Lin Chen Avatar urges the twins of the golden pupils and finds that they can't see through any breath, cultivation base and details of the woman!

The beautiful lady Lianbu moved lightly and came to Lin Chen's Avatar. A lithe and graceful smile came from under the cloak.

"You are very difficult to deal with, I heard that you came from the dark horse club, please go back and tell him, I will wait for him in this appraisal meeting, if he doesn't come, the champion will be up to me Snatched away."

The laughter was gentle and pleasant, like a spring breeze, and the Lin Chen Avatar was in doubt.

Why, this woman gives him a feeling of deja vu...

But he can’t tell. Lin Chen knows that no one has such a terrifying level of appraisal. To the point of...

"It seems that he is a strong opponent. I am afraid it is a bit difficult to win the championship in this Appreciation Tournament..."


Prediction Master Preliminary venue; a towering ladder that stretches for more than one kilometer stands in the center of the venue.

The preliminary screening is carried out in the "Land of Fortune".

This life ladder has a spiral and winding shape and is as long as thousands zhang. It was created by the Saint Level Prediction Master'great good fortune Saint' urging the core method of the week.

This ladder can’t fly. Steps inside the life ladder hide mystery. Stepping on may have a chance or a calamity, or suffer bad luck, or strange luck, or turn into auspicious luck, and climb to the height. Looking at the Prediction Master's own abilities, if you have powerful arithmetic, you can see through the dangers and opportunities in this life ladder.

Climb the ladder to hundred zhang and pass the preliminary round. Climb to the fifth hundred zhang of the ladder, and you can directly advance to the top thirty-two!

The test of Scaling Heaven Stairs is not only the strength of the Prediction Master, but the dangerous ones who have not been able to detect the ladder, not to mention the hundred zhang, even a single step is difficult!

Such an assessment is convenient for the comparison between Prediction Masters.

Otherwise, it is extremely dangerous to easily deduct the destiny of others and require a higher price.

Every Prediction Master grand competition of the Four-Party Conference will adopt a similar method to compare the arithmetic levels, which can avoid the high risk and allow young Prediction Masters to have the ability to show off and A platform for peer confrontation.


Grey Guanghua separated from the stone steps somewhere on the ladder, and threw the three Heaven's Chosen Prediction Masters down by strikes, vomiting blood and retreating!

After several calculations, the white clothes youth on the other side jumped to the next step, buzzing, and Baoguang floating, it turned out to be a seventh-rank top high-grade pill!

This person is the 99770 Ghost Prediction Master on the genius list. Mo Qing counts! After returning from the Cangyue trial, he received a new fortuite encounter, and his strength soared!

Rao is like this, it is as strong as his background, and he only stays at the position of two hundred twenty zhang at this time, gasping for breath, cold sweat.

"This Prediction Master preliminary match is worthy of being a great good fortune Saint shot, it is countless times more difficult than the previous one!"

Mo Qing accepted medicine pill, and looked afraid. Toward behind, countless numbers of bad luck and bad luck flew to the outside of the venue, disqualified or knocked back more than a dozen feet, and have to start all over again.

'Fate Ladder of Luck and Tribulation' is full of complaints, and countless people have to be eliminated in this preliminary contest! This is probably the Prediction Master final in the second round, which is more than ten times more severe than the previous one!

"I said good luck old man, you are too ruthless. This simply does not give youngster a chance!"

"Yes, how long these little fellows are Cultivation time, how can you see through your core method of good fortune, or modify the rules to lower the requirements!"

"Rads! If this is done, the second round can gather eight people to start the finals. Question!"

The Supreme Judges of Prediction Master accused the'great good fortune saint' sitting in the center. He had long white eyebrow hair and was at ease. He said casually-"Prediction Master who can't get up and down, It’s not interesting to select it. Since it’s a comparison, it must depend on the confrontation between the Prediction Master of the cream of the crop, right. Besides, the old man has allocated enough resources in the Fate Ladder. Even if these little fellows fail the assessment, there will be What you have gained, if you think about it carefully, the old man is still kind..."

The corners of the judges' lips twitched slightly. This Old Guy really feels extremely good about himself...


At this time, the three silhouettes jumped up and down, and they were the most eye-catching three in the audience.

The first person, purple robe and brocade clothes, has a noble and cold temperament, unruly and rebellious, Xiao Qianyu from Juetian Pavilion!

The second person, with dark pupils, long hair and shawls, and a wicked smile on his evil face, is Luo Wuchang of the Great Desolate Hall!

The last one is wearing a blue bow and holding a White Folding Fan. His face is like a crown jade, and he always smiles like a spring breeze. The clear jade eyes sometimes look like dark green, like delicate and Pretty jade face scholar, the true virtue show of'Dark Horse Club'!

If the three people walked like a gust of wind, each step did not trigger bad luck, bad luck, robbery and other organs, and even occasionally they could get Romance, Good Fortune, opportunity, harvest pill recipe, war weapon cultivation technique, The vertical flashing figure is flexible, as if walking on the ground.

The three of them were winding the ladder of fate that was as long as thousands zhang, and they rushed from more than two hundred zhang to three hundred zhang at once, surpassing the ghost Prediction Master. Mo Qing, obviously, has a higher level than the latter. arithmetic!

"The three good evildoers, what are the origins of these three youngsters, and they are moving so fast?"

"If you make a mistake, you have to go back more than a dozen feet or even seriously hurt them. This is because he has absolute confidence in his arithmetic to act like this!"

"Is it Xiao Qianyu from the Juetian Pavilion and the people from the Dark Horse Club? It turns out to be these two monsters, my God! "

"Get on it! I heard that the team martial arts competition was turned into a racing competition by them. The Juetian Pavilion was a bit inferior. In addition, the solo martial arts team also lost to the dark horse club!"


"This time is the revenge from Juetian Pavilion. I am more optimistic about Xiao Qianyu. His arithmetic is far superior to peers. He has a Star Stone arm that can detect the sky, perceive luck, and be one step ahead. !"

The spectators on both sides of the auditorium were frightened. The Prediction Masters who were struggling and suffering untold hardships deduced the fate of the fate ladder looked at the fast forward speed of the three people, their mouths twitched... …

"Well, there are still a few little fellows this year."

Nodded, the saint of good fortune sitting in the void, stared approvingly at the three.

When entering the'failure and fate ladder' three hundred and five ten zhang high, Xiao Qianyu of Juetian Pavilion raised his eyebrows and turned to say with a sneer to the'true virtue show'-"Dark Horse" The guys in the clubhouse, this time I will turn you over from the Prediction Master competition!"

True Dexiu put away the White Folding Fan, and a handsome smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Our dark horse clubhouse has always been a standout !"

Xiao Qianyu laughed!

"Hahaha, don't you think that this is my full strength? Open up your dog to see the true strength of this Young Master! Thousands of deaths count!"

But see , Xiao Qianyu’s right arm unexpectedly appeared numerous densely packed meteorite fragments like pebbles. Shimmering Luo listed myriad forms and rays of light.

His eyes hung upside down with the Sun and Moon Star River, as if he had seen through the secrets of heaven, and instantly locked the best route, and the omens presented by every step came into his eyes!

shua~ shua~ shua~ ~!

Xiao Qianyu takes one step and three feet, and the speed is extremely fast. Lotus Blooming at Every Step is more than three times faster than before!

He rushed to the fourth ten zhang position in one breath, and Luo Wuchang of the Great Desolate Hall laughed loudly: "The people of Juetian Pavilion are indeed somewhat capable, and this Young Master cannot be left behind. Now!"

After finishing speaking, a round of Great Desolate Sun Chakra appeared on Luo Wuchang's head. His eyes became as fierce as the sun, and he moved fast. He was not afraid of stepping on the steps of bad luck or bad luck at all. He was extremely confident. .

Each step will automatically change after being stepped on, so it is impossible to walk along the path of others. You must rely on your own'arithmetic' to deduce the danger and direction of the next step!

The balance was broken, and it instantly became a competition between Xiao Qianyu and Luo Wuchang, and Zhendexiu fell behind.

The two rushed to five hundred zhang distances like a hot knife through butter, and countless treasures were engulfed. They were plentiful harvest along the way, but after five hundred zhang, they also began to stagnate, because each step , It is extremely difficult to deduce the internal mystery.

When everyone was eagerly thinking that the strongest in the preliminary round would be decided by the two, a silhouette bounced up in an almost weird arc?

Countless people looked intently and gasped!

But seeing Zhen Dexiu actually holding a very tough long stick, he slammed upwards, bounced up and flew three feet, a free rotation of 360 degrees in the air fell down One step!

[Get 780,000 rune energy, 10,000 Thunder Element energy, 1 million innate talent points...]

I don’t know if it’s a coincidence or inevitable, every time the Zhende Show landed Always get high-quality attribute photospheres.

Seeing this horrible to see scene, the mouths of the massive audience and participating Prediction Masters trembled suddenly!

This fuck is absolutely!

In this cautious "fate ladder", any step may lead to misfortune elimination, catastrophe serious injury, each step is on the tip of the knife.

Why did he really play the pole vault in this situation?


It must be crazy!

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