"Well, the Intermediate Fire Element Energy has also broken through to 13 million points, which is very rewarding."

Lin Chen is very satisfied and nodded, looking at the ancient altar He absorbed more than half of the attribute light ball inside. At this time, Mo Qing walked slowly to his side with a picture scroll.

Mo Qing counted this move and attracted everyone's attention. If anyone else has the power to disrupt the situation, only Mo Qing, who is also on the list of geniuses, counts!

Even his actions will determine the next decisions and actions of other geniuses!


Lin Chen was very interested. With a wave of his hand, a green chair appeared on the opposite side of him.

"Thank you, the deputy director, for your seat."

Mo Qing counts as a cup one fist in the other hand, Lin Chen pours tea, pushes the cup to him, Mo Qing counts slightly nodded.

Lin Chen raised his eyebrows, "Why, what can you advise?"

Mo Qing tasted tea, took three sips, and exclaimed: "Good tea, aromatic aftertaste, first The bitterness is sweet, mellow but not strong."

Then, Mo Qing said with a smile: "I'm here this time to invite the deputy director to appreciate the painting."

The scroll rolls out, slowly revealing, the first thing that catches the eye is the vast mountains where thousands of mountains and birds fly, the sun is born, the pen is strong, the ink is full, the shape and spirit are equipped, and the charm can be described as a three-pointer!

"Well, a top grade ink painting, may come by with luck, but not by searching for it"

Lin Chen tasted tea for a moment, nodded praise. If there is a god in this painting, the depiction of form and spirit can be said to perfectly reproduce the artistic conception in the scene, and it is a top-level work!

Suddenly, the scroll stopped, Mo Qing pointed finger towards a magnificent mountain in the painting, imposing manner.

"This is the most famous Tianshan mountain in the Sword Domain of the Holy Realm. It was when Qingtian sword saint·Jingtai A was against the enemy Demon Venerable and Xuantianji, Dong Huangtai borrowed a sword for ten thousand li, Jingtai Aichi The sword is divided into Heaven and Earth. It is the supreme sword of sword saint before dying. It opened up 90,000 miles in one breath, and the sword shook the sky and weeped Ghost God!" The imposing manner of the torrent, traversing between many magnificent peaks, is full of power and overbearing aura.

Those who can savor it carefully, but have several points of the vicissitudes of life, seemingly short-lived.

Heaven's Chosen outside the blood-red ancient altar can get a glimpse of this picture by urging Battle Qi a little bit. Seeing this picture and this scene, I can’t help but feel a burst of emotion and sigh, which makes me sigh, it’s better than sword Saint also has time to lose to the years!

Mo Qing is referring to the other side again; the other side of the scroll that is completely different from the withering sun and flowers is the ghost Qi mountains and rivers, which are magnificent and majestic but restrained and dead, and thousands of miles of rivers merge into one. A winding dragon with a ten thousand zhang abyss across Heaven and Earth!

"Look at this abyss again, and it is called Guimingyuan. Since the ancient Mingsheng and the ghosts battled and stayed behind, the ghost sacred the whole family of the Mingsheng, the Mingsheng came from behind, and worshiped under the name of Netherworld Sovereign Under the sect of the ghost saint, forbearing for 100,000 years, since the breakthrough of the saint, the twins have started a life-and-death duel until they die, and finally fight until they both fall!"

Mo Qing counted as his eyes flickered, This painting is from his Sect Founder master, with a trace of Prediction Master's energy and heavenly calculation, which can measure a person's physical strength, courage, and mind.

The first sight of a mortal can only be impressed by the sword saint's courage before his death. At the second sight, he will be moved by the mind and courage that Ming Sheng has endured for hundreds of thousands of years. Only those with great fearless and great wisdom can see the farther vision!

He Moqing is a Heaven-blessed Genius. He has never met a character in the first life. Once he appeared, his destiny became muddy and unclear. He was not satisfied and unwilling!

He is definitely not a man who relies solely on military force. Even if he uses his strength to outperform the boy in front of him, he will still live in his shadow in his life. He wants to see the courage and courage of this boy. , Whether he has the ability to affect his fate!

The battle all around seemed to be still. At this moment, Mo Qingjuan only had the boy in front of him. How would he react?

Suddenly, Lin Chen laughed freely!

"hahaha, the universe, the stars are like the sea. Forever to see the rise and fall, this sword is no more than a hundred thousand li!"

"There are so many beautiful mountains and rivers, and countless heroes are drawn to the waist. sword saint Demon Venerable, slightly lost literary talent. The two saints of ghosts and ghosts, a little less coquettish. All go forward, count the romantic figures, and look at the present."

Lin Chen's laughter is domineering and full of humility. But without losing the boldness of absolute self-confidence, it affected the minds of everyone present, and Mo Qing was so shocked that his mind seemed to explode in an instant!

What a measure, what a bravery this is!

He actually bluntly counts the romantic figures, and he looks at the present! Sword saint Demon Venerable, the two saints of ghosts and ghosts, each is a legendary of the holy world, can't it be in his eyes?

"This person... not only was not convinced by the boldness of sword saint, nor was he convinced by the power of the sacred sage, but also to say that he could succeed or fail through the ages, laughing and talking about the rise and fall of the ages, his vision is far more than the holy realm. His ambition is the universe, the sea of ​​stars!" Mo Qing stayed in a daze, and a stormy sea was set off in his heart!

Sect Heaven's Chosen are hearing this, such as enlightenment!

The more you savour Lin Chen's words, the more you look at the Tianshan Mountains and the ghosts in the painting. Compared to the heavens and the universe, the stars and the sea, what is this worth?

His journey is the sea of ​​stars! It is All Heavens and Myriad Realms, the vast world!

At this moment, Lin Chen's cynical smile became so deep and unmeasurable in everyone's eyes, so mysterious and full of charm!

"This person, not only has the power of a king, but also has the spirit of a hegemon!"

Mo Qing was trembling all over, and his pupils showed unprecedented shock and jealousy. He was still delusional. Confronting this kind of people and trying to deduce the general fate of this and the others is nothing short of a dream!

The appearance of this kind of character changes his fate, isn’t it as it should be by rights?

When Mo Qing tremblingly put away the picture scroll, he got up and bowed deeply, cup one fist in the other hand and said: "Your Excellency is really the leader of the dragons, today’s matter, I Mo Qingsuan no longer intervened, dare to ask your name?"

Such a character must be good!

Looking at Mo Qingsuan’s attitude, Lan Ruoxue, who had delayed Yan Jinghong outside the ancient altar, showed a rare smile. Even Mo Qingsuan, a genius Prediction Master, expressed his opinion. She bet. correct!

"Will you change your name and sit without changing your surname, Lin Chen."

Lin Chen carefreely smiled, what he said before was all from the bottom of his heart, not true or false , His goal, from beginning to end, is not only in the Holy Land!

"It’s really me that I can meet someone like Your Excellency Lin Chen, the blessing of three lifetimes. If you have the opportunity, I hope you will invite me to the Palace of Mantra to sit in, and you will definitely entertain you with the highest courtesy. Your Excellency!"

Mo Qing's tone is sincere, Lin Chen nodded smiled; "Then it depends on whether you have this sincerity."

"What is Mo Qing doing?"

"He actually left, damn it, is this a fool!"

"That's all! We won't mix up the mess this time, is it possible that still I have to fight hard with these life-and-death perverts in the Dark Horse Club."

When the geniuses on the list were about to retire, they banged, and the entire underground world The earth shook and the mountain quivered, from the blood red ancient To the east of the altar, the rock wall ka ka cracked the crack of horrible to see, and a brutal and ferocious breath awakened from the deep sleep!


The stone wall cracked, three heads were covered with red scales, and a huge dragon body with flowing red flame broke through the wall. The head of the dragon was fierce, and the teeth of the dragon were like swords, making all the sect Heaven's Chosen present here. Air-conditioning!

"It is the three-headed Red Flame Dragon that is comparable to the Battle Sovereign of the Second Tribulation. They actually sleep here?"

The three-headed Red Flame Dragon wakes up and immediately Time Lock Lin Chen, the nearest to them, made the genius list geniuses who were preparing to evacuate to emerge in ecstasy!

"Quickly, drag the people in the dark horse clubhouse, don't let them support that guy!"

"As long as the Scarlet Flame Dragon attacks him, we will still have a chance!"

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