Lin Chen was surprised by the strength of the enhanced functions for the first time!

The enhancement function is currently the highest enhancement +13!

While the Five Dragon Emperor Spears have been enhanced from +1 to +8, each level will increase the formidable power by 10%. The enhancement will not change the original rank of the weapon. The formidable power will be increased by the addition method. The calculation basis The original rank of the warcraft is calculated.

+9~10 each level increases by 15%, +11~12 each level increases by 30%, strengthening the +12 Wulong Dynasty imperial spear, 170% more formidable power than the original!

Almost twice the formidable power!

Apart from this, Lin Chen can also strengthen core method, cultivation technique, medicine pill, medicine ingredient, as long as he has enough strengthening points, all of them can be strengthened!

"It is worthy of being called one of the strongest functions by the system. I just completed the new version update when I arrived in the holy world. There are so many people at the moment. I have to find a place where no one is there to study the system. Function!"

When Lin Chen made up his mind, Bing Tianzi stood up in embarrassment, staring at Lin Chen with a vicious and resentful look, and wanted to rush to fight him again!

"Huh, Lin Chen, squad leader?"

With a soft cry, two beautiful ladies of Luo Li's extraordinary dust flew from the sky at great speed, and the clouds floated like white swans.

Lin Chen saw that he was an old friend!

Lin Chen! Hearing this name, Mo Jingyu trembled and said to himself in amazement: "Is he the true legend of the mortal world legend?"

Some Honorary Disciples were surprised and shocked again!

"It's Su Senior Sister Lan and Su Lan Senior Sister!"

"My God, I read it right, the two Senior Sisters are not second only to Leng Yueqi Senior Sister’s two icebergs, it’s said that they are not interested in men at all! They actually laughed at this wild boy?"

The two sisters fell by Lin Chen's side with joy, sweeping away the previous ones in Bingxin Palace. Leng arrogant and frosty.

Younger sister Su Lan Guerlain is cute, while elder sister smiles like a sunny spring and white snow, tender and moving.

"Squad leader, how did you come up? What happened to the Nine Provinces?"

Su Lan is like an energetic bird, surrounded by chirp chirp twitter twitter Lin Chen asked.

Bing Tianzi looked dull, staring at the same place.

He once approached Leng Yueqi and was rejected, and later learned that the two sisters had an extraordinary relationship with Leng Yueqi. When he wanted to approach them, he didn't have a good face, as cold as an iceberg! There were even rumors that they were not interested in men at all!

The two goddess icebergs in countless dísciple's hearts unexpectedly smiled at an unfamiliar man, which once made it difficult for the male disciples present to accept reality!

Goodbye to the two girls, Lin Chen is also happy, they have become Battle Sovereign respectively! It is also the cultivation base of the 5th layer Battle Sovereign!

According to the time of the holy world, they left Nine Provinces for nearly three months, and they have climbed to this point in only three years in the holy world. This speed is the second only to Lin Chen's growth rate in Nine Provinces!

"Okay, this is the end of the matter. Everyone is a friend, a misunderstanding."

Mo Jingyu Elder stepped into the sky from the hall, and many dísciples quickly let the cultivation Ceremony: "Elder Mo!"

Lin Chen's eyes narrowed, this old man is very strong, at least three tribulations Battle Sovereign or above!

"little fellow, are you Lin Chen?"

Mo Jingyu asked with a smile, Lin Chen nodded said with a smile: "Exactly."

"Yes, yes, it is a giant amongst men. No wonder that little girl would personally tell us that after three years, the busy business has been forgotten. The previous conflicts, I hope you don't take seriously, Lin Chen."

Mo Jingyu rarely laughed and almost offended this great god! This is a natural talent that can alarm Supreme Elder in the palace.

He has also heard internal news. It is said that his emperor has alarmed several Supreme Elders. The action came to the mortal world to solicit this child. Didn't expect it to be unsuccessful!

"It is said that there is a holy prison in the mortal world and those criminals are coveted, this child can arrive safely, can it be said..."

Mo Jingyu, this old fox, all of a sudden Perceiving the element, Lin Chen's expression was gentle to please Lin Chen, and he was even regarded as a guest of Bingxin Palace!

"Wait a minute! I'm not convinced, Elder Mo, this is a nameless wild boy, how can he be a guest of my Bingxin Palace!"

The Bingtianzi was furious, He scolded and asked!

Many male dísciples also cast indignant gazes. Lin Chen jokingly whistled to the two girls around him: "You two are really attractive. If so many people fight, I I can't beat them."

Su Lan gave him a coquettish look, Su Lan covered her mouth and chuckled softly, her delicate ears were stained with red clouds.

Seeing Lin Chen and the two iceberg Goddess eyeing, the male dísciple can't help but gnashing teeth!

"Lin Chen is the VIP of our Bingxin Palace. This is the decision of the Elder Council. It is not you or me, or you want to fight him again? See who is more embarrassing?"


Mo Jingyu glanced at him, the latter body trembled, gritted his teeth and took away his Chibing Sword and left!

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Lin Chen won the previous battle with ease, even if he uses the strongest sword technique, it is most likely to be inviting humiliation to oneself!

"Little friend Lin Chen, please come here."

Mo Jingyu Elder leads the way, Lin Chen and sister Su Lan follow closely from behind, but the two daughters on Linghe have one eye bright!

"It turned out to be him, Lin Chen mentioned by the Elder Council!"

"It's no wonder that he was able to win the Ice Emperor so easily. It deserves to be an existence that has received high-level attention. It seems that the palace The inside is about to roll up a huge wave!"

As soon as Lin Chen entered the Bingxin Palace, the void and the ground were full of attribute light balls. He ignored the abnormal gazes of others and directly picked up the attribute.

Mo Jingyu's mouth twitched when he saw the air and the ground scratching wildly as soon as he entered the Bingxin Palace!

If you didn't see him defeating the Bing Tianzi with your own eyes, combined with his dress and behavior, you would think that beggar entered the palace if you don't know it!

Huh? Into the palace?


In the evening, after someone ran wildly for Lin, Mo Jingyu had difficulty arranging a place for Lin Chen to live, and he admitted that Lin Chen would live here for a while. Report the arrival of Lin Chen from the upper level.

Lin Chen's residence.

In the room, Lin Chen listened to the two women telling about the experience of this holy world for more than two years.

"Lengyueqi teacher became the True Disciple of the cream of the crop. Recently, he is still in retreat. In the next few days, he will participate in the Cangyue Secret Realm trial, which is where Peak True Disciple can go. , Monitor, you may have to wait a few months to see the teacher."

After listening to Su Lan's recount, Lin Chen fell silent, how many months to wait?

"Hehe, there is actually another way that is not a solution, that is, the two of us pass the assessment three days later and become the blue-level True Disciple. The blue-level true biography can not only enter the battlefield of Cangyue, but also choose by ourselves. Players, even outsiders are okay, when the time comes, we will be able to take the squad leader into the Cangyue battlefield."

Su Lan hehe said with a smile, elder sister Su Lan immediately became white The younger sister glanced at: "Don't make trouble. With our probability, the probability of passing the test is less than 20%. It's too early to say."

"Oh? Test, what kind of test is it."

Lin Chen is curious.

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