Lin Chen leaves the venue, and the three Saints in the Dark Pavilion's hidden auditorium follow his entire group. After this conference, the situation may exceed their expectations.

Right now, the people who are eyeing Lin Chen may far exceed their expectations. This kid showed up two Qiyun spirit plants to his face, and he is not sure which forces will join and intervene in the snatch!

After all, the temptation of spirit plant is too deadly! In particular, it is the almost extinct Longqing tree in the low-grade spirit plant!

"Try to see if you can find an opportunity. If this kid dared to leave the conference venue, act immediately! Old Ancestor is already on his way!"

The eyes of the environment meet, such as ghost-like following Lin Chen entire group.


Bang~! hong long long!

The powerful Battle Qi storm exploded mushroom clouds, and the digital Five Tribulations Battle Sovereign judges personally took action to strengthen the energy barrier so as not to affect the audience area.

Many viewers have lingering fears.

"My god, did Juetian Pavilion eat gunpowder today? One by one is like crazy!"

"It's crazy, six geniuses on the list, even Thirty rounds have not survived!"

The team martial arts venue was in an uproar! !

Juetian Pavilion shot, shocked the audience!

In the team martial arts competition, the genius is exhausted. Its opponents are a team composed of four Grade 3 sects. Among the fifteen people, there are 6 genius list geniuses, who have at least the background to enter the top 100, but they are Encounter early!

As soon as the team didn’t support for 30 rounds, it was swept away by the geniuses of Juetian Pavilion. Even the Vice Pavilion Lord Mo Jingchen didn’t even make a move, so they won it instantly. Victory, the opponent is dead and three dead, the battle is terrible!

All the geniuses of Juetian Pavilion no longer normally have the kind of leisurely play or cynicalism in the game world. Instead, they are replaced by an extremely serious and fierce murderous aura! Coupled with the defeat of today's single-player martial arts competition, they have hidden a wave of anger in their hearts!

Because they met an opponent this time, the dark horse club!

Looking at the murderous-looking, all the Juetian Pavilion geniuses who left the scene with serious expressions, and some hidden elders clicking one's tongue in wonder.

"Sure enough, this year's team martial arts competition is still the most interesting place in Juetian Pavilion. Although it is only the 2nd Grade Sect faction, these little fellows are not small!"

Boom~! Suddenly, two imposing manners collided in the venue, and Juetian Pavilion and Lin Chen entire group met head-on!

Leader Mo Jingchen looked indifferent-"Team martial arts, I hope to have a match with your people."

Lin Chen is relaxed and free-"Don't make it look like Like an old enemy, I didn’t predict your Juetian Pavilion in front of my dark horse club."


Some geniuses of Juetian Pavilion drew their swords with anger, staring at Lin Chen.

"Don't talk to him, we will see you in the race. If you can't make it to the quarterfinals, then you are not qualified to be my Juetian Pavilion opponent."

Liang blew a provocative whistle——"Che, I don’t know whose man was cut by our old brother, Jin Dejiu, even the arm is cut. Who can't brag about it."

"You him What the hell are you talking about! A rubbish who didn't even make it on the genius list!" Yunzhen Tianwu Hah of Juetian Pavilion!

"What's wrong? Not convinced to practice now?" Gu Chenfeng sneered, completely. Not afraid of each other.

Both tongues, swords, lip guns, giving tit for tat!

After Lin Chen stopped everyone, disinclined to pay attention to these noisy guys, stepping into the fighting skill space together, covering the Space Formation in all directions.

"Oh? They are the dark horse clubs?"

"Hehe, they are all very interesting little fellows, body refinement, spiritual realm, quite not weak, that is, the cultivation base is poor It’s a bit."

The five top referees of the team martial arts competition sit in the void, looking at the Lin Chen entire group with great interest. They are from the Xuanyu and Qiyu, the five major Grade 4 sects, and their eyes are extremely old. .

"Their opponent is Team 412. This is a big team composed of four Grade 3 sects in the Profound Domain. There are only seven geniuses on the genius list. This is worth seeing!"


The two white eyebrows old man divine poise and sagelike features are very self-cultivation and admire the look of the younger generation.

"It's started, um, shot quickly, specializing in dead ends. There is no stagnation between shots, and there are few simple women around him, all of whom are at the level of the genius list!"

"Well, the people in the dark horse club are very fast, their posture is very handsome, the movement method is very sassy, ​​and the attack is fierce. There is a bit of charm of the old man when he was young, I want to..."

"Hey, the cooperation of these little fellows is very skillful, do they have...huh?"


The two highest referees haven't Pointing Jiangshan a few words, showed an expression of seeing a ghost on the spot!

On the stage of fighting skills, Lin Chen casually hitting soy sauce raised his hand.

"Come on, next one!"

The audience suddenly fell into a weird silence...

Even the three highest referees who had closed their eyes and meditation couldn’t help but Opened his eyes, his eyes were extremely solemn!

The 412 team, all defeated, the 511 team united by the dark horse club and other forces, won!

The geniuses who are also on the genius list, their level is definitely not low! Under the joint battle, the difficulty has risen sharply!

Furthermore, you need to beware of each other when you join forces like competing for resources. Here you can completely let go of your hands and feet to fight. Even if the cooperation is not perfect, you don't need to worry about your partner betraying yourself.

Even so, the Dark Horse Club took only 22 rounds, seven geniuses, and fifteen Peak Heaven's Chosen, all of them lost!

Is this a fucking lighting war?

"Juetian Pavilion has an opponent!"

"Damn it, it's too fast, I didn't even come back to his senses before he finished playing it?"

"hahaha! There is the Juetian Pavilion in the Profound Domain, and we have the Dark Horse Club in the Wonderland. You can see this four-party conference!"

Lin Chen entire group left the scene, and unexpectedly met again while leaving the channel The people of Juetian Pavilion!

"Sorry, we made a heavy shot, and accidentally broke your record."

Before Lin Chen could speak, Ying Liang whistled and teased People of Juetian Pavilion.

The entire group of Jueten Pavilion is exposed, and they will solve their opponents more quickly in the next game!

The dark horse clubhouse is not to be left behind, giving tit for tat, always hurry up in front of Juetian Pavilion!

The most maddening is the spectators who watched the match. The four rounds of the team martial arts preliminary rounds were alive and well turned into a'racing match' by the Juetian Pavilion and the Dark Horse Club?

What about the wonderful fights of geniuses? What about the splendid battle with all the cards?

No! No! Those are all in dreams, and what I saw before my eyes are two'racing teams' crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood!

The most exaggerated thing is that Lin Chen of the Dark Horse Club and Mo Jingchen of Juetian Pavilion, the leaders of both sides have not personally made a shot...

The fourth round of the preliminary round!

Fighting Skill Platform, against the newest team, the Vice Pavilion Lord Mo Jingchen of Juetian Pavilion finally made it personally!

The opposing genius saw that his team’s strongest defense was under the leadership of Mo Jingchen and broke in seven rounds. He immediately raised his hands high, Battle Qi sound transmission Great Hah!

"Stop fighting, we surrender!"

As soon as this sound came out, the audience was amazed!

Juetian Pavilion, really amazing, Vice Pavilion Lord shot and led the team to crush nine geniuses in one face-to-face encounter, and they couldn't get out in ten rounds!

After playing the Juetian Pavilion, there is no time to step down. On the other side of the room is the fighting technique platform of the Dark Horse Club.

Just listen to Lin with a group of people in the dark horse club, rushing to the stage is a draw!

blade light is as bright as a mirror, and as bright as the moon, Blade Qi moving unhindered the audience, the moonlight shining on the sacred prestige, making countless viewers gasp!

The eyeballs of the geniuses on the fighting stage almost fell to the ground!

eighth rank knife?

This damn it's a shame!

Lin Chen held up the aggressive lead of the'blue moon'!

"Class 66, rush up with me to beat his mother!"

The leader of the 91105 Scarlet Rain Sword Emperor·Luo Wuxin hurriedly yelled!

"We surrender!"

Audience: "?"

This...I surrendered before it hit?

Luo Wuxin said nothing, he jumped off the stage regardless of his face and kicked off; Damn, I have a good future, I want status and status, and if you want beautiful women to have beautiful women, why do you want to die?

This damn thing was chopped by that eighth rank knife, even if it didn't die, it was maimed! Who wants to compete with these monsters! I'm keeping my life safe and cultivation isn't fragrant?

The dark horse club stepped down again, and the leader Lin and the three brothers Ying Liang, Gu Chenfeng, and Bai Junhao crossed their shoulders, shaking their heads and sighed in a'boring' manner.

"Hey, people even surrender faster than others, what can we do? Too able to fight is also a kind of loneliness."

See the'boring foursome' stepping forward The pace of not recognizing one's family, and deliberately dangling in front of Mo Jingchen and the others for several laps, so angry that the entire group Qiqiaoshengyan......

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