The proficiency of the battle skill controlled by Sister Su Lan is amazing!

"And Su Lan Senior Sister's purple-level high level middle grade yin and yang clutch Dafa, my God, this is much more proficient than the last time the blue-level true biography Senior Brother used it! "

The shock is not only the inner hall dísciple, but also Jane Elder, one of the powers in charge of the Cultivation Technique Pavilion!

"That's not right! Yin and Yang Clutch Dafa and Bihai Qingyunbu were borrowed from the Cultivation Technique Pavilion half a month ago by these two little girls. This is only half a month, so it can be called Major Perfection, weak. There is almost no spot, it's like being cultivated several decades of proficiency, this...what the hell is going on! This is impossible!"

Jane Elder is more than shocked in his heart, I can't wait to rush off the field to ask for clarity! He has been in charge of the Cultivation Technique Pavilion for many years, and has never seen such a perverted training technique learning speed!

No matter how genius is, there must be an adaptation period!

Clang~! ka! ka!

After hundreds of rounds of fierce battles in the arena, two clear cracks suddenly resounded. Everyone watched attentively, and it was the swords of Sister Ling Qiao Blue who had both cracked. !

That's not right!

Everyone rubbed their eyes, they were right!

The sword weapon of the Ling Qiao blue sisters is'Qingyue' Qingming', and the rank is seventh rank high level middle grade. This Two Swords device is their signature!

Sister Su Lan's "Ice Glass Sword"Yin-Yang Ring" is only inferior to the seventh rank high level! The gap can have a grade!

The cultivation base can skip grades to challenge, how can the war weapon leapfrog? Where is the gap between quality and casting materials!

"What day is today! How come there are more outrageous things!"

Some inner temple dísciples are almost suspicious of life!

Only a few of the dísciple ghosts who were present looked towards a certain seat in the venue, and so did Mo Jingyu Elder!

Yes, this scene is surprisingly similar to Lin Chen's battle with the Bing Tianzi that day!

All of the Elders in Bingxin Palace are mature and sophisticated. How could this extremely unreasonable thing suddenly break out during this period of time?

They all thought of Lin Chen!

Elders cast their curious eyes to Lin Chen.

I saw that Lin was sitting calmly on the seat, his eyes simply did not pay attention to the battle in the field!

Even when Ji Qingming glanced at him, his veins were exposed and the corners of his mouth twitched wildly!

I saw someone holding the mirror with one hand, touched the chin, and admiring himself in the mirror, nodded praised.

"Well, you deserve to be the most handsome man in the Nine Provinces. I am afraid that in a few years, you will become the most handsome in the holy world. Hey, the men in the holy world are really suffering. Lin was born in the same era. Under my handsomeness, they are destined to be bleak."

It's him!

It's him!

The core method realm of the Su Lan sisters has skyrocketed, battle skill cultivation advanced by leaps and bounds, and even the extremely powerful weapons of the war, are very likely to have a direct connection with this child!

This kid is so calm! You don't even need to watch the assessment competition. You said that the fortuitous encounter between him and the second girl today has nothing to do with the amazing performance. I am afraid that a person with a lack of brain will not believe it!

"The assessment is over, the winners: Su Lan, Su Lan! The true biography of promotion to the blue rank!"

After four people fought for 500 rounds, the referee old woman announced the result loudly. The audience was shocked!

The Su Lan sisters who walked off the field were able to do well, with a long breath. But the two sisters in the arena were completely carried out!

This is the result of the core method gap. The Su Lan sisters from cultivation to 9th Heavenly Layer Perfection Realm, at first took advantage of the other’s seeking instant benefit mentality, prolonged the battle, and finally relied on extremely The brilliant battle skill combined with the Perfection-level core method, won the counterattack in one fell swoop!

"It seems that there are two more Peak Heaven's Chosen in the blue true senior brother and senior sister!"

"I am very optimistic about Su Senior Sister Lan. They are in Become the true biography of the Purple Level within ten years, Aohan 9th Heavenly Layer core method Perfection, few people in the true biography of the Purple Level can do it! What they lack is the accumulation of time and resources!"

" Yes! I really look forward to the Four-Party Conference in the near future. Our Bingxin Palace can be described as genius gathering this time!"

Countless dísciples marveled at the talents of the two sisters. There is Leng Yueqi's Nine Absolute Cold Veins before. 'After the Su Lan sisters turned out, everyone knows that this time Bingxin Palace has picked up the treasure!

But only a few true stories, and the Elders just knew that the second daughter is indeed Heaven-blessed Genius, but they have not really picked up the treasure yet!

Because of the true peerless evildoer, still sitting in the audience!

That is Lin Chen!

It was him who created the miracles of the two sisters!

Being able to help Sister Su Lan with such ease to break the terrible achievements of Bingxin Palace’s past history, to what extent did this child get enchanted?

At this time, Lin Chen walked off the court, and everyone looked curiously. What is he going to do?

When he came to the side of Sister Su Lan, Lin Chen shook his head and sighed, pointing at the second daughter.

"Look at what you are doing!"


All the disciplines are confused again! What is the situation, why are you still not satisfied?

"I’m very disappointed, your performance is too bad! How I taught you before, within fifty rounds, you will win this battle, you forcibly drag it to five hundred rounds Above! It’s really embarrassing. I’m ashamed to say it! You come to my room tonight and everyone writes a post-war 5,000-character review. You can’t leave until you finish it!"

Lin Chen hate iron for not becoming steel's scolded, the second woman leaned back, and docile responded: "Yes, we know that we are wrong, and we must strive to do better next time."

My grass!

Many dísciples can't help but yell, and some Elders are even going crazy!

"Look, is this still human? Su Junior Sister Lan uses the 5th layer Battle Sovereign cultivation base to defeat Aya Qiaolan with the 5th layer Battle Sovereign's cultivation base. The more two great realms, he can still retreat completely. Many veteran Battle Sovereigns at the same level can’t do it!"

"He said he was disappointed? Oh my god, he is crazy, he must be crazy!"

"Also special Why write a five-thousand-word review, I'm silly!"

"Will you write on the bed?"

"The devil, it must be a devil!"


"Interesting, Lin Chen, you successfully stirred up my expectations of you, I hope you don't lose too fast...otherwise it won't be so refreshing when you step on it."


Sister Ling Qiaolan was defeated, but Ji Qingming showed a weird smile, making the Bing Tianzi shudder behind him!

The assessment ended. After the Su Lan sisters became the blue-level true biography, many True Disciples invited them.

The Trial of Cangyue, originated from the Immemorial civilization, is extremely dangerous. Entering it also has to compete with all directions from the outside world. Every time it is turned on, it may result in a blue rank or even a purple rank in history. A true example of the fall!

To participate in this highly dangerous trial, naturally the more people, the stronger the better.

But Sister Su's answer surprised everyone. They didn't team up with anyone, only one person was formed, and that was Lin Chen!

This result makes countless male dísciple envy and hate!

What kind of ecstasy did this guy pour into these two iceberg Goddess, so that they would be so obsessed with him?

But after thinking about it, Lin Chen's "disappointment" during the assessment is extremely frightening!

The Trial of Cang Yue has three days left, which means that Lin Chen has three days to see Leng Yueqi.

Night; Lin Chen's secret room.

He has been thoroughly familiar with the cultivation of the'spirit plant', and has a preliminary understanding of how to cultivate the'qingyao tree species' he holds!

"The Grade 1 forces in the holy realm are as numerous as feathers, equivalent to rateless, but the Grade 2 forces can be called a large group. To form the Grade 2 forces, one needs Saint to sit in, and the other is the spirit plant. "

Lin Chen spreads his palms, and the newly sprouting Qingyao tree species appears. The spirit plant absorbs Heaven and Earth's air and a small amount of energy to grow, according to Lin Chen's "Nine Tribulations Eye" to Heaven and Earth. The exploration of the Qi Luck of Earth, the reason why it can absorb the Battle Qi of the Nine Tribulations is because the Battle Qi of the Nine Tribulations originates from one of the energies of the Heaven and Earth!

And'failure' is also a kind of luck for Heaven and Earth! This led to Qingyao tree species that can absorb the Nine Tribulations Battle Qi.

But with Lin Chen now, if you feed the Qingyao tree species with the Nine Tribulations Battle Qi, you can only get it to mature if you get the year of the monkey and the horse month.

Lin Chen predicts that at least he has the cultivation base of the Three Tribulations Battle Sovereign to be eligible to feed it with Battle Qi.

Now, we must rely on external forces!

According to the information and knowledge that Lin Chen has, only the silver sacred dollar coin and the gold sacred dollar coin are the most suitable for the early spirit plant cultivation!

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