Seeing the empty cliffs begin on the verge of collapse, Lin Chen mobilizes the ultimate moment, stepping on infinite dark steps like a shadow shuttle, retreating violently, step by step Move into the air like a star pill to jump and run fast!

Boom! boom! boom!

The entire underground world was collapsing and began to burst continuously. Lin Chen decisively put away all the Avatars, took the Dragon Emperor into his body and flapped the purple phoenix wings, rushing out of the exit with unlimited dark steps at full speed!


Boom~! Accompanied by the earth-shattering sound like the shifting of the earth's crust, the radius of a thousand miles is clearly audible, and many people are complexion changed.

Lin Chen escape alive and successfully reunited with the two sisters Su Lan.

"Squad leader, you scared me to death, I thought you couldn't come back!"

Su Lan grabbed Lin Chen's arm, and the pretty face felt trembling.

"Don't worry, your monitor is so easy for me."

Lin Chen smiled and comforted, and then said: "We are going to the Ancient Saint Hall next, let's rush over to see Look."

Lin Chen released the'Dragon King' again, and transformed into a hundred zhang dragon body that belongs to Wan Zaixuan Azure Dragon. After all, the dragon body of Ssangyong bloodline is too conspicuous.

The dragon emperor flapped the purple phoenix wings, Lin Chen jumped onto the dragon's back and put up the two daughters; he swept to the south of the standard mountain range of the map!

This trip is very rewarding, Lin Chen wants to take advantage of the time on the road to digest the abundant resources on hand!

[Use Level 6 phantom rune, consume 180,000 rune energy. 】

Lin Chen once again released the five great Avatars to protect him. The second woman seemed to be affected by him, and took out a batch of silver sacred dollar coins to cultivate hard, not slack in a second.

Lin Chen first turned on the high level ring containing the'Qingyao Sapling', which was connected with the Taoyuan planting sac on his waist. Spirit strength urged!


Lin Chen moved the sapling to the center of Taoyuan Township with the soil roots!

During the period of entering the trial of Cangyue, Lin Chen has never stopped the release of gold sacred yuan coins. Currently there are only two of the 10 gold sacred yuan coins on hand, and the Qingyao sapling has grown to a height of 19 meters. , The branches and leaves are lush, don't have a gleam of precious light

hua hua ~~

After moving to Taoyuan Township, the Qingyao tree has magically accelerated its growth rate. It is absorbing Heaven and Earth luck!

But seeing the branches and leaves slowly blooming, they continue to grow to a higher height, just like a sapling that has the rich soil and enough water to get the first sun. The three combination, the growth rate climbs to the highest Soon, it grows 22 meters high almost at the speed that naked eye can see!

A magical scene has appeared!

The lush branches and leaves of the Qingyao tree began to shine with brilliant silver light, and the surface of the leaves began to condense the silver sacred dollar coins!

"Fuck, here comes the growth phase, there are so many silver sacred dollar coins just entering the growth phase!"

Lin Chen is excited, Qing Yao The tree is still growing fast. The energy of the gold sacred dollar coin has long allowed it to have accumulated knowledge and deliver it slowly. What it lacks is Heaven and Earth air luck. Now the Taoyuan planting sac is completely connected to the heaven and earth air luck of the outside world, and it grows fast. It's terrible!

At this moment, two thousand silver sacred yuan coins were produced. The original green branches and leaves are now shining full of silver sacred yuan coins!


After the silver sacred dollar coins grew to the same size, they began to fall to the ground and piled up into a small silver mountain. Lin Chen was excited. call out!

"The coin is dropped! My Little Darling has dropped the coin, damn it, this is a real money cow!"

Lin Chen is ecstatic; this has just entered the growth period It's so powerful. If it enters the Peak period, wouldn't it be as recorded in the ancient book that a large number of silver sacred yuan coins and massive treasures of heaven and earth will be produced?

"I heard that Tianyi holy water can also speed up the growth of the spirit plant, try it!"

Suddenly, Lin Chen remembered the record in the ancient book, and the spiritual mind was manipulated. Draw a small amount of Tianyi holy water from the pool and pour it into the soil of the Qingyao tree.

hua hua ~!

With the sound of the branches and leaves, they began to grow wildly, and the branches continued to extend, quickly breaking through to 30 meters, 35 meters, and 40 meters!

A large amount of silver sacred dollar coins were settled again, and Lin Chen looked ecstatic, as if he had won the lottery!

He quickly mobilized these silver sacred dollar coins, ran the core method, and absorbed them as quickly as possible!

Time passed by one minute and one second. This time, Qing Yaoshu had a total of 28,660 silver sacred yuan coins. Lin Chen only took one day to absorb all the refining into the body, and the cultivation base was soaring! The soaring speed of Intermediate Battle Qi Essence is entirely in 100 million units!

This time, Lin Chen like a hot knife through butter's breakthrough 8th layer in the middle and late 8th layer, only stopped before the 9th layer cultivation base!

"Nearly 30,000 silver sacred dollar coins have allowed me to harvest more than 200 billion intermediate Battle Qi Essence. With a few more batches, I will be able to hit the 9th layer Battle Sovereign!"

Lin Chen sighed. He fully felt how abnormal this spirit plant is. No wonder it can support the entire sect!

The Heaven and Earth air luck absorbed by the Qingyao tree has been temporarily full, reaching 51 meters high. It has initially entered the growth stage and is steadily improving. It is not far from the next round of maturity. Lin Chen Don't worry, immediately add Tianyi Holy Water and let it grow naturally for a period of time.

This wave of strength has soared beyond just a little bit, and its strength has doubled again!

Now that the ultimate moment and seven changes are started again, Lin Chen is confident. If he singles out geniuses like Ji Qingming and his like, he will be able to easily suppress, instead of 55 or 64!

"However, this strength alone is not enough, I must surpass the 100,000 genius list!"

In the eyes of Lin Chen, the rays of light showed the perseverance and arrived at the Bingxin Palace. At that moment, he had searched the ancient book about the ranking of the holy prison and sect, and he discovered an amazing fact!

Take away the Divine flame palace of Ruoyan sister, it is not recorded under Grade 7 sect!

Grade 6 sect The top of the holy realm is in charge of one party, and among the thirty-six domains, the powerful party exists.

Grade 7 sect, already standing in the Holy Realm Peak Ten Thousand Ancient Sect, the super Immemorial giant that will last for thousands of years, even the 9th layer holy realm is in the door, but the Divine flame palace is not here. Column?

In other words, the Divine flame palace woman who picked up Ruo Yan at the time is most likely from Grade 8 sect!

In front of this kind of huge monster, this 100,000-ranked genius list may not yet be visible!

"Look at how much improvement can be made."

Lin Chen took out a purple Enlightenment Fruit and the two different crystal fragments, and couldn't help but breathe deeply...



A mountain cliff is full of screams and wailing, seven ghost-like afterimages staggered back and forth, and countless screams echoed in Heaven and Earth!

Dragon Sword Wei Qingfeng, who was nominated for 9977 on the genius list, was continuously melted by a cloud of dark red blood, and his whole body qi and blood and Battle Qi dried up extremely quickly.

His whole person was drained into skin and bones, his pupils trembled with terror, staring at the silhouette floating in the sea of ​​blood in front of him, he muttered in disbelief!

"Why...As the Lord of Grade 4 sect Young Pavilion, you are mixed into the Secret Realm dispute between Grade 3 and 2nd Grade Sect pie dísciple..."

"gā gā gā, what this Young Master wants, has never been impossible!"

The silhouette surging in the blood, the gloomy and weird said with a smile.

A quarter of an hour later, the dignified genius list genius, a superb figure with Great Destiny and great opportunity, melted into the sea of ​​blood surging in the sky.

Stepped out of a complexion pale youngster in a sea of ​​blood, with six silhouettes behind him, the breath is buoyant, so strong that the heart trembles!

The youngster licked his fishy red lips and looked towards a certain mountain range, showing a smile of send cold shivers down one's spine.

"Yueqi, this Young Master personally triggered off the precepts between sect for you. After you fall into my hands, I want you to make good compensation to this Young Master, gā gā gā!"

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