number of ice robbery dragons wandered in the void, spitting out thousands of ice blades, wind and air passing by, ice-bound for thousands of miles, such as the arrival of Divine Idol, Dragon Qi aspect!

"Void Shifting·Apocalyptic Creature."

Void White Dragon and Spirit Dragon not to be outdone, took out their respective divine abilities, and the battlefield is in chaos!

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