Heavenly Demon Mountain in the Holy Realm, this place is the junction of Human Race and Dragon Clan in the Holy Realm.

Amidst the ups and downs of the mountain range, there is a stone mansion looming.


The earth shook and the mountain quivered, space distortion.

"Who are you."

The young man stood on the top of the mountain, holding a sword, his eyes narrowed, and staring at the black robed man not far away.

"Sure enough, the prophecies of the clansmen in the clan did not go wrong. Human Race really has a world-shaking god. You have only two choices, one is to belong to my Fiend clan, and the other is to die here."

black robed man has a hoarse voice and can't distinguish between men and women.

Choke~! The sword came out like a dragon, and the young man drew his sword up, pointed finger towards black robed man.

"There is a third choice, you, die under the sword of my Lin Xingchen."

The black robed man sighed lightly—"Then you go and die! "

Two blasts eclipsed the sun and the moon. The sinking aura of Heaven and Earth has grown from the Heavenly Demon mountain to the extreme, and the terrible murderous intention is on the verge!


"Thousands of years, somebody passed it. Moreover, he is still a person from Nine Provinces!"

The voice of the vicissitudes of life echoed, When Lin Chen used all his energy to rush across the twentieth square and walk across the square, the space rippled, and a void silhouette emerged.

Separated by a void space barrier, Lin Chen can be seen from the other side of the room as if he disappeared in place.

"Where is the squad leader?"

Su Lan is anxious, Leng Yueqi patted her-- "It's okay, I can still sense his existence, it should have passed the test, Ancient Saint's Will is talking with him."

Qin Jueyan looked envious, the inheritance of Ancient Saint!

How much is this Saint yearn for something even in dreams? It is said that his fall was involved in the war of saints related to the early Immemorial civilization. Those who experienced that battle avoided mentioning it, but Coveted everything about Ancient Saint.

"Oh, you are Ancient Saint?"

Lin Chen is curious, for some reason, he has an inexplicable intimacy with the illusory old man in front of him, which seems to be related to his body Some things are connected.

Even if it is inexplicably friendly, Lin Chen is still ready to use the "super-dimensional teleportation", facing a former Saint, he will never take it lightly.

"hehe, youngster, Ancient Saint are just the title of my final journey. In a more distant time, some people called me: the ancient god of the sky. Besides, the old man is on you and feels my legacy. In the power of the world, you and I are destined."

The old man smiled while stroking his beard. Lin Chen's brain flashed a lot of information?

Nine Provinces continent · Sky Tower · Orange Stage Trial Secret Realm, Cave Mansion?

Ancient Saint? Ancient gods!

"Are you the master of the ancient god Cave Mansion in the Nine Provinces continent tower?"

Lin Chen's expression was a bit shocked, could it be said that he is not a Saint, but is a, Spiritual God?

"Well, the Sky Tower is the Demon Race cave I left behind in the suppression of Nine Provinces. There is a head of life force and tenacious. In the state of serious injury that I was about to die at that time, it was difficult to remove it and its The nest was destroyed, and only temporarily suppressed. Then I used most of my strength to suppress the injuries, and then sneaked into the holy realm for several millions years. After being discovered by some holy realms, the Saint War broke out due to certain variables."

The old man smiled peacefully, as if the past events that had alarmed the holy realm were just past moments.

Lin Chen suddenly realized, it’s no wonder that the Nine Provinces continent, as the Saint who has so many shocking and stunning emergences in the mortal world, once shocked one party, it turns out that True God has descended on the Nine Provinces continent!

"I don't know, what price is needed to obtain the inheritance of senior. Or do you have to accomplish something, first say yes, I am a timid person, if you let me do something to save the world or avoid it."

Lin Chen curl one's lip asked, the old man startedled, and then chuckled: "Little fellow, you are very cunning, you have an appetite for old man, yes, there is no free lunch in the world, think To gain inheritance, you really have to help the old man accomplish something."

"Do you know why the saint in the holy world glare like a tiger watching his prey, because the old man created A manufacturing method can be artificially cultivated to produce alien crystals."

Without discussing the matter, the old man first threw the news of a heavyweight bomb! The corners of Lin Chen's mouth trembled a few times!

Artificial cultivation of alien crystals?

Lin Chen has a preliminary understanding of the value of different crystals, even if it is inferior grade, it is a sky-high price, generally Saint does not have to own it, and only the fragments of the different crystals are held.

The formation of alien crystals originated from the accumulation and condensation of many space-time planes with special energy between Heaven and Earth. The conditions for formation are extremely difficult. Some alien crystals are forming Early-Stage. The energy There was once the size of a comet, or even bigger!

Inferior crystals are still precious and outrageous, let alone those higher-level middle grade, high grade, top grade, and even the existence of superb crystals.

“However, the cultivation method of old man can only create low-grade, middle-grade crystals. High-grade crystals require completely different energy, which is difficult to create artificially. Otherwise, even high-grade crystals can be created. If it is artificially created, even the Spiritual God of the Sovereign Holy Realm may also be able to take a shot. If you want to break through this limit, unless the old man restores the strength at the peak period, hehe, these will be discussed separately. Youngster wants to obtain the inheritance of the old man. You have to kill someone for me."

At the end of the conversation, the old man's tone was a little cold.

Lin Chen frowned: "senior, this person is..."

"This person is named Yin Tianzi. He was nominated on the Holy Realm Enchantress List, and he was the old man who arrived in the Holy Realm. After that, the only discipline I took in, after all kinds of training, was only for him to grow up to one day be able to restore my strength, but unfortunately, his wolfish ambition, and discovered the secret of my cultivation of alien crystals, actually united many holy realms to besiege me..."

The old man shook his head with a complicated tone, and then asked—"How about, boy, the old man is only for this one request. Now that people are about to die, many things have been seen through, the resurrection is impossible, unless If True God takes the shot, otherwise you can basically only wait here for the last ray of mental lingering thoughts until it dissipates."

"I have been aware of your performance on this road. Old man's vision is rarely wrong. , Your future can at least reach the enchanting list. If you have the help of an old man, you have the potential to impact the sage list. It’s not an exaggeration to stay in the history of the sacred world."

A said with a smile of divine poise and sagelike features.

The enchanting list is the position Lin Chen must reach. Without this aptitude, he is not qualified to go to the Divine flame palace to pick up sister Ruoyan.

"I don't seem to have a reason to refuse. If it's just this condition, I can only book the head of the cloudy sky in advance!"

Lin Chen's passion is dry, the two sides hit it off. !

The method of artificially cultivating alien crystals is too valuable! It has the influence of Lifting The Heavy As Though It Was Light on Lin Chen's future, and the importance is second only to his system and core method!

"little fellow, go straight to the end, where there is what the old man has left you intact. Say okay first, you can’t go back, after the cloudy son once received the old man’s teachings, Maybe you have already become a giant of the ages of the sacred talent list, you have to hurry up and cultivated."

The old man waved his hand, the brightly lit channel opened like a roll, and the corner of Lin's mouth twitched slightly, didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

"What's so special, why do I feel like getting on a thief ship..."

Lin Chen walked into the passage, and suddenly, he suddenly startled, his expression becoming more shocked and confounded !

In the passage, he saw the brilliance of the attribute that he could only see!

This brilliance, Lin Chen saw it for the first time!

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