"This guy uses a body refinement battle skill above the top level of the purple rank. Every pure power attack has a strange strength. It is not his opponent to fight melee. Draw the sword!"

Ji Qingming clenched the teeth with sharp eyes. If it were not for the defense Treasure Item, he would have been wounded in front of that strange pure power!

Ji Qingming, who was madly outputting after being circumvented by someone in Lin, finally couldn't help but pulled out his great sword!

"that's all, Bai Qingxuan ice sword! Out!"


The sword is out of its sheath, win the dragon! sword light is as bright as a snow flake, the whole body is blue and white, and the edge is unstoppable. It flashes past, sword qi rushes into the sky!

Ji Qingming is hunting and hunting in Tsing Yi, and he strikes out with a sword, such as rainbow piercing the sun, and a sword glow that is straight like a dragon shoots out. It looks like a sword, but in fact there are three sword techniques hidden!

After he got out of the sword, his strength skyrocketed and his attack power skyrocketed more than ten times! It was so terrible that all the purple-level true legends in the audience changed their colors!

This is his true strength!

Lin Chen's eyes flashed, and in an instant he activated the charged rune and called up the +12 Five Dragon Emperor Spear!

Tear and pull~! The five-color dragon light tore the air, Lin Chen shot the'Blood Asura' with a frontal stabbing, burning blood to fight against him!


The cloud exploded, and the terrible sword qi strangling Lin Chen, forcing him to retreat extremely quickly, and finally crashed to the ground!

As soon as Ji Qingming took out his sword, it was Lin Chen who was repelled immediately!

A carp hits hard, Lin Chen stands up, and a trace of fiery fighting intent flashes across his eyebrows!

Ji Qingming stands proudly in the sky. He stands with a sword, and he releases splendid pieces of star-sand all over his body. The brilliant starlight shoots all around him, spinning around him with a sharp edge.

In that brilliant starlight, it seems that every bit of rays of light is permeated with the sharpness of high level swords, which contains a breath of cold to cold, which is reduced to embellishment!

If you are pierced by his sword, the cold air entrained in the sword will instantly be sealed with vitality, which is extremely terrifying!

Ji Qingming's body is shimmering with a brilliant starlight like a stream of brilliant stars, injected into his sword. Makes the edge of the sword even stronger, a level stronger than before!

At this moment, he is like Human and Sword Unity, with his special star breath and sword fuse together!

"Ji Qingming actually activated the Stellar Sword body?"

"Is this kid so strong? Even the Senior Brother has to turn on the sword body to deal with him!"

"This is the 9994th genius on the genius list, is the strength of Star Extreme Sword·Ji Qingming?"

The Purple Level true biography exclaimed, the countless outer halls and inner halls dísciple are even more impressive. Dazzled!

This physique is not comparable to the'pseudo Saint Physique' of the Nine Provinces pseudo-god Aristocratic Family Old Ancestor, and that category is only contaminated with a trace of holy spirit.

And this'Stellar Sword body', if cultivation to Peak, it is entirely possible to become Saint Physique's special physique!

"This guy is also cautious. He took out true strength as soon as he met his face. It seemed that he wanted to crush me."

Lin Chen's eyes were squinted and the corners of his mouth were bleeding.

It turned out to be a special physique, no wonder his charged rune can't hit him!

The Stellar Sword body, belonging to the Five Elements gold category, is the strongest, the offensive can be sharp and difficult to stop, and the defense can be amazing.

This type of Xeon physique is said to be used in conjunction with a sword cultivator with strong attack power. It can be described as a tiger that has grown wings. Ji Qingming, who activates the Stellar Sword body, has at least a comprehensive increase in attack and defense. More than doubled, his sword skills have increased astonishingly.

If the Three Inch Tribulation and Golden Prison Wyvern Armor were not activated in time, you would have been seriously injured just now!

"I can't hide anymore, the seven-fold change!"

Lin Chen started the seven-fold change in one breath, and the cultivation base has been breaking through, temporarily entering the middle of the 9th layer! There is still one small realm gap to Ji Qingming.

Ji Qingming's foot stepped on Xingsha, and with a slight movement, the silhouette came like a starlight.

Hold the sword high, slash like a rainbow vertically, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood's sword light, and Lin Chen's head down, the terrible aura shatters the arena!

Lin Chen's eyes are like electricity, and he raises his spear to block.

With a clang, the ring under your feet shattered like tofu, and there was a sullen sigh in your throat. With 9.5 million dragons and nine calamities fighting body, there is a trend that can't stop Ji Qingming?

After launching the Stellar Sword body, Ji Qingming's speed skyrocketed. Lin Chen wanted to bypass and attack several times more difficult than before!


The sword light is heavy and the gun shadow is overwhelming, like a heavy net, covering Lin Chen, and being opened by the gunman again and again!

Sword light is so fast, one sword turns ten swords, Lin Chen takes it forcibly with one move,'Hua Wancang', and counteracts Ji Qingming, who is stabbed with a spear!

He shook his body a little, the stars in his body shot wildly, and the glow was agitated, like myriad swords simultaneously go out!

Every starlight stab Lin Chen is like a sword king from the late 9th layer launching a surprise attack on Lin Chen, making many true stories have one's hair stand on end!

Boom! Xingsha Zhen fired his guns, like squally storms, crazy strikes Lin Chen!

"Not enough, this strength is not enough to defeat him, the ultimate Return to Origin ·The ultimate moment!"

At the crucial moment, Lin Chen and two innate talents came together and stepped forward. Open the'infinite dark step', the dark vortex under your feet twists, shuttling through the void, avoiding many strikes!

peng peng peng!

The arena arena is broken, horrible to see cracks are all over the court, this is the arena that can withstand the full attack of the late 9th layer! Now it is as fragile as thin paper!

The purple phoenix wings show, Lin Chen's whole body is flowing in the blue and quiet light, stepping on infinite dark steps, holding the five-color Dragon Spear, lightning slams and slams, and Ji Qingming turns into two aurora collisions, fighting In the sky!

The launch of the ultimate moment finally made Lin Chen barely gain a foothold, and the reversal of offensive desire not only stopped the opponent's imposing manner as fierce and domineering!

This battle and offensive can be described as a match of rivals, and the battle was brilliant!

The two sides have fought for thousands of rounds and the imposing manner is not exhausted. The battle has made you come and go, without stopping!

On the movement method, Lin Chen’s "infinite dark step" is the only one in Nine Provinces, which ranks among the high level top grade of the purple level.

And Ji Qingming’s "Nether Shadow Seven Wonders" is a purple level high level high grade. Due to the bonus of Stellar Sword body and cultivation base, the speed is not inferior to the infinite dark step that opened the ultimate moment!

On combat experience, both sides have experienced a lot of battles, and they have gained a lot of inheritance experience!

On auxiliary methods, one side has sword eye assistance, and the other side has Purple Gold Eye assistance, and constantly analyzes the opponent's moves. When you see tricks, you can use colors instead of in a flash. The battle is evenly divided, and giving tit for tat again!

"These two people are evenly matched, such a wonderful afterlife battle, I haven't seen it for many years!"

Many Elder exclaimed sincerely.

"The sword shines in Nine Provinces!"

The Stellar Sword of splitting heaven and earth apart is gathered and formed from above Ji Qingming. It is five ten zhang long and slashed with one sword! Sword glow flicked past, and the cold air entwining sword edge caused the temperature of Heaven and Earth to drop sharply!

"Brilliant dying!"

The tip of the gun is swung up, like a bunch of dazzling meteors falling, pure power erupts, launches energy, penetrates the rune, and more The ultimate moment of blessing, when the tip of the gun collided with the sword light, it exploded!

[Host starts Tianyin rune, consumes 200,000 points of rune energy to cover up the breath of Spirit Attack, duration: 3 seconds, cooling time: 40 seconds. 】


When Lin Chen retreated, cyan's divine light column suddenly revolved and strung out, straddling the void, releasing energy of spiritual annihilation , Filled with the aura of destruction! Ji Qingming couldn't detect it at all!

Bang~! Boom~!

The unannounced mental explosion ravaged the audience, making countless Elders stunned!

【The host triggers passive innate talent: Assault, gain a 300% formidable power bonus. 】

Lin Chen looks a little bit happy, this time the'Strike' triggers two Offensive Talisman texts, this formidable power is far beyond his imagination!

But seeing the Spiritual Storm disperse, Ji Qingming stands proudly, carrying three flags, the baleful aura is like a tide, and the ice cold aura is sweeping the audience!

The banner is a three-headed skeleton, and the baleful aura is awe-inspiring, coming from hell. The banner is dancing in the wind, separated by three layers of light screens, and it protects Ji Qingming!

"It's Qingming's ghost flag!"

Elder exclaimed, this ghost flag claims to be able to withstand mysterious effects such as body refinement, spirit, Battle Qi, and crisis prediction! It is a Peak weapon that surpasses the seventh rank, second only to Grade 1 Holy Artifact!

"It turned out to be a sneak attack, even my ghost flag consumed a lot of energy!"

Ji Qingming's expression became more and more gloomy, and Lin Chen's strength exceeded his imagination!

"Meteor Crystal!"

Boom~! Ji Qingming's shoulders shook, and the golden starlight all over his body turned the golden vortex like a dazzling star!

In his body, there was a starry imposing manner, and even many Elders were discolored!

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