space channel, beam Dunsuo, Lin Chen entire group is back to Bingxin Palace.

Lin Chen, holding two different crystal fragments in his hand, fell silent.

"If I refining this thunder, one water and two alien crystal fragments, my strength must soar to two levels, but I always have a bad feeling..."

Lin Chen's hunch comes from the ranking of the talent list, he has killed too many people!

Kill so many geniuses at once, no one can guarantee whether he has been targeted by Saint in the outside world.

If Saint hits the door, his means to counter Saint Saint is extremely limited, and there is only one blue-level high level nirvana-the sky is overcast and icy!

Lin Chen opens the system.

[Heavenly Path Collection System 6.0 version

Host: Lin Chen

cultivation base: Battle Sovereign 9th layer Early-Stage —— Intermediate Battle Qi Essence: 519.5 billion points.

Extreme strength: 1999 Wanlong Power-Intermediate Qi and Blood Energy: 647.1 billion points.

Intermediate spirit strength: 106 million points (Through Heaven Realm Perfection)

Intermediate cultivation technique essence: 2.5 billion points-intermediate talisman spirit strength: 3.7 billion points.

primary level Heavenly Dao value: 1.5 billion points-primary level innate talent points: 2.1 billion points.

Blank attribute: 0 points-strengthening points: 48900 points.

Intermediate element energy: Fire Element 178.5 million points, Earth Element 139.1 million points, Wood Element 123.66 million points, Gold Element 191.52 million points, Water Element 94.4 million points, Thunder Element 28.8 million points, Wind Element 16809 Ten thousand points, 15.2 million points of light system, and 166 million points of dark system.

Cultivation technique status bar (open or not)-bloodline status bar (open or not)

Passive innate talent bar (open or not)-nirvana bar (open or not)

Active innate talent: (Blue Order) Divine Steal Omen, (Blue Order) Deadly Bloodthirsty, (Purple Order) Ultra-Dimensional Teleportation, (Purple Order) Ultimate Moment, (Purple Order) Ultimate Return to Origin, (Purple stage) Monarch Overlooking The Whole World (24 days), (quasi-orange stage) desperate life and death, (orange stage) instant light splitting, (orange stage one-time) Godslayer fragments (1/3),

Characteristic rune column (open or not)-innate talent combo skills: fatal bloodthirsty-ultra-dimensional teleportation-Monarch Overlooking The Whole World-desperate life and death. 】

"system, I want to decompose the Water Element alien crystal fragments!"

After weighing again and again, Lin Chen first decomposed the Water Element alien crystal fragments!

[Consuming 11.5 million Heavenly Dao points, decomposing different crystal fragments, and obtaining special attribute values: 8 million Saint-Beauty points, 4 million Saint-Borpee Water Attribute points + 50 million Heavenly Dao points to make blue Intermediate-level nirvana, blue sea tide, formidable power can kill any Battle Sovereign in seconds, and it also has an effect on Saint Realm 1st Layer. 】

Lin Chen chooses to make two special moves in the blue tier of "Bihai Chaosheng", which consumes all special attribute values ​​and 100 million Heavenly Dao. If this nirvana is compatible with his'sky' 'Yin and ice storm', one water and one ice will have a miraculous effect! Add another hand to the life-saving ace!

He is not in a hurry to absorb the Thunder Element alien crystal fragments. Although he lacks the Thunder Element energy at the moment, he has now determined that decomposing the alien crystal fragments will allow him to obtain special attribute values ​​to make nirvana!

"By the way, upgrade the innate talent! How did I forget about this!"

Lin Chen slapped his thigh and immediately clicked on the innate talent column. Most of his innate talents can be upgraded!

[Consumption of 11 million primary level Heavenly Dao points, 39 million primary level innate talent points, upgrade innate talent · Omen of theft, advance to the purple rank, Purple rank·Innate talent of the gods, no need to touch the host activation To touch the stolen object, you need to be within 10 miles of the target. Any creature whose cultivation base is higher than the host can be activated to steal the attribute value as far as you can see. ]

[Consume 34 million primary level Heavenly Dao points and 99 million primary level innate talent points to upgrade the innate talent. Deadly bloodthirsty, purple-order innate talent. Deadly bloodthirsty, which can be obtained from the actual damage 40 to 60% of the therapeutic effect. 】

【Consumption of 40 million primary level Heavenly Dao points, 130 million primary level innate talent points, upgrade innate talent · Extreme Return to Origin, upgrade to the purple high level innate talent, Extreme Return to Origin in the original On the basis of restoring Battle Qi, spirit strength, and weak flesh shell, the healing effect is increased, and innate talent points are consumed depending on the host's condition. Note: The treatment effect is limited. If the host is seriously injured, such as a heart rupture, Battle Qi's original source is broken, etc., the treatment range is exceeded. 】

【Consume 70 million primary level Heavenly Dao value, 200 million primary level innate talent points, upgrade innate talent · Monarch Overlooking The Whole World, advance to the purple high level innate talent, Monarch Overlooking The Whole World innate Talent cooling time is greatly reduced, and the proportion of accumulated energy is increased. 】

【Consumption of 100 million primary level Heavenly Dao value, 370 million primary level innate talent points, upgrade innate talent · Ultimate moment, promotion to the purple top innate talent, effect: the minimum required to open the ultimate moment Consuming 10 million innate talent points, the cultivation technique formidable power doubles the same, but the temporary increase in pure strength and spirit strength can be obtained. ]

【Failed to upgrade the innate talent of Desperate Life and Death, the innate talent is of a higher level, and the system cannot upgrade the innate talent at this stage. 】

Finally consuming 255 million primary level Heavenly Dao points and 468 million primary level innate talent points, Lin Chen's innate talent status has been improved in all aspects!

"Extreme Return to Origin can recover the injury, Monarch Overlooking The Whole World has a reduced cooling time, a fatal bloodthirsty recovery effect has been increased, and the ultimate moment can also increase the temporary increase in pure strength and spirit strength. It is simply not too cool. !"

Lin Chen was excited, and suddenly, new doubts emerged in his heart.

"system, although my core method is +13 at the moment, if I change the core method in the future, will the enhanced level become invalid? Is all my accumulation in vain?"

【system Answer the host: If the host changes to another core method, it cannot inherit the enhancement level. However, if the host changes the advanced core method, such as: Nine Tribulations of Creation to Heavenly Art, all the enhanced foundation and attribute values ​​will be added to the advanced core method. 】


Lin Chen gasped!

system's answer is a reassurance for Lin Chen.

If the cultivation is advanced to the core method, the enhancement level of the core method will not be inherited, and the enhanced amplification effect will become the basis of the core method and be incorporated into the new advanced core method!

For example, if Lin Chen holds 1 billion elemental attribute value, +13core method will increase 240%, which is 1 billion + 1 billion × 240% = 3.4 billion elemental attribute value!

These 3.4 billion elemental attribute values ​​will form the'foundation' and be transferred to the advanced core method, and then the advanced core method can continue to absorb the elemental attribute value enhancement, and can start to strengthen from zero again!

In short: the higher the elemental attribute value accumulated by Lin Chen, the later the time to replace the advanced core method, the stronger his core method foundation!

At that time, it will be the same orange-level core method. Perhaps in the same level, Lin Chen will get rid of most of the orange-level core method!

This is still not counting the increase brought by the strengthening effect. While the extremely strong basic attribute value improves the foundation of the orange-level core method, after further strengthening, the increase will be even more dangerous!

"The fragments of Heavenly Art in Taiyifu are divided into five volumes. I only have two volumes on hand. At least three volumes are required for cultivation. The only person I know that may be whereabouts is the dean who was imprisoned in the holy. Friends in the prison, the holy prison imprisoned are all in the holy realm, I want to go in and there is no way...It seems that I want to change the core method, at least I have to set foot in the holy realm!"

Lin Chen's heart is one sigh.

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